28. Sweet Secret

Book:Falling For A Prince Published:2025-2-8

It was the 3rd of September, and Emily was late again. Yes, she no longer had to come to the estate on foot – perks of dating the owner – and was instead back to using the bus.
Mrs Steams opened the door to her, and she could have sworn her eyes were chiding her despite the courteous nod she gave her in acknowledgment.
“Morning, Mrs. Steams,” she greeted her agreeably.
“Morning, Ms. Nill. Young master Theodore is waiting for his breakfast,” short, to the point, and kind of reprimand-full still.
Emily didn’t mind it. She just smiled at the elderly woman brightly and told her, “On it.”
She headed straight to the kitchen, got the tray ready, and then up the stairs she went.
She didn’t have the chance to knock on the door. Theodore opened the door to his room, a smile ready on his face, and she couldn’t help but wonder how he did that, how he just knew she had arrived.
She was reminded of the day she broke down in tears, not too long ago, at the thought of him leaving. She remembered what he had told her too, how he’d take her with him should he need to leave.
She didn’t believe it entirely, but she hoped he was that fond of her to believe it himself at least.
“A penny for your thoughts?” He closed the distance between them, took the tray from her hands, and leaned over to softly peck her lips.
“I just can’t thank my lucky stars enough,” she just told him with a sweet smile.
“Why?” He asked, a smirk playing on his lips. “Because your lucky stars granted you a handsome boss such as me? Filthy rich too and doting…”
“Aren’t you a bit over-confident?” She said in a teasing tone as she giggled.
“Well, I am, aren’t I?” He simply said as he placed the tray on the nightstand and then turned to face her. “Are you saying I’m not handsome, Ms. Nill?”
“Oh, I would never,” she claimed, before exploding into a fit of giggles.
“Are you saying I’m not good enough for you?” He went on.
And she could have sworn she tasted a hint of doubt-slash-insecurity in his words.
“Oh, Theo – I can call you Theo, right? – you have no idea…” she said softly as she cupped his face. “You’re more than enough. You’re everything I ever wished for in Mr Right.”
“You believe in Mr Right?” He said with a little bit of hope.
“I believe in happily ever after endings too. Imagine that!” She exclaimed jokingly even though she was being sincere.
“Kindly do not toy with my heart,” he implored her, his eyes pleading with her to just say the truth.
“From the bottom of my heart, I do believe in all of that,” she told him softly, and then got up on her tiptoes to place a soft kiss on his mouth.
“Good, because I believe in all of that shit as well.” She doubted his words, and it must have shown on her face for he soon added, “I didn’t before but I do now.” Her heart thudded with hope. “Now that I met you, tables have turned. I am a changed man already. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
She silenced him, putting an end to his rambling – and possibly a sweet confession too – by claiming his lips in a kiss.
“Let’s take it easy. One step at a time.” She told him earnestly, her insecurities getting the best of her once again.
“As you wish, milady,” he said, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, as if there was some joke she wasn’t following.
** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Theodore had been taking it slowly with his mate, and yet she demanded that he carried on at the very same pace. Didn’t she see the fire in his eyes each they collided with hers?
He wanted to see her bearing his mark, carrying his child – or children for that matter. But above all, he wanted her to be happy, to always sport a smile.
And thus, he didn’t dare to contradict her when she said they ought to take it one step at a time.
He shall have her sooner or later. He shall make her his come hell or high water. And not even a rampaging vampire army was going to dissuade him from claiming her.
She didn’t know the lengths he’d go to for her. And blissfully unaware as she was, she tested his patience sometimes.
Theodore King was, however, a gentleman through and through.
And he shall never force her to do his bidding. He had never had to coax a woman into his bed. They all came willingly – way too willingly to his taste.
He quite enjoyed his mate’s innocence more than he would like to admit. And yet, that made him want to awaken her sensuality all the more.
“You’re driving me nuts, dorogaya,” he said softly as she went to pick an outfit for him. “But I care far too much about you to not want to grant your every wish.”
Even when she was out of earshot, he couldn’t bring himself to say I love you. Having never said the words to anyone, not even family, the words were much too foreign even if he did know them.
When she emerged from the dressing room, looking divine without her glasses – which he had gotten rid of – and hair down – as per his request – he couldn’t help but wish their days here in recluse at the estate would last eternally.
But sadly, they wouldn’t. He knew as much.
“What’s that frown I see, Mr. King?” She said teasingly, and then scowled herself, “Is my choice of outfit for the day not to your taste?”
He shook his head negatively and then said, “I could care less about that. You want me in that outfit, I’ll be in that outfit. Plain and simple.”
“Really?” She looked stunned for a moment there.
“Of course.” He nodded, his frown replaced by a smile.
“Is it work-related? How are you going to conduct your business if you’re going to stay at the estate?” She then asked softly.
“No, it’s more like family-related,” he deadpanned, as always never one to lie, even though he could maneuver the truth to work in his favor sometimes.
“Oh,” she said, eyes widening perceptibly. “Do you think that dating me is going to be a problem?”
Oh, he planned to do more than just date her. Only he wasn’t about to shock her that way so soon.
Baby steps, he reminded himself.
“I hope not,” he said simply.
Oh, it was going to be a problem alright. A problem he was intent on delaying for the moment.
The next time he was going to meet his family, he was going to be a mated dragon – or so he wished.
“I hope so too,” she said timidly. “But if I am a nuisance to you…”
He didn’t allow her to finish before engulfing her in a hug.
“You’re not,” he whispered softly before kissing the top of her head. “Never say that again.”
She nodded at him and released a sigh of relief.
Emily would never be a nuisance to him. But she could very well be everything the throne despised – human, fragile, and innocent. The throne loved strong, impassible, and cunning. And it was for that very reason that he didn’t want them to find out about him finding his mate just yet.
She was his sweet little secret. A secret he needed to cherish and protect with all his might.