Emily didn’t need to be told verbally that she ought to keep the life growing inside of her a secret.
She felt slightly guilty that she couldn’t talk to Serena about it. She had made a friend out of the dragon princess. Hell, she was her only friend. But sadly, the royalty had eyes and ears everywhere. And if Theodore wordlessly advised her to be tight-lipped about the matter, then she shall heed his words.
She was heading out of her and Theo’s bed chambers when she sensed Queen Tatiana nearby.
She smiled genuinely at her. “Afternoon Pr… Queen Tatiana,” she corrected herself in the nick of time.
The blond merely rolled her eyes and said, “Address me as Tatiana when we are in private.”
“Can I?” Emily’s eyes were wide as saucers as she bit on her bottom lip in worry.
Tatiana just nodded at her in response.
“Do you mind if we enter your bed chambers to discuss something?” She then asked, her eyes pleading.
It was Emily’s turn to nod in response. She didn’t see any harm in discussing whatever issue troubled the queen in their bed chambers.
Away from prying eyes, the queen allowed herself to fall onto the nearby chair unceremoniously. She looked tired right then. Even her vibrant blue eyes had mild bags under them.
“One second if you please,” Emily said before rushing to the bathroom, sensing that what wearied Tatiana’s heart so much needed privacy.
She opened the water faucet and the shower head before joining the queen in the bed chambers.
She nodded at her, as if to urge her to talk, and it wasn’t long before Tatiana released a sigh and then began soliloquizing, “Four years ago, I met Liam by chance in Roma. I was bewitched from the first moment. He is after all my fated mate. But for some reason I could not sense what he was although I acknowledged him as a supernatural. We spent the most beautiful day together – and had a passionate night too – only for him to disappear the morning after.”
“I don’t know the details, Tatiana, but I do have the distinctive feeling that he cares about you,” Emily said with a small smile.
“Yesterday,” the queen then began hesitantly, and even blushed slightly, “we were even more passionate about one another.”
Emily’s smile brightened, only to fall shortly after.
“There was an aphrodisiac candle burning in our bed chamber when we got back. The scent was so potent, we ended up marking one another.”
“Oh,” Emily didn’t know how to feel about that. She was happy they had claimed one another, but very much displeased with the fact that their choice was taken out of their hands.
“Don’t fret it,” Tatiana waved what she thought was worrying her off, “I am not accusing you or your mate.”
“I didn’t think you were, Tatiana,” Emily shook her head negatively.
“Why the long face then?” She raised an eyebrow at her.
“I just think it’s sad that you weren’t given a choice to make that decision yourselves,” she said on a dejected sigh.
“I intend to wage a cold war of sorts on their mother,” Tatiana said, and Emily had no doubt that she was talking about Queen Alexia. “I think she’s the one behind this scheme.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Emily was slightly perplexed.
“I wouldn’t want a pregnant woman to be caught in the crossfire,” she shrugged almost as if she had no care in the world, almost as if she didn’t just drop a bomb on Emily.
“How did you find out?” She squeaked out in surprise, finding denial futile.
“I didn’t,” Tatiana shook her head negatively at her. “But your reaction just now confirmed it. Congratulations are in order then, huh?” Her eyes were twinkling with glee and mischief.
“You tricked me,” Emily said with a pout.
“Don’t worry, little one,” Tatiana reassured her, “I won’t breathe a word about it. It isn’t my secret to tell. But I truly do not want any harm to befall you should the worst come to the worst.”
Emily nodded at that, and smiled at her, and then expressed her gratitude with a sweet “Thank you for the heads up.”
Tatiana was about to talk some more when Emily shook her head negatively at her and put a finger on her own lips.
Within seconds, the door opened to reveal a tired looking Theodore. Emily, who had sensed that her mate was approaching, didn’t want him to listen to a confession that wasn’t meant for his ears.
If Tatiana trusted her enough to confide in her, she shall prove that she was worthy of such trust.
“Oh, did I come at the wrong time?” He asked as he looked at the queen who had straightened up upon seeing him.
Emily was about to answer that but Tatiana beat her to it, “It’s okay. I was about to take my leave anyway.”
“Oh, Tatiana, are you sure?” Emily bit on her bottom lip.
“Positive,” she said in a chipper tone. “Thanks for the chat, Emily.”
“Most welcome,” was Emily’s response to that.
Theodore didn’t say anything and just announced he was going to take a shower.
Emily nodded at him and turned to watch the leaving Queen. She truly had everything going for her – the stunning looks, the proud walk, the startling elegance – and Emily realized just then that she truly stood no chance from the start.
She, who had led a commoner’s life since birth, could not compete with a royal upbringing no matter how much she was trained to become worthy of them.
Theodore emerged from the shower some time later. And Emily did her best not to ogle his chest. She looked stubbornly into his face and asked the question that burned her lips, “When are we leaving, Theo? It’s been over two weeks since Liam and Tatiana have been announced king and queen.”
“Don’t you worry, dorogaya,” he told her softly as he dried his hair with a towel, “Today is our farewell. Tomorrow we’ll be back at the estate, as per your wishes.”
She was almost taken aback by that. He hadn’t told her of his plans. But then again, he rarely divulged his plans, for fear of them being thwarted.
The palace had ears everywhere after all. And if his mother were to plot against their leaving, it would prove difficult to go about it without making a mess of things.