Chapter 19

Book:The Alpha's Seduction Published:2025-2-8

Jonathan’s pov:
She had purposefully accepted all of his touches and even initiated some. She had not shrugged his arm off in the cinema theater. She had brushed her hand against his so he would hold it. She might have even kissed him when I had gone to bring Katherine along. And who knew what else she might have done when he had dropped her off. All of her cunning smiles, her giggles, and her flirtatious attitude had driven me crazy with jealousy, and I had snapped and kissed her despite my resolution not to though I did not regret it.
I was almost ashamed to say I had dragged a fellow werewolf into my mate’s little game; but then again, it wasn’t like Katherine minded it one bit. On the contrary, I was sure she’d have no qualms bedding me on the first opportunity she thought she might have. She had even gone as far as try to tempt me last night, with her following me into my room after we had come back to the pack house in nothing but a flimsy nightgown. One thing she must not have expected was to find a flying object welcoming her at the door right as she opened it. She had passed out before she could even attempt to seduce me thank god.
I had almost unconsciously broken the wooden desk into pieces with a punch; and then both the bed and the wardrobe went crashing against the walls. I had been blinded with rage and could barely contain it. I just had to let it out.
Before I could even think about it, I was at the door of the pack house, three floors down, yelling I was going for a run.
I had spent the night out, taking out my frustration on the innocent trees. As I stood now in front of the mansion-like pack house, I was thankfully a much calmer person and admittedly an ashamed alpha-ultra. I had been too angry to think straight and that wasn’t something to take lightly.
Especially considering my age, I mused bitterly. I was sixty years old for heaven’s sake! How could I lose my cool like that? It wasn’t acceptable.
Damn right, my wolf readily agreed in a reproaching tone. Next time you see that kid, rip him to pieces, and then make sure our mate knows who she belongs to.
Save your worthless advice, was my answer to that. My mate was a feisty witch who didn’t like to be told what to do. If I were to force her to be with me, that would only draw her further away from me. My wolf liked doing things ruthlessly when it came to fights, and should he be given the chance, he would more often than not act rashly. I couldn’t possibly allow that, especially where Jasmine was concerned.
We’ll need to seduce her into believing we’re better for her, I told him firmly before shutting him off just as he was about to protest.
I inwardly sighed, knowing he wouldn’t be thrilled with my actions, and then slightly rubbed my temples trying to ease their pounding. It wasn’t an everyday occurrence that I chose to shut him off, and it certainly wasn’t an easy task it brought headaches.
I gave the front door a resolution-filled look before taking the very few steps that separated me from it and entering the pack house. The Sunshine’s pack was a strong one though not the strongest there was out there, but I felt at ease with its members, and that was all that mattered to me. Even though I was their alpha-ultra, that didn’t mean they had to accept me. Nevertheless, their alpha had welcomed me into his home with open arms and so did his pack.
And how did I repay them? I mentally admonished myself, thinking about that messed up room I had left behind; then winced when I remembered the unconscious body I had left unceremoniously sprawled at the door Katherine.
Upon opening the front door, a large hallway welcomed me. To my right was the big living-room and next to it was the alpha’s office, along with some rooms. To my left, I could hear voices coming out of the kitchen. I chose to go that way and ignore my desire to ascend the stairs that were at the end of the hallway and that would have eventually led me to my room.
As I entered the kitchen, I saw Kyle, the alpha, sitting at the head of the table, flanked on his sides by, Jennifer, his mate, and his beta, his younger brother, Andrew. Sat at the table were some other pack members including Katherine. The kitchen quieted down at my arrival. Hell, all of the werewolves except the aforementioned ones left in what could only be described as hurry. There was only one way to explain that; they were scared of yet another anger display, and that could be understandable.
“Come have breakfast with us,” the alpha offered kindly, smiling my way, his eyes shining with understanding. Both his mate and his brother nodded in agreement and silent welcoming.
Katherine, on the other hand, had hung her head low and would not meet my eyes.
“Last night, I did not expect you to come looking for me,” I told her as I chose to sit on the chair opposite hers. That was as close to an apology as she could get, and she obviously knew it since she raised her head and nodded at me in a way that meant she forgave me. Then, almost all too soon, her eyes turned seductive and her lips pouting.
She was back at it. Couldn’t she give it a rest already? She knew I had found my mate for crying out loud!
After what seemed like an eternity of comfortable silence, Kyle, Jennifer and Andrew left, leaving me to eat in peace, under Katherine’s watchful eyes.
“You know you could get any girl anytime anywhere,” she brought me out of my reverie.
“The problem is I only desire one.”
I didn’t even spare her a glance. She will not make me feel guilty for what happened yesterday, I will not allow her to. I mused, smelling her arousal and feeling quite disgusted with it. It had been nothing short of a regretful accident, one I had apologized for and didn’t intend to pay for by agreeing to her silly wishes I was not going to cheat on my mate, even though she’d probably have no qualms doing the exact same thing herself.
“Well,” damn it, she was persistent. “If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me.” Her tone, though it was meant to be seductive, achieved nothing but making me on the verge of being sick.
She then left the kitchen, leaving me to my thoughts, and I couldn’t have been more thankful for she had done something good at last. I almost regretted having had to take her to that restaurant as she was having false hopes.
Just as I finished munching on the granola bar I had been absentmindedly eating, I sensed a presence that didn’t belong to any of the pack members. That person was approaching and soon enough, leaning on the door frame, stood a tall guy that looked to be in his early twenties. He was well-built though not in a buffy way, he had dirty blond hair that was styled messily and bright green eyes that said one ought to be careful around him. Strangely enough, he was neither a werewolf nor a vampire. Could he be a warlock? I couldn’t say for sure.
His scent wasn’t one I recognized yet I couldn’t help but think I had smelt it somewhere.
“You must be Jonathan,” he started mid-seriously mid-lightly, “my little Jasmine’s mate.” That ‘my’ he used was definitely unnerving.
Should we kill him? My wolf snarled in my mind unexpectedly I had been too busy with that stranger to keep him shut out. Damn it, that wolf made me want to roll my eyes at him. I was a very possessive guy, I knew that, but my wolf had long since surpassed me. He only believed in killing where Jasmine was concerned.
“And who might you be?” I hissed through gritted teeth, rising to my feet.
Straightening up in a nonchalant way that made him that much more despicable, taking a defiant step forward with an unflinching gaze trained on me, he kindly informed me, a teasing grin tugging at the corner of his mouth, “I’m Karl, Jasmine’s cousin.”
Damn it, I knew I had smelt that scent somewhere on her, that day I had gone to her house.
Look who came! Why’s he here? Did something happen to Jasmine? my wolf was starting to freak out again and I couldn’t help but shut him off again despite the headache that awaited me.
“And how may I help you?” my tone had definitely softened as well; I was finding him much less annoying by the second.
“I just need to have a word with you.”