Chapter 23

Book:The Mafia Don's Woman Published:2025-2-8

Zoey p. o. v
The feeling of laying on the softest and comfy arms of a cloud floating in the air, and a peacock feather tinkling my face. The effect drugging me into deep sleep coupled with the cool winter breeze.
I dragged in the air of pleasure and bliss. I didn’t want to wake up, but unfortunately for me, the universe had other plans.
A knock on my door startled me from the arms of a peaceful sleep, I groaned throwing curses at the person for disturbing me. Reluctantly, I get up into a sitting position, rubbing my hands over my face and running them through my birdnest hair.
The knock came again, and I almost threw something at the person as I glared at the door.
“Coming,” I yelled and got down from the bed. I don’t know what was going through my head when I thought it must be Marco on the door.
And I was given a wake-up call when I came face to face with a smiling Isabella.
“Hi, Good morning.” She greets cheekily.
“Good morning,” I replied to her, and my brow subconsciously rose in question.
“I just came to call you down for breakfast.” She giggled, staring at me all over.
“This early?” I squinted.
“It’s nine.” She corrected me, the smirk still plastered on her face. “By the way, you look cute in the morning.” She added before walking away.
I frowned, I don’t know if that’s a way to tell me that I look like garbage or if it’s an actual compliment. I will stick with the latter.
I went back inside, brushed my teeth, and took a quick shower. Then getting into the decent jeans and an oversized shirt, that was neatly kept on my bed.
I would rather not dwell on the fact that it is completely creepy and disturbing that someone, I have no idea who, came into my room while I was in the shower.
I found my way to the kitchen, settling myself on a stool beside the counter.
“Hey, you have a good sleep?” Camilla called from behind the coffee maker.
“I sure did.” I smiled. “Thanks,” I told them when to drop a cup of coffee in front of me.
“What would you like to eat, on our menu, we have fries, steak, Salad, omelet, chicken, and waffles….”
“Stop please, I will have steak, salad and a little potion of fries, and a glass of orange juice, Thank you.” I did a little bow, which earned a crack-up from her.
A silent laugh came from beside me, I looked at the sound. It was Isabella and Luciano by the door, trying to hide their laughter.
I shot them a look and they both straighten up.
“I’m sorry sis in – law, it’s good having someone new around here.” He explained. “It has always been boring in this house, thank God you are here now.” He added, shuddering to whatever was good through his head.
“Good morning to you too, Luciano.” I rolled my eyes at him.
“Alright I have to go now, or Marco is going to blow my head off. Be back in a while.” With that, he left.
I look at Isabella, who has occupied the seat opposite mine.
“So… What was funny?” I’m gradually getting comfortable with them, especially the girls.
I can’t blame myself, they are too nice not to warm up to them.
“Nothing, I just find everything you do funny and interesting.” She said, bringing my attention back to her.
“Really? Why so”
“Maybe, because we grew up looking up to you as a big sister?” Camilla interfered as she placed my breakfast in front of me.
“That is correct, plus I’ve been looking forward to getting to know you better in person,” Isabella added.
I didn’t know how to reply to them or how I should react to the fact that the people see me as family. I let them do the talking, and I watch them.
They are interesting to watch, maybe it’s because I’ve always yearned for young siblings. I can’t stop gazing.
Marco p. o. v
I groan as a dormant migraine strikes, I pressed two fingers to the side of my head to put pressure on it. It works as I felt instant relief.
I couldn’t sleep all night, know the person for whom I breathe was just a few doors away. But I was unable to go to her because My Queen will get mad, again.
I inhaled, growing frustrated.
And I have to sit through this useless meeting with this loser. If he had been in front of me, I swear to God I have a bullet buried in his skull.
I hate the fact that people think they could betray me and get away with it.
“Boss.” I heard Matthew call, I scrutinized the laptop screen to see the fucker watching me.
“You may continue.” I dismissed, right at the moment the door to my office swung open.
If I hadn’t seen Luciano coming this way from the footage linked to my computer, he would have had a bullet in his body by now.
Luciano waves his hands in the air, I glared at him in a warning.
“Continue,” I instructed, Ruben. A Canada-based drug lord, he has been working for me. But he became a dead man the second he got eyes on the big meat.
I signaled Matthew, who immediately pressed the alarm button on his wrist. I waited impatiently as my man got to work, the look on his face for what was about to happen to him.
Would be made up for my sleepless night.
And now the countdown begins.
“Motherf**ker, what the hell.” His eyes came out of their sockets, as he stared at the screen before him.
“You are fortunate I didn’t kill you.” I watched as he stared at me in disbelief once before I slammed the laptop shut.
Taking away everything he owns is just a warning he shouldn’t ignore.
“Next time, you knock before coming in,” I growl at Luciano. I’m taking my anger out on him, but I need someone to vent on.
“You’ve told me that a dozen times, but where is the fun in obeying.” He smirked at me.
“Luciano!” I hissed warningly.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” He threw his hands in the air in surrender, he stood up from the couch, and made his way to me.
“I have what you asked me to do.” He placed a drive on my desk and a file.
“Set up the drive,” I told him, while I picked up the file going through it.
“You should reward me for hacking the city’s system and going years back searching for a single scene. That’s a lot of work, you know that.” Luciano complained.
I know what he wants, he has been on my throat for it for a while now.
I have limited his use to the cars, leaving him with only his motorbike to ride.
“With you, it’s just a few seconds, and everything is done, Luciano.” Matthew teased him, slapping his shoulder slightly.
“Snake. I know the right person to meet. ” Luciano muttered on his breath.
“Go to her and you’re dead.” I threatened.
“Here it is.” He turned the laptop to me, and I watched every action that took place.
Bastard! Of course, it’s him.