Marco p. o. v
When we arrived at my mansion, Zoey had already fallen asleep. I couldn’t resist as I stared hard and long at her, and how beautiful she is while sleeping.
The last time I saw her sleeping face was years ago, before the hideous breakup. I winced getting wind of the breakup, I won’t lie and say I wasn’t affected.
I was traumatized by the event, I felt nausea and dizzy every time I remember Zoey’s torn face. It was like the world was closing in on me.
A cute silent noise came from her luscious pink lips, her lips were parted lightly, and her breath came soft and light in a steady rhythm. I chuckled to myself and got down from the car.
Walking around to her side, and gently brought her out of the car. I walked inside the house with my life in my arms, sleeping peacefully like a baby who doesn’t have a care in the world.
I wished I could carry her in my arms forever, her warm skin against mine. Smooth and soft to feel. I drop into my bed, knowing fully that she will object to it when wokes up, I wanted a moment with her.
My phone rang just as I was about to climb into bed and sleep beside my woman.
“Fuck!” I hissed, rooting out the phone, “Whoever you are, you better have a valid reason.” I grunted when I saw it was my uncle.
“Yes?” I couldn’t help but snarl, irritated.
“Boss, someone is seeking an audience with you.” Uncle Lucas informed. He is always professional when it involves work.
“Location?” I wish I could bury a bullet in their skull, and watch in satisfaction as their brain spill out.
“Saint.” He replied, I hissed, annoyed. That is the least of my favourite places to be, but since I owe the place, guess I can’t escape it.
The drive to Saint was slow, I took my time reaching here. I parked my car in my private underground garage, I tossed my keys in my pocket and tightened the buttons of my suit. The guard standing at the back entrance unclips the velvet rope for me.
“Boss.” He nods in greeting.
It is chaotic inside the club, as expected. Music blares out of the speakers and the ground beneath my shoes shakes with vibration. I wonder why the hell people relish this kind of tasteless music because I’m sure won’t be seen associating with a theme song made for god damn robots.
The mop of drunkards and half-naked women stomped their way around in a pathetic attempt to display their dead dancing skills, adding to the pulsing and vibrant atmosphere.
It’s like stepping into the heart of another world.
Saint, unlike the name, it’s the opposite. It’s a dangerous club in the heart of the city for criminals and whores. It’s a place where women slut themselves to get laid, and men dip their dicks in any available holes. Businessmen come to nurse their deals for all illegal shit.
This place only attracts fucked up people, who are too busy trying to forget some dark shit going on in their miserable lives. Than to give a shit about anyone else.
It makes fat bucks goes directly into my pocket.
I go upstairs to the second floor, dismissing the advances of women dressed in what could be classified as nothing. I don’t foresee myself fucking anyone in the future aside from the gorgeous woman in my bed right now.
That thought alone got me going, fucking hard as a rock.
“The Malhotra family is here to see you,” Matthew says in a form of greeting. Matthew is my shadow, he follows me to any of my meetings. He is the muscle that intervene on my call, he had a reputation for inflicting the worst kind of pain on whoever pisses me off.
“Contact Luciano, and tell him to provide Jayden Sawyer’s information and what happened to him on my desk by tomorrow,” I instructed as we got to the second floor.
My little brother is all in one. He’s the fucking best hacker and data retriever, even better than our uncle, Dante. One move from him, and we have access to the America system database.
I pass a crowd of dancers that are hereby VIP access, walking around random pole strippers and lazy businessmen sitting on couches getting their dicks treated.
The room at the end of the hallway, my office, is only accessible to me.
The Malhotra brothers stood by the door, waiting. We nod at each other, uncle Lucas is here too. His presence serves as guidance and a necessary precaution.
I unlock my office and gesture for them to come in.
The relief I felt walking into my silent and isolated office was immediate. I don’t make it a habit to visit this place often, the lights and loud music give me a headache I don’t need.
“Speak,” I ordered, taking my seat, while both Uncle Lucas and Matthew stood beside me. Their expression is hard.
A random waiter fills up some whiskey and places them on the table. I lean forward to grab a glass, then settle back into my seat.
“We need a debt.” One of them explained. I took a sip and swallowed against the burn of the alcohol, studying them.
They squirm under my hard stare, and my tongue pokes the inside of my cheeks to suppress the beginning of a cruel smile.
