“LOOK AT ME MIRA!!” He yells.
I open my eyes cautiously and find the back of his hand. The impacted Made my head whip to the side. My cheeks are going to be so bruised in the morning. Good thing I wasn’t a human or my bones in my face would’ve been crushed. What is it with these people and slapping pregnant women?!
I glare at him and clench my fists. He notices and steps closer to me.
“Behave, little one. You don’t want what will come if you disrespect me again.” His low voice is deadly.
I soften my gaze but still am not able to unclench my fists. He smiles at me and crosses his arms over his chest.
“Wise choice, little one.” He says.
“What do you want with us?” I manage to get out.
“I want you.” He whispers in my ear.
“You are strong and beautiful. You would be the perfect mate.” He strokes my cheek.
“Why would you want me?” I ask.
He chuckles and leans closer to me. I flinch when he brings his hand up. He lightly strokes my cheek.
“Because we are alike, little one. your father was a Feramors, my mother was a Feramors. We would be perfect together.” He says.
“I’m taken!” I growl.
He grabs my throat and lifts me from my seat. His eyes turn black. Black? He’s not joking, He is a Feramors!! I squirm as his grip grows tighter.
I throws me to the ground and I land on my back with a thud. My breath is knocked out of me as I lay there trying to inhale air. Once I finally manage to breathe Tears streak down my face because of the pain of hitting the floor that hard. I look up through blurry eyes and I see he’s frozen in one spot. His eyes are glazed over and he starts to growl
‘Jack!! Get the Warriors to the east border now!” He yells at the guard that brought me here.
I suddenly see a very large wolf with black eyes burst through the door. I whimper and scoot away.
The wolf runs toward us with its teeth bared. The alpha growls and then shifts into his wolf. They rip into each other with their dagger-like teeth. I take this chance and escape through the door a came in.
I run through the the falls until I’m stopped by an awful pain in my stomach. I try to hold myself up by leaning on the wall but the silver made my skin to burn.
I cry out in pain and hold my stomach. It’s just Braxton hicks right? Yeah…
After a while, the pain lessens and I keep running through the halls, trying to find Leo. I finally make it back to the cell. I see the shackle keys hung on the wall and I quickly grab them. I turn the knob and run(or should I say waddle) through the door. I see Leo clawing at the shackles, frantically trying to get free. When he turns and sees me, relief floods his face.
“Mira! What happened? How did you get away?” He says as I rush to him.
“Somethings going on. A wolf attacked the alpha and I managed to get away. I think this place is being attacked. We have to get out of here!” I unlock his shackles and he engulfs me in a hug.
He holds me tight and kisses me all over my face.
“I was so scared, Mira. I thought I wasn’t ever going to see you again. I love you so much.” He rushes out.
“I love you too.” I whisper.
He holds my hand as we dart out the door. I feel awful pains in my stomach but I manage to keep going. Once we make it out of that maze of halls, run outside. The smell of blood is everywhere. I see dead bodies everywhere and the ones that are alive are badly hurt. Leo’s heart races as we stare at the scene. I stand there drinking in this awful scene, knowing I did the same thing not long ago.
I’m quickly snapped out of my thoughts when Leo starts dragging me into the forest. Our surrounding are foreign and I have no clue where we are. He stops and looks around, trying to find something familiar. I feel another wave of pain hit me and thus time it makes me cry out. Leo’s head snaps to me and he keeps me from falling to the ground.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” He sounds so scared.
“It’s nothing. Probably just Braxton hicks. Don’t worry, I’m fi-” I feel pain shoot through my back and I scream.
I suddenly feel a pop inside of me and hear water trickle on the fallen leaves. Oh no… please tell me I just peed myself. I look down and realize my water has just broke. I start to breathe heavily and panic.
“What was that?” Leo asked nervously.
“Leo, I think my water broke.” I say in shock.
This can’t be happening! I have another month! I still have a month!
“No! No! No! This can’t be happening! I still have a month!” I cry.
“I think it’s because William’s has alpha blood in him. Alpha’s children grow quicker than others inside the womb.” Leo so ‘helpfully’ adds.
“You couldn’t have told me before all of this?!” I yell as another wave of pain hits me.
I dig my nails into Leo’s arm and hunch over in pain.
“Ahh! Leo, the baby is coming now!” I scream.
His eyes grow wide and he picks me up bridal style.
He bolts in the opposite direction of our kidnapper’s pack. With every passing minute the contractions get worse.
“Leo!! It hurts so bad!” I sob.
He comes to a stop and lays me against a fallen tree. I cry out in pain then start to sob
“I can’t do this Leo.. it hurts so bad.” I cry.
“I know it hurts, sweetie, I know. What do you want me to do and I’ll do it.” He brushes the hair out of my face
“Hold me.” I whimper.
He picks me up and places me on his lap. He wraps his arms around my belly and let’s me lean my back against his chest. Every time I cry out in pain, Leo whispers comforting words in my ear and rocks me back and forth.
“Leo… the baby is coming right now.”