“So, what are you planning to do for your birthday, Jas?” My little brother Jake asked me after a while, trying to break the deafening silence.
I stared into his sparkling grey eyes and answered him smugly, a grin tugging at the corner of my mouth, “Seth, Carla, Tim and I are going to the movies then probably dinner,” I threw a pointed look towards Jonathan before adding in a flat tone that was slightly bordering on the smug, “On a double date.”
Our dear alpha-ultra choked on his water, and he was soon glaring at me while gripping the glass really hard.
Oh well, if it breaks this time, it won’t be my fault so to speak, I smiled at him sweetly, widening my eyes for a more innocent look.
“Maybe you should…err, think about it, honey,” my mom looked almost desperate to make Jonathan relax as she gave me that little advice.
He was taking deep breaths again and I couldn’t help but internally sigh in dismay. This was seriously getting old. Did I really have to get a mate; and with anger issues, no less?
Damn it, life really sucks. I inwardly groaned.
“Mom, it was planned two weeks ago,” I whined, “Besides, Tim will be devastated if I bailed on him now.”
“He would probably understand, you barely had two dates before.” She countered; the warning almost palpable in her voice.
“Besides, I already bought the dress,” I reminded her, still using that sweet tone of mine. “You know, the off-white one, a little past mid-thigh, with a cute black ribbon?” I clarified, more for Jonathan’s benefit than hers.
“You wouldn’t anger your mate like that, honey?” My father asked rather than stated.
Are you serious, dad? I wanted to scoff but refrained from doing so… I could get away with making Jonathan jealous and angry, but I wouldn’t not in a million years want to face the wrath that could be my parents’.
“You see, we agreed to be friends as a start; so it shouldn’t bother him,” I looked at Jonathan, batting my eyelashes in a supposed-to-be innocent way but I was pretty sure he saw right through the act, “Right?”
If his briefly darkening eyes were any indication, I’d say he didn’t like my taunting him very much. He noisily cleared his throat then grumbled a “right”. His posture was stiff, his features all taut, and his smile most definitely not convincing but hey, who was I to complain? I was doing this my way.
“See?” I turned to my parents, my stare lingering on mom, finding the disapproving look in her eyes quite annoying.
Let the game begin.
Everything was at stake; my principles, my present, my future – my whole life, god dammit!
I have to fight, I thought, my resolution definitely made, I can’t lose this perilous game, I need to win.
He took me by surprise earlier and even scored, thanks to my stupid body and irritating hormones. His closeness was one hell of a challenge to my senses; I couldn’t even bring my brain to function correctly. I was practically ashamed to admit I couldn’t think straight at the time.
The thing is, I need to keep a coherent mind at all times, and that is exactly the reason why I won’t be letting him approach me like that anytime soon, I inwardly nodded at myself in approval as if sealing the deal.
The feeling he gave me might be great, but the chaos in my mind at the time was a disaster. I can’t have a relationship based on lust and carnal pleasures no matter how good they are; it has to be reasonable. Everything must be rational for me. I can’t possibly allow myself to get emotionally involved for that would only lead to trouble.
I just need a guy who understands me, likes me for me, and respects me. I don’t think I can manage with a loving, protective, and jealously possessive alpha-ultra, now can I?
Ugh, seriously. I don’t know. I’m not even sixteen… Just let me be!
I sensed a frown making its way on my face. Damn those musings! Quickly recomposing my features, I stared at my discreetly fuming mate. He was not going to make it easy for me. Good thing I was tempted to go to any length to have it my way.