“What kind of debt.” I took another, crossbedding one ankle over my knee, and loosened my tie.
“We need soldiers as backup, for the pending war between my armies and the Chinese.” The other one who had been silent earlier spoke up. Viren Malhotra, the current capo of the Indian mafia. He took over from his Father two years ago and there’s already a war.
I watched long and hard, he was trying hard not to show how scared he was. Getting me involved in their little cat-and-mouse chase, is not a wise choice.
“A deal gone wrong.” I threw a bone for him to feed on, and the idiot took the bait.
“Yes!” His reply was fast, too fast not to notice the hidden agenda.
“Sadly, I have to inform you, I cannot lend such a loan.” I took another sip, waiting for his outburst.
“Why not?” Viren goads. “Don’t tell me you’re scared of the Chinese.” And… Here we go…
I smirk even more, is he trying to taunt me into doing his bidding? Not a chance, you’re dead the minute you came out of with plan. So, he only has himself to blame if he ends up dead on the floor.
“Choose your next words carefully, Viren,” I warned in a low voice.
I’m aware the Chinese mafia are on my back for a while now, digging for information about me. But getting me involved in a fight against themselves, while I am the Don governing the mafias all over the world.
What a perfect setup. Dragging me in the middle and then teaming up to fight against me.
How nice.
“What? Did I hit a nerve?” He grins like he just conquered the world.
I threw my head back, closing my eyes.
“Or you’re too much of a pussy to be involved.” The younger one chuckled. Karan Malhotra is not relevant in our world, as he engages in fooling around and floating their luxuries.
I brought my head back down and when my eyes opened, there was a glint in them. A cold, calculating glint makes both Malhotra’s drop their dick-sucking act and shift uncomfortably.
“Indeed.” I draw slowly, my tone lighter than my stare.
“Damn it! We need your fucking help.” Viren shoots to his feet, I guess that he refrains himself from slamming his fist into the table.
Clever, but not clever enough.
Matthew moves like lightning, coming nose-to-nose with Viren.
“That sounds like an order, that too, to the Don. That’s a capital crime, don’t you think?” Matthew growls lowly. Viren bumps his chest into Matthew’s challenge.
“Do you think I get scared?” He hissed back. Fool, I can smell your fear from here.
“Enough!” I boomed, Matthew stepped down on my command. I turn to the brothers. “Both of you get out, your approach and skills for business are shit. I don’t care why you bothered, but you’re done here.”
Viren tries to brush me off, and that was a chance for Matthew to snap. His fist connects with Viren’s face, the force sending him a few feet back.
His younger brother jumped to his feet to defend his brother.
Chaos erupts as Uncle Lucas tackles Karan to the floor. The punch he delivered has much ferocity that there’s no mistaking the crack of Karen’s jaw. Karan covers his face instinctively, Uncle Lucas bends and lifts him over his shoulder before slamming him to the ground with a thud.
Uncle Lucas crouched on the floor, aiming his gun at his temple, he freezes when he sees it. He grabs his jaw with force and yanks his face to his, earning a howl of pain. He squeezes on the has that is bent unnaturally. The answering scream would have been heard across countries if not for the loud music of the club.
“You seemed eager to die moments ago.”I taunt, them as I glare at them. Viren’s eyes are wide, Matthew wrapped his palm around his neck and his hand is caged behind him.
“Who gave you these orders?” I heard the safety of the gun go off.
“Matthew.” I jerk my chin.
Matthew acted instantly, the sound of a bone breaking rang in my ears like a melodious rhythm. Accompanied by a scream from Viren.
“Fuck, my hand.” He hissed in agony.
“Okay!” the younger Malhotra shouts. “It was Mr. Gu! Fuck, let us go.”
My eyes sharpen on him and my body locks up. That fucking cunning old fox, how dare he try to overthrow me? For a moment, I considered hunting him down right now.
“Why?” My eyes darken with thirst.
“We don’t know. Heard him say something about a kid ruling him.”
Fucking dead man.
I gave Matthew a nod and his eyes harden. Instantly, he twists Viren’s neck until it snaps. While uncle Lucas did a silent and clean shot to the younger’s head.
I stood up and left the place, the tires screeching against the asphalt as I rode away. I inhaled slowly in a pathetic attempt to calm down, I need Zoey.
Groaning, I speed off.
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