Zoey p. o. v
Today I woke up in a lighter mood than I’ve been for the past months, knowing that Marco is a big relief. A relief I couldn’t content either can I express, I can only express it through my vibrant mood.
“Ma’am, you seem to be in a better mood today.” Alice had asked me.
My mood today was obvious to everyone in the mansion, they have seen me in this lively mood since the news of Marco death. So they are quite surprised.
“Anything new?” She asked expectantly, smiling brightly as she awaits my response.
I shook my head at her dismissively, she quickly took the signal that I didn’t want to talk about it. I would rather not spill any words related to Marco’s fake death, for obvious reasons.
Presently I’m wary of every worker in the estate. Marco refused to point out or put a name of the spies.
“You wouldn’t be able to contain your emotions, if I point them out.” He declined firm when asked who they were.
He was right on that, my reaction towards them if I were to know who they are would have made them wary. And possibly figure out they have found out, that would flip Marco’s plans and efforts. I don’t want that, as much as I am eager to know more, I held myself back to follow Marco’s instruction.
Currently, I’m at the hospital for my monthly check up. I’ve also been on edge during the trip here.
“You’re the next target now, and they will strike tomorrow.” Marco said, distaste in his tone as he spoke. “I’ve cleared out of the way, the next target is you. Your journey to the hospital is the perfect timing they’re waiting for to strike.”
I gulped down, the same person who made Marco fake his death is coming after me, so it’s justifiably if I’m nervous.
“Your blood pressure is perfect, and the baby’s growth is right on track.” The doctor’s voice snapped out of my thoughts.
“The baby is receiving all the necessary nutrients. Speaking of which, we did an ultrasound earlier, and your little one is looking adorable! Would you like to see the pictures?”
My face lit up, and I eagerly nodded. It’s always exciting watching the baby growing in my womb, the feeling lasts for days. The smile never fades out whenever I recall my baby’s face.
My fingers grazing over the baby’s tiny features on the picture, I’m left in awe at how grown it has been over the last time I saw its scan. I wish Marco could be here with me, he would love to see our little one growing process too.
I sighed, the situation is at that and there’s we can do to change it now.
“As you can see, the baby’s development is progressing beautifully. We’ll continue to monitor everything closely, but so far, everything looks great.”
“Thank you so much, Doctor.”
“That’s what we’re here for! We’ll keep a close eye on you and your baby, and before you know it, you’ll be holding that little one in your arms.” Dr. Linda smiled.
“That would be all of today, I will be expecting you next month.” She said, helping get down from the examination table.
“Of course.” I replied with a smile. My heart swelling with pure happiness, I came out of the room into the hallway.
Elio and two other guards that accompany me to the hospital, came to my side immediately I stepped out of the room.
As we turned a corner in the corridor, a sudden burst of gunfire echoed through the hallway, making us all freeze. The guards instinctively pushed me behind them, shielding me with their bodies from the possible threat. I felt their tense muscles and heard their rapid breathing as they tried to protect me.
Chaos erupted around us. People screamed and ran for cover, some ducking into nearby rooms while others hid behind pillars. The sound of footsteps echoed through the corridor, growing louder with each passing second.
“Protect the Donna!” one of the guards yelled, pushing me harder against the wall. I crouched, my heart racing with fear. The guards drew their weapons, ready to face the unknown threat.
The gunfire grew louder, and I could hear glass shattering and walls crumbling. My mind raced with worst-case scenarios. Marco has warned me beforehand, they are coming for me.
The guards slowly moved forward, trying to get a visual on the shooter. I peeked around them, seeing a figure in the distance, firing a weapon wildly. My heart skipped a beat as I realized we were trapped.
The guard behind me drop to the floor, and before I could react, I felt a prick on my neck and everything went blank.