Laying, sated, next to the woman of his life, the woman who had managed to turn his life upside down without doing much, Theodore felt content for the very first time in his life. He felt whole, and no longer had a gaping hole within him. Even though she hadn’t said the words he desperately wanted to hear stumble out of her mouth, he couldn’t help but believe firmly that she did have feelings for him.
Call it his optimistic side. Call it foolishness… but he just had to believe she loved him. It made him feel less like a toy and more like a man worthy of her.
It was only 2 in the afternoon… but the growls of his stomach reminded him that they had skipped breakfast, and were about to miss lunch as well.
His beloved had her eyes closed. After the numerous climaxes he had given her, it was no wonder she was tired. He stroked her cheek lovingly, and she opened one eye at him.
“You’re a beast. I can’t go for another round,” she told him in a whisper, her voice barely a croak – she had cried out during their lovemaking way too much.
“I was about to offer to bring you lunch to bed,” he told her softly before placing a kiss on his lips.
She held on the sheet covering her body.
“I don’t want anyone to see me like this, not even Mrs. Steams,” she protested softly, the daze clearing out of her eyes.
“And you think I do?” He scoffed. Did she not know how possessive he was of her? “I’ll be the one to bring you lunch,” he went on.
Her eyes widened in surprise at that. She sat up in straight, and the sheet dropped, revealing her heavy breasts.
“You?” She squeaked out in an incredulous tone. “Do you even know your way to the kitchen?”
He felt himself start to harden again at the sight of her bare bosom.
Keep yourself in check, he inwardly chastised himself before answering her question. “It’s my estate, dorogaya. I sure hope I know my way around it.”
She giggled at him before realizing her state of undress and holding the sheet up to her neck again.
“There’s not one inch of skin I have not seen,” he chuckled darkly. “I need to feed you first before I even engage in another round.”
She blushed to his pleasure.
And with that, he left the bed, dressed casually, and then left the room.
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
After having lunch and taking a much needed nap, Emily was ready to fire some questions at Theodore.
“Why did you bite me?” She asked timidly.
“I did a lot of biting,” he drawled lazily. “Which one are you referring to?”
“This one,” she pointed at one just above her left nipple.
“Ah, that’s your mark, dorogaya,” he told her softly, a proud smile stretching his lips.
“My mark?” She echoed after him, kind of dumbfounded she’d have to admit.
“Yes, that means you’re mine for all eternity.”
“Okay,” she was confused still, and both her expression and her tone of voice must have given her away.
“All supernaturals mark their mates,” he explained. “The mark enables mates to have kids – whether they be fated or chosen mate. It also wards off any unwanted attention.”
She nodded her head. “Do I get to mark you as well?”
“Once you turn,” he nodded at her.
“Sweet,” she smiled at him. And then his words sank in, “What do you mean by when I turn? Will I become a dragon as well? Will I grow scales?”
“You’ll only have scales when you turn, dorogaya,” he said softly before pressing his lips to hers.
“Wow! I never thought that getting involved with my handsome boss would bring so many changes to my life.”
“Handsome, huh?” He repeated after her, as if the compliment she had made him was the only thing on his mind.
“Yeah, very,” she told him with a nod.
“Go on,” he urged her.
“My handsome, dominant and yet aloof boss…” she told him, starting to feel all hot and bothered once again.
“Yours, huh?” He drawled sarcastically.
“Aren’t you?” Her eyes widened dramatically at that.
“I am, dorogaya,” he assured her. “I have been yours since the first time I laid eyes on you.”
“That’s good to know,” she smirked, her fingers tracing patterns on his – once again – bare torso.
“You’re playing with fire, mate,” he told her huskily.
“I just love the burn. What can I say?”
And with that, they went for yet another round.
It was close to 7 pm when they emerged, fully dressed, from the master bedroom.
They found the live-in housekeeper talking to the cook about tomorrow’s menu.
“Mrs. Steams,” Theodore called for her attention.
“Mr. King,” the woman turned to the couple. The looks she addressed Emily were full of disdain, and her mouth was set into a thin disapproving line. “Ms. Nill.”
“Kindly meet the mistress of the house,” he told her matter-of-factly as he hugged Emily sideways.
“Pardon?” She exclaimed incredulously.
“She’ll overlook everything regarding the estate from now on,” he went on.
Emily, who hadn’t expected that, blushed and could only smile at the housekeeper who had once been overly strict towards her. But then again, the elderly woman was strict with everyone.
“Well then, I’ll be in your care, Ms. Nill,” she said in a resigned tone.
“Likewise, Mrs. Steams,” she smiled awkwardly at her, feeling the animosity that was directed at her.
Theodore and Emily went to the gardens, sat on a bench, and then almost as if just remembering the harsh reality, she asked, “That man who attacked us yesterday…”
“He’s been taken care of,” he told her icily.
“What do you mean?” She asked, worriedly biting on her bottom lip.
“I mean to say that I have had trained men interrogate him.”
She let out a stunned “Oh” at that.
“I now have a name,” he sneered, his expression made of stone. “Today is our day, dorogaya. Tomorrow, your mate will go hunting.”
Just be safe, she inwardly said, worried about his well-being more than she could admit.