Forty two

Book:The wolf in me Published:2025-2-8

I’m so tired of their bickering. I latch Racheal onto my breast and let her eat. I hum the lullaby I heard Leo sing and at her perfect features. She stares at me with her icy blue eyes that seem to see right through my soul. I smile when she yawns
“Are you tired sweetie?” I ask her in a baby voice.
I hear Leo begin to yell and my heart rate picks up. He wouldn’t break his promise would he?
No… I stand up and sway back and forth, trying to get Racheal to sleep but she won’t while they are screaming at each other. I roll my eyes and begin to walk to the door. I’m gonna give them a piece of my mind!
Just as I’m about to reach the door, a hand covers my mouth and I’m jerked back. I stumble but gain my footing. I thrash around but didn’t dare hurt Racheal while doing so. I feel another hand try to grab Racheal from my arms and my wolf tries to take over. I throw my head back as hard as I can and feel a my skull connect with someone’s face.
I hear a low growl that I’ve never heard before. It was the most evil and feral sound I’ve ever heard in my life. I thrash around and to get out of his grasp. I run to the door but the man grabs me by the hair. I try to scream but the only thing I can get out is an airy whimper. I look for something to fight back with but the only thing I saw was a clock… Wait! I had an idea! I grab the clock and throw it into the tv, making it fall to the floor with a loud crash.
I then manage to get out a bloodcurdling scream. Racheal is snatched out of my arms and begin to panic. Before I could turn around I feel a cold metal slash against my throat. Warm blood gushes out of my gash and I start choking on my own blood. I start gurgling on my blood and I fall to my knees. I try to call out Leo’s name but it just come out in a bloody gurgle. Before I know it, I’m laying on the floor choking on my own blood.
The last thing I see is the door burst open and someone screams. My eyes close and my gurgling stops. My chest stops rising and my skin goes pale.
Leo’s POV
This can’t be happening!! My mate’s throat is slit and my baby girl is in another man’s arms! I see her eyes grow wide and her chest stop rising. A mournful wail escapes me and I fall to my knees.
No! No! No! No! No! My mate isn’t dead! She can’t be dead! I just got her back! I see her eyes slowly close as she exhales her last breath
I stare at the man who killed my only reason to live and snarl. He snarls right back and his hold on Racheal tightens. The only thing I have left of Mira is in this monster’s arms, and I’m getting her back! I weakly stand up and wipe my tears away. He’s gonna die! I begin to pounce him but I then remember Racheal . I release a frustrated breath and step back
“Are you too much of a chicken fight me without the protection of a newborn in your arms?!” I snarl.
“No, I’m smart enough to fight you with a newborn in my arms. I haven’t lived for 2000 years by being stupid boy. “the man says.
Did he just say 2000 years? Is he a…. oh crap! I growl and my wolf begins to take over. I hold it back and strain to speak.
“Please give me my daughter back. She’s the only thing I have left. Please, I’ll do anything.” I beg.
The man laughs coldly at my attempts to get her back and he points to Racheal.
“I would do anything to have her in my arms, and I did do anything and everything. Heck, I even killed my own daughter to have my granddaughter in my arms.” He laughs.
That does it!
Totally forgetting about him holding Racheal , I pounce him, ripping Racheal from his grasp while biting into his shoulder. I feel Racheal pulled out of my grasp and I turn my gaze to who took my Racheal . It’s only William, I nod to him and pounce Mira’s ‘father’ again. I try to bite down onto his neck but he dodges my bite and bites me on the arm.
Im so angry, my wolf comes out without me summoning it. I shift in a split second but so does he. His wolf was silver with tufts of hair missing. His wolf circles me and let’s out the most terrifying howl I’ve ever heard in my life. I’m tempted to flinch, but I won’t give him the luxury of cowering away
I growl at him but can’t sound nearly as deadly as he did. He pounces me, I try to dodge but he’s too fast. He tries to bite my neck but I manage to get away from him. He snaps his powerful jaws and catches my left ear. With one jerk, half of my ear is gone. I Yelp in pain but quickly recover. We circle one another, waiting for one of us to make a move.
I know he will grow bored and make the next move, so I wait. The blood from my ripped ear is in my eyes and making it harder to see but I won’t take my eyes off of him.
I then hear a small wail and I remember Racheal is only yards away. If I die, he’ll go after her next.
That’s not going to happen.
‘William ! Get her out of here! Take her back to the pack! She’ll be safer there than here!’
‘Dickson, go with them as a guard! Now!’
I yell in the mind link. Before I know it, it’s just me and Mira’s father. I’m going against a 2000 year old Feramors! I’m gonna die! I pounce him and manage to catch him by surprise. I dig my teeth into his shoulder making him howl in pain. I’m quickly thrown off into the wall but I stand up in a split second.
I run to him but he was expecting it. He swipes his paw at my face. His claws sink into my flesh, missing eye by half and inch. This infuriates me beyond words so I go at him with my mouth wide open. I Clamp down onto his right leg and shake furiously. I feel his skin tearing and my mouth tastes of his blood.
I’m so caught up in ripping his leg off, I don’t notice him whipping around and grabbing hold of my neck. I try to retaliate but that’s not happening, it’s over. I let go of his leg and his hold on my neck tightens.
I look at Mira’s lifeless body and am happy I’m going to be with her soon. At this moment, my life flashes before my eyes. Most importantly, me first seeing Mira.
It was dark and me and Ronald were stalking an alpha. The rest of our pack were a few miles behind. But since we were the scouts, we were here first. Ronald nudges me and I look at him with annoyance clear on my face
“Dude, we could totally take him out now!” He says.
I think about it for a moment then nod.
“Yeah, let’s do it. He won’t be expecting it so there won’t be much of a fight.” I say simply
Though, I’m going to be the alpha of the most bloodthirsty pack in America, I hate to take lives.
That’s why my father sent me here, to become numb to killing innocents. If it weren’t for me being weak, this pack wouldn’t have to die. Ugh…
We stay in the tree line, following this alpha until something else caught my attention. In the distance, I see a. Young girl, about 15 or 16, going through her first change. She looks in my direction and her chocolate brown eyes were filled with pain. My wolf began to howl with joy. Why is it so happy that she’s in pain? Then I hear my wolf yell
‘MATE!!. Then it hit me, that’s my mate! I can’t let her die! My head snaps over to Ronald who is looking fairly confused.
“Touch either of them and you die!” I whisper.
I watch as the alpha goes over to my mate and lay his hand on her head. He recites the ancient werewolf claim then her eyes glow yellow. She wags her tail and looks around, testing her new wolf. That was me only 3 years ago. I try to get a closer look but I accidentally step on a twig. My mate didn’t notice but her alpha did. He stares at her, my guess mind linking her to run.
I then hear the rest of my pack coming. They can’t hurt my mate! I see my Dad fixing to pounce at them but then my mate bolts. Thank goodness… He starts to run after her but I let out a deadly warning growl. He turns to me in shock.
“Touch my mate, and you die!” I growl.