She hits the tv and lands with a thud onto the ground. William whimpers but knows to never come between a Luna and her challenger.
She shakes her furry head and growls with anger. She just doesn’t know when to stop… She bolts toward me and I jump over her with ease, landing lightly on the hardwood floor. She slips and slides, trying to stop and turn around, but accidentally crashing into the door frame. My wolf laughs and I hold in a giggle. I casually walk outside because I don’t want the house to become a war zone. Sarah jumps onto my back and tries to bite my shoulder. but before she could even get close, I grab her paw and rip her off of me. She whimpers and she rolls to a stop.
Just then I see William shift and barrel toward me. Where’s Anita? I feel an incredible amount of pressure in my chest and realize I was just tackled by William. I feel betrayed! I mean yeah, He raped me And stuff but we had some good times too. William snaps at me and I quickly dodge his dagger-like teeth. Infuriated and threatened, my wolf pushes for full control. But I know there will be no stopping her blood lust if I give in.
Just as I’m about to lose it, William is pounced on by a large, black wolf with blood red eyes.
I shake off the dirt on my white coat but am jumped and pinned to the ground by Sarah. So much for keeping my coat clean… She sinks her teeth into my shoulder and I howl in pain. This, of course, alerts Leo who is beating the crap out of William. His full attention is on Sarah who is ripping into my skin. William tries to get up to save his ‘precious’ mate but is too hurt. Leo snarls and Sarah immediately jumps off of me. She lays on the ground, exposing her neck in submission. I want to scoff because there is no way she is going to get out of this.
William manages to pick himself up and he shoots toward Leo. I’ve had enough! As he’s fixing to pounce Leo, I ram into his side and he goes rolling across the ground. Before he could even react, I bite into his neck. Just a little more pressure and he would be dead. I drag him toward Leo who is fighting Sarah and winning by a landslide. He sees me and easily grabs her by the neck and we lead the couple to the prison.
“What will happen to them?” I ask while cleaning the bite mark on my shoulder.
I was a little too confident….
“They will be thrown out and become rogues. Normally, they would be executed buy I can’t do that to Anita.. She’s too young to become an orphan.” He says as he runs his hands down my arms from behind.
Sparks from his touch makes me shiver and instinctively close my eyes. A peaceful Silence comes over us as we stand there enjoying each others touch. The dim light from my reading lamp makes the whole room look eerie but I don’t mind. Leo kisses my mark he gave me so long ago and my whole body feels like jello. Shivers go up my spine and a quiet moan escapes my lips.
“I had today playing out a little differently in my mind.” He whispers in my ear.
“And how did you see today planning out?” I ask, trying to stand on my own two feet.
“With you wearing this.” He whispers.
I feel his warm breath hit my skin and my body becomes useless as I lean into him. I feel his arm shift a little and I open my eyes slightly to see what he was showing me. My eyes nearly pop out of my head when I see him holding up a black, velvet box with a diamond ring sitting perfectly inside it. I open my mouth to say something but only air comes out. He moves out from behind me and stands I front of me. He gets down on one knee and my heart skips a beat.
“Mira Anderson, the second I saw you, I knew I would never love anyone as much as I loved you right then and there. I died every day with you not in my arms and once I had you there, I never wanted to let go. Every time you laugh, my heart flutters and every time you glance my way my heart stops. You are funny, kind, brave and most importantly, you are mine. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Mira. Will you marry me?” He asks and he nervously gulps.
I try to get words out but they are stuck in my throat. Tears prick my eyes and I cover my mouth with my hands. After a couple tries with words and failing, I furiously nod my head. He grins from ear to ear and slides the ring on my finger. He wraps his arms around me and spins me around. I squeal and feel him gently place me down.
He grabs my face and presses his lips against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself impossibility closer to him. He grabs me around the waist and pulls me even closer. I lustful growl escapes his lips but I just ignore it. Our lips dance together wildly and my hands find his soft, dark hair. He breaks away and starts kissing my neck, all the way down to my mark which is super sensitive to my mate’s touch. His tongue grazes my mark and I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, trying to hold in a moan. He places butterfly kisses up my neck until he finds my lips again. He pecks my lips but then pulls away. He smiles at me and kisses my forehead.
“I love you, Mira.”
“I love you too, Leo.”
Just then, jerk face walks into mine and Leo’s bedroom with Racheal and Anita in his arms. He looks beyond exhausted and I walk over to him, taking both of them from poor jerk face.
“Thanks.” He breathes.
He let out a breath and leans up against the door frame.
“I’m never having kids.” He says.
I laugh at his statement and pat him on the shoulder. He’s such a dork.
“Thanks for watching them jerk face.”
He gives a weak smile and nods.
“Anything for you teacup.” He whispers and winks at me. Leo rolls his eyes and smirks. He’s gotten used to mine and jerk face’s friendship so he knows that jerk face is no threat.
“So, what are you going to do with Anita? She can’t go with her parents.” Jerk face asks.
Me and Leo have already decided on what to do.
“We are going to give her to Leo’s sister, She recently lost a child and she really wants Anita”. i say.
Jerk face nods and then steps out of the room, into the hallway.
“So uh… I should get going. Bye teacup!” He yells as he walks away.
Leo gently takes Anita from me and kisses the top of my head.
“I’ll be back. I have to bring my sister her new daughter.”
He says with a genuine smile.
I smile back and nod. He walks out and I’m left with Racheal . I would say that I’m alone but Leo has posted guards at the door when he’s gone. I sigh and sit in a rocking chair in the corner of the room. Racheal plays with my necklace for a moment then slowly drifts off to sleep. I walk to her nursery, which is next door, and place her in the crib. Two guards stay in the nursery at all times and two outside the door, so I can go back to mine and Leo room and sleep soundly. I curl up in the covers and instantly fall asleep.
It wasn’t until Leo’s arms wrap around me when my wolf purrs and sends me into a deep sleep.