‘Leo… Just leave me alone..’I mind link.
He wrapped his strong arms around my waist and pulls me into him. It feels so good, so safe. But being the stubborn person I am, I won’t have that. I want to train! to fight!!!
I pull away from him and cross my arms. I hear him grumble.
“Come on babe.”
“Don’t you ‘come on babe’ me!!” I yell.
His hands grab my shoulders and turn me around to face him. I try to avoid eye contact. His eyes are so freakin mesmerizing!! He gently grabs my chin and makes me face him.
“You know the Luna doesn’t join in any kind of fights. She stays back and helps with the children and elderly. And you will be no different.” He says.
“But I might have to fight at some point!! What will I do if I have no training?!?! Get ripped to shreds?!?” I say angrily
He sighs,”you will never have to fight. I’ll always protect you.” He plants a kiss on my forehead.
I stand there with my arms crossed as I look into his eyes. Dang it!! I looked!!! No Mira !! You are You are not backing down because he is giving you puppy dog eyes!!! I straighten up and glare at him.
“Your not going to give in are you?”
“Nope” I pop the ‘p’.
He isn’t happy, but I have to win this fight. If he wants me to be safe, I need to learn to protect myself. What if I did need to protect myself and Leo wasn’t around? I mean, he’s gotta leave my side sometimes…
I pull myself very close to him and lay my hands on his chest, “if you don’t let me fight, there will be consequences.” I whisper seductively.
His lips draw closer to mine. I wait until I can feel his breath on my lips,”this being one of the consequences.” I say with a smirk.
I turn my head away and brush passed him. I glide to the door and open it.
“You might wanna rethink it.” I say, not even stopping as I walk out of the room.
I take long strides to the kitchen where the Fruity Pebbles are. If I don’t get my Fruit Pebbles, there will be pain coming to whoever was supposed to buy them. I open the top cabinet where they always are. I know there was a new box here yesterday but I don’t see it. Pain is coming!!!! Someone freaking took my Fruity Pebbles!!!!
I then smell it… my kidnapped fruity goodness!! I whip around to see none other than Leo !!! He’s eating my Fruity Pebbles!! I stomp over to him and try snatching my Fruity Pebbles away from his grubby little hands. But unfortunately, he is way taller than me and can easily keep it out of my reach.
He has a smirk plastered on his face,”there will be consequences.”
I growl at him. He took one of the only joys I have in this prison!! Actually he took all of the joys I have!! because now I can’t even spend time with my mate without my wolf wanting to rip his throat out!!
I try to grab them again but it fails. The only thing I can think of a t this point is to blow him off.
“I needed to go on a diet anyway.” I grumble.
I stomp out the back door and scurry into the forest. I hear footsteps in the distance so I speed up. I can’t talk to Leo right now. My wolf is begging to get out and run. I haven’t let her out in so long, I can feel her clawing my insides to get out.
I can’t take it any longer, I have to let her out. I feel my gums rip and my bones crack. My eyes change to their golden yellow as I fall down on all fours. The change is more painful than usual because I haven’t changed in so long.
Once the change is done, I dart deeper into the forest. Running feels so good with my paws digging into the moist ground. I can’t resist, I have to stick my tongue out to feel the wind!
My wolf feels so free.
I run until I see the creek. I stop dead in my tracks when I see how high the creek is. My heart rate increases as I remember sinking into that cold water, unable to breathe. I step back then turn around quickly. I can’t… I’m too scared to even be this close.
I feel like a wimp. Just the thought of water now, freaks me out. I get nervous when I take a bath!! I swiftly scurry away from the water that nearly killed me and walk back to the pack house where I live.
As I am walking back I hear something behind me. I sniff the air to see if it was someone from the Blood Moon pack. The scent smells like burnt wood and sulfur. Only one thing can smell like that…
Not knowing how many are behind me, I bolt away. Though right now I hate Leo I need his help!! My wolf growls at me for hating him but I ignore her. First she loves him, then she hates him, then she loves him again!!! Make up your mind!!
Suddenly I am tackled to the ground. I feel it’s teeth sink into my shoulder and his claws puncture into my back. I yelp in pain as I try to break free. I hear a low, Menacing growl from my attacker.
My attacker suddenly shifts back into human form,
His voice sounds like a male.
I ignore him and continue to try to get away. He growls at me again and grabs me by the throat.
“Shift!” He says again as he growls..
He throws me to the ground and I do as he says. It takes a moment but I am back into human form. I try to cover my naked body from his eyes.
‘Leo! help!!’
‘What’s wrong?!’