Theodore was elated to have made his mate feel horny for him – for lack of a better word – but wounding her had not been on his to-do list. He only chuckled because he couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t trust his words.
He didn’t know how to deal with an angry woman. He had never had to flirt before, never mind trying to get re-conciliated with a woman. Women flocked to him usually, eager for what he had to offer, lusting after his body, his title, and his money. But he never took any of the flings he had seriously.
He had long ago lost all hope on finding his mate, but it didn’t feel right to settle with a woman that wasn’t his to claim. He therefore preferred the solitude, the bitter loneliness, that came with being a womanizer.
He led an easy life really, no matter how dark it could get. And then she – Emily Nill – came into his life, making him doubt everything.
She was undeniably too innocent to belong to his world. But did that mean he was ready to stop pursuing her? Naturally not. He was intent and bent on making her his, and on having her under him, the sooner the better, for both their sanity.
He was going to be like a persistent pest since he had no choice – with her being a blissfully ignorant human – but to win her over that way. She’d warm up to him eventually.
He rose to his feet, made sure not to put on a shirt and then went into the bathroom. He found her cleaning the shower room while muttering to herself. “Players… players and their insensitiveness.”
Cute, he thought to himself. She thinks I’m a player, and an insensitive one too.
He cleared his throat to get her attention.
Her head snapped up at once. And she had the decency to blush at having been caught cursing him.
She tried to play it cool though. “You need the bathroom, sir?”
“Yeah, a shower sounds good,” he told her, a small smirk adorning his face.
“Sure,” she nodded. “Let me just rinse this.”
He leaned on the door frame and watched her like a hawk watches his prey before pouncing.
Not again, he thought to himself as he became hard for her again.
When was she going to be a willing partner already? He couldn’t wait… but man, he shall enjoy the chase!
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Emily was busy dusting off imaginary dust on the pristine furniture of young master Theodore’s room when he emerged from the shower in nothing but a towel.
Oh, the blush she sported must be absolutely absurd to him! Or so she reasoned from the smirk playing on his lips.
“Do you need the room?” She did her very best not to choke on her saliva. Yes, she had drooled a little bit. In her defense, he was ridiculously attractive.
He shook his head negatively. “I need you too choose an outfit for me. I’m going to have a meeting later on.”
“But I don’t know what…” she began to protest but her protest died on her lips when he approached her, his mesmerizing gray orbs focused on studying her face.
“Do you not like this job, Emily?”
“I do,” she hurried to say, feeling like she just might get fired for saying the wrong words. “It’s just that…”
“Any outfit will do. I’ll trust your taste,” he said with a small smile.
Emily bit on her bottom lip in worry and went to his dressing room.
You can do this, Emily, she told herself. You can do this.
She looked at the numerous suits, the multiple shirts, and other less formal clothes, and a frown showed up on her face. What was she to choose? There were so many possibilities. Way too many possibilities for this to go completely wrong.
She gulped down her dread.
Think of complimentary colors. Think of what would look best on him. Just think of something! You need the job and it’s on the damned line.
She ended up picking two suits, one gray – the same shade as his eyes – and the other blue, with somewhat matching finely-strapped shirts. She exited the dressing room soon after a small mental-prep.
“Have you chosen an outfit for me already?” He asked almost amiably. But it sounded like he was having too much fun tormenting her.
He was sitting on the edge of the bed, still in nothing but a towel. He looked like sin incarnate. And Emily almost wished the towel would come undone.
“Two actually, sir,” she did her best to look at his face as she said that.
“Okay. Choose one,” he instructed without missing a beat as he kept on looking at his phone.
“I don’t know…” she said meekly.
His eyes snapped to her. They were narrowed and she feared for the worst. “You’re allowed to do mistakes. But have confidence in yourself and make a choice.”
She nodded at him, released a breath she didn’t know she was holding, and then said, “Then the blue one might suit you.”
He rose to his feet at that, threw his phone carelessly on the bed, and then said, “Thank you for the help.”
“Anytime,” she told him in a squeak.
She hated herself for how weak and affected she sounded. She also hated him, his damned good looks, and his charm, for how weak they made her.
He held out a hand and she gave him the suit, along with the shirt she thought would match it best. “That wasn’t so terrible, now was it?”
She could only force a smile on her face.
Had she known she’d have to get cozy with him, and act like a loving wife who’s putting together her husband’s outfit for the day, she wouldn’t have been eager to cross him and call him out on his teasing earlier.
She was sure this wasn’t a task he usually gave to Mrs. Steams. She knew that he just wanted to play with her – she just knew it.
God, let me keep my cool the next time he teases me! She mentally prayed.
“You want me to put on a show for you?” He said, bringing her out of her reveries.
His words weren’t infused with sarcasm. But they weren’t angry either.
Oh god, why was she still in the room? It was obvious he needed it to get changed.
She stammered on an apology, and was quick to leave the room.
Be still, my heart, she put a hand on her chest as if that would stop her heart from beating so wildly.
Good god, how she wished the day would end already! She wasn’t sure she could take much more of his teasing.
Why did a notorious, good looking, and wealthy, player like himself feel the urge to tease little boring her? It didn’t make a sense. And she’d be damned if she fell into his trap.
Mrs. Steams was right. It would only spell trouble for her. He stood to lose absolutely nothing.
I shall do my best to resist you, Mr. King, she vowed.