To say Theodore was unnerved by the guy’s obvious interest in his mate would be an understatement. So he didn’t know the competition yet, but he would make sure the man, whoever he was, would get nothing – absolutely naught – from his dear Emily.
He tried to flirt with her by telling her to get in in a roundabout way, and he failed at his attempt. She didn’t even smile at him.
Even worse, she was as closed off as they came.
Theodore was kind of annoyed by his mate’s silence. He couldn’t understand her. Weren’t women always eager to talk?
He turned to look at her as he stopped the car on the side of the road after about ten minutes.
“This is not…” she began to say and then blushed – adorably, he might add – as she probably realized she had not told him where she lived.
“I’m sorry,” she tended to apologize a lot, he realized. “Were you driving aimlessly all this time?”
“No worries,” he told her. “I’m in no rush.”
And he wasn’t for anything… Save for seducing her maybe.
Okay, not maybe – positively.
She gave him instructions to her place.
“Do you live alone?” He asked, trying to break the tense atmosphere.
There it was again. One-word answers.
“Why is that?”
“My parents passed away 2 months ago.”
Short and to the point, not a hint of emotion in her voice. That was almost spoken off-handedly. And yet it had only been 2 months. What was wrong with his mate?
But more importantly, why wasn’t she feeling the same kind of destructive attraction he felt for her?
Was she apathetic at the moment because of the shock of her parents’ passing? If so, he shall rein in his beast and take it slowly for her sake.
His resolution made, he told her he was sorry for her loss.
That’s when she snapped at him – kind of anyway. “You didn’t know them.”
“I didn’t,” he agreed with her, not knowing what was so wrong with what he said.
“Then don’t be sorry,” she spat out with venom.
Okay, so his mate definitely had some issues regarding her parents’ passing. If she couldn’t accept a sincere condolences, that surely spelled trouble.
He shall get her to grieve properly and then overcome the pain and the loss. He shall also cherish her like no other man could – or would. That was the promise of a lifetime.
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Emily could barely believe herself. How could she talk to her employer like that? Hell, since when did she have a snappy tone at all?
She had always been a shy and timid girl who barely spoke her mind. What happened to that girl?
She reasoned grimly that a part of her died when her parents passed away.
“Are you okay there?” She was snapped out of her musings by her employer’s voice.
“I’m okay,” she squeaked out in a meek tone. “Sorry about earlier.”
“Don’t be,” came his reassuring answer.
She didn’t bother to look at his face. He was far too handsome, way too attractive, for her well-being. And she didn’t need any reminder to know they couldn’t be meant to be. They were from different worlds after all – he from the rich and wealthy society, and she from the most humble people of the working class.
It wasn’t long before they reached her building. It wasn’t in the best shape or state, but it was the only she could afford rent in. And she was glad to have a roof on her head.
She thanked him softly, removed her seatbelt, and was out of the car before he got to tell her anything.
She didn’t want him to pity her. She didn’t want anyone to pity her – but even more so him for some reason.
Think of Paul, she told herself sternly. Paul is the safe choice.
There’s no choice to be made, the reasonable part of her argued. You’re just delusional.
With a sigh and a heavy heart, she got into her building, ascended the stairs that led her to the flat in which she resided, and was soon laying on her bed.
How could a man, any man, affect her so much?
She remembered how her heart basically fluttered when he had touched her arm, and how some kind of electric shock went through her skin, making her shiver deliciously.
When was the last time something like this happened to her? There was no last time. She couldn’t compare the experience to any she had had before – not that she had much experience to begin with.
He was many years her senior. He was also her employer. Not to mention that he was a filthy rich whatever-he-did-for-a-job who was eccentric enough, and antisocial enough, to want to stay at his estate with basically no one other than the staff – whom he didn’t want to meet.
Was he even sane?
More importantly though, was she?
How could she feel so strongly for a man she didn’t know, and barely had the occasion to interact with a handful of times?
Oh yeah, she wasn’t sane. Now, she was certain of it.
People say one can love at first sight. She didn’t believe that. It was a myth. But one can find themselves attracted greatly from just one glance, right?
She shook her head and softly chided herself, “Stop thinking about him.”
Her eyes widened. “Great! Now I’m talking to myself.”
She rose off her bed at once, headed to the small bathroom, and hopped into the shower. It’d soothe away her worries, and calm her down no doubt.
She hoped that young master Theodore, as Mrs. Steams called him when he wasn’t within earshot, would not star in any of her dreams – or nightmares for that matter.
She valued her sanity and her self-esteem. And she didn’t think having a crush on her dangerously hot employer would help her keeping both.
Life wasn’t easy. But then again, people were born to live, but were not necessarily prepared for the ride.