“It’s okay Sarah. I’ll make sure nothing else happens to you. I promise.” I whisper in her ear.
“You c-can’t d-do anything a-bout it M- Mira. No one c-can. It’s m-my father. H-he gets d-drunk a-and-and…” She buries her face in my hair.
My wolf wants to march to her father’s house and rip him apart; but I hold her back. I whisper soothing words in her ears as I walk her to the lounge room. We sit down on the couch and she cries in my arms for another 10 minutes.
Mira’s sobs die down to a hiccup and she looks up at me. She flashes a grateful smile at me then stands up
“Thank you Mira. You’re my bestest friend ever.”
Her voice is weak from crying.
I stand up and give her a gentle hug.
” you’re my bestest friend too Sarah. “I whisper.
“Do you wanna stay at the pack house with me? I’ll make sure your father can never lay a hand on you again. I’ll even assign guards for you when you go out. Please say yes! I need a girlfriend around to talk to.” I show my puppy dog eyes.
She thinks about it for a moment before slowly nodding. I squeal with joy and jump up and down.
She laughs at me then pulls me in for another hug, I hug her back then we both go back to the kitchen.
Once we are back in the kitchen, I notice my bacon has vanished from my plate!! Why does everyone eat my food?! I just want to enjoy some of my favorite foods and someone always eats it before I can get to it!!
I then spot Ronald retreating out the back door.
“You snooze you lose!!” He yells before vanishing outside.
I don’t care if I’m in my pj’s or not, he’s gonna get it!! I race after him and nearly bust the back door off its hinges. I see him running down the road holding the last piece of bacon up in the air.
“Come and get it princess!!” He yells.
I growl at him them bolt. He looks back but I’m no longer there. He slows to a walk then to a stop. I see confusion plastered on his face. I then jump out from behind a tree and pounce at him. I knee him where the sun don’t shine and step back to see my handy work. I then proceed to rip the piece of bacon out of his hand. In the process, I knock both of us to the ground. I laugh out loud then hold the piece of bacon up.
“Take take!!! Ha! That’s what happens when you cross a Luna!” I bite into the greasy piece of meat and hold rest right in his face.
Okay, I’m acting a little childish. No, I’m acting stupid. But I don’t even care, I got my bacon!!! I do a victory dance and stuff the rest of the bacon in my mouth
“Mira!” I low voice growls.
I freeze then quickly swallow my bacon. I turn around slowly and put on an innocent smile.
“Hey Leo. What’s up?”
“What are you wearing?!”
“My…uh.. Pj’s.” My cheeks turn red at the thought of how ridiculous I must look.
His eyes turn blood red as he scans me over. He glares at Ronald who is still on the ground, groaning in pain. I giggle at his state but quickly hide my satisfaction as Leo’s glare rests on me.
“Go back inside and get something more appropriate on now!!” He roars.
I flinch at his tone then quickly scurry back to the pack house. I look back to see Ronald starting to get up. I laugh as he glares at me. That’s what happens when you come between me and my favorite foods.
Once I got inside, I sprint to my room and throw on to my on a black, v-neck shirt; and blue jeans. I’m about to go back to the kitchen to finish my plate of food when I bump into a muscular body. I look up to see… Oh crap… William..
I cower away from him as he touches my hips. He steps toward me but I take two steps back. No…
Not again. He had me just the other day. He surprisingly steps away from me and shoves his hands in his pockets.
“Leo sent me here to ask if you changed yet.”
I nod,”y-yes.”
“If you’ve changed then he want you to come down to the kitchen, now.”
I slowly nod then follow William to the kitchen.
Once there I see Leo standing beside the table looking furious. looking up, he stalks over to me.
“What were you thinking?!? Running outside in that; which is very inappropriate might I add! Do you know how many unmated males saw you today!? Only I can see you like that!! You’re mine!!
And no one else’s!!” He yells.
I look down at the ground and whimper at his anger. I suddenly feel his hand grip my arm and he and he pulls me away. What’s he gonna do? Lock me up?
Beat me? He drags me to his room and locks the door. Fear creeps up my spine as his face gets closer to mine.
“You’re mine, and no one else’s.” He whispers.
My eyes widen when I realize what’s about to happen. He’s gonna mark me. He starts to leave feather kisses down my neck then I feel his canines start emerging as he kisses me. I shiver when he stops at the nape of my neck. His warm breath sends sparks through my body as it brushes over my skin.
I feel his canines touch my skin then pierce it. I scream out in pain the grip his arms for support, feeling like I might lose consciousness from the pain. After a few seconds he pulls his teeth out of me neck and licks the wound. Immense pleasure takes over my body once his canines pull out. My legs become jello and my breath hitches in my throat. He pulls me into his muscular body and kisses the top of my head.
“You’ll always be mine.” He whispers lovingly.
Guilt reaches through all my entire being. I feel ashamed that he probably saved himself for me and I didn’t. Would he still want me if he knew? I say to myself as I wouldn’t look into his eyes.