Still Cameron’s POV
“Why don’t you pause for a second and think about everything I just said. I’m not a lunatic, you know, I won’t just come up with such a ridiculous story if I’m not sure about it, would I?” Charlotte asked me furiously, trying to sound as convincing as possible but she only succeeded in posing me off even more. Hearing her spouting trash makes me really glad that I abandoned the fight between Beverly and I when I noticed that she and my brother were missing from the restaurant.
After Maverick affirmed that he was not going to choose either one of us, he walked out on us and drove off in his car. We were both left in the restaurant, and all we could do is glare at each other. It’s obvious that I can never beat her in physical combat because I am no match for her. She has her wolf’s enhanced abilities, whereas I’m no different from an ordinary wolf. Fighting her again, with all these people staring at us would be more embarrassing than the first time because the guy we are fighting over has made it clear that he is not interested in either of us.
“See what to caused, you bitch!
It’s all your fault, you made him leave so angrily. We were having a good time before you showed up and ruined everything. If I were you, I would call off that stupid engagement and stay the hell away from him.” She lets out in an icy tone that deserves a perfect, sassy response. But I couldn’t come up with a perfect response to give to her, actually, I couldn’t come up with any response at all. I was not even paying attention to her stupid words anymore. It was at that very moment that I noticed that my brother and that bitch are no longer in the building. And since I already know that Charlotte is up to no good, I decided to abandon her and go after Shane and Charlotte,
“Yeah, run along, bitch!
That is exactly what I expected from a coward like you.
Run away bitch!
Run off and never come back!” she yelled after me as I hurried out of the restaurant like a crazy person. To onlookers, it seems like I’m a coward and that I’m running from a fight, but I don’t care about their thoughts because I know that Beverly is not going anywhere. I’ll have all the time in the world to respond to her insults. Shane is more important to me, and if I had stayed back to respond to Beverly, if I had wasted one more second, Charlotte would have taken him away from me.
You won’t believe that this whore was trying to sell a conspiracy theory to my brother. She actually waited for him to tell her how much he has missed her, then she used his own fucking words against him. She is trying to make him feel guilty for abandoning her, and now she wants him to compensate her by helping her get her sister.
“She is a witch!
The last time I was here, she hid herself with her magical powers and that is why I couldn’t find her. She is so tricky and evil, but I need to find her before she hurts anyone else with her magical powers. I don’t care if you are pissed off at me for coming back here, but you have to help me kill that which before she runs away from this town. The last time I tried to kill her, Mr. Maverick came to save her and he ran off with her. He is way stronger than I expected, I can’t defeat him on my own and that is why I need your help, Shane,” she admitted calmly as she turned away from me and turned to face him. She took his hand in hers and looked into his eyes, giving him her best puppy face,
“It is you I want, Shane. We can get it right this time, you can handle Maverick while I deal with my sister.” She let out coaxingly, caressing his cheeks. I felt like snapping her neck. Like, what the hell is wrong with this bitch, does she know how easily I can end her miserable life?
“Are you fucking insane?
What do you take him for, a fool?
Do you think you can waltz in here and say a bunch of rubbish and he will automatically believe you and follow you like an idiot?
Well, you’ve got it all wrong. Shane is my brother, and I know him more than you ever will. He will never fall for your lies. So I suggest you think of a more convincing story to tell, or you get the fuck out of her before I expose you for all your lies and deceit.
I’ve known that idiot since she first came into this city. Fine, she is the most annoying white I’ve met in Mavericks club and I hate her as much as everyone else. But that doesn’t make her a demon or a witch. She works in the same office as my boyfriend, so trust me, I’m more pissed than you can ever be. And if there is anyone amongst us that should be plotting against her, it should be me and not you. Stay away from my brother, and if you have an issue with your annoying sister, sought it out yourself!” I let out angrily, giving her a condescending look that made her look inferior to me. Actually, the look in my eyes was meant to be intimidating, but she wasn’t the least bit intimidated. If you ask me, I think this is what she wants, she simply wants to dive a wedge between my brother and I. She smirked evilly at me, and before I could try to understand the meaning of her look, she wiped it off her face and turned to my brother with a sad face, forcing out some tears.
“I told you she is in love with you, didn’t I?
I told you she would push against my plans even if it’s what you have been searching for. She knows you’ll leave if you find the girl your father is looking for. She is delaying this mission on purpose because she wants to keep you around her forever. I think she loves you too much to let you go, and if you ask me, I think she wants you to screw her.” She whispered in his ears, but she wasn’t trying to hide her words from me, she wanted me to hear her so I could pounce on her like a lunatic and give her more points to use and turn my brother against me.
“You tricky bitch!
Get your filthy hands off him!” I yelled furiously, struggling so hard to hold back from hitting her hard across the face. Shane was giving me weird looks, I think she is getting to him already. He is beginning to grind his teeth in anger while glaring at me. But I wasn’t the least bit moved by his stupid looks because I wonder how he could share our secrets with a total stranger. How on earth did she get him to open up to her. Did they communicate with each other behind my back, or did they trade secrets with each other just these few minutes that I was busy exchanging words with that proud bitch, Beverly. I guess it is because I was too busy trying to reclaim my man, I did not notice that it’s been a while since they both left the restaurant. I mean, it’s long enough for them to trade secrets and speak about things that shouldn’t be their damn businesses.
“Come on, Cammy…
If there is a slight chance that this girl is the long awaited healer that Dad is desperately searching for, we can just quit trying to get back Maverick and focus on getting her instead. Remember that Dad said Maverick and King Gerald will no longer scare the shit out of him because he would have everything he needs to become king. So why the hell are you still going after Maverick, when we should be following this new lead to find the girl. I can actually…”
“Shut the fuck up, Shane!
Shut your damn mouth!” I screamed in his face, making him stop speaking immediately.
“How are you even my brother?
Can’t you see that she is using you again?
I thought you were over her already, what do you still want from her, why can’t you just let her go.” I teller in his face
“This is important, Cammy, we need to hear her out. She knows about the powerful healer that Father is searching for. She could actually lead us to her and we can put an end to this whole madness, and I can move on with my damn life.” He responded swiftly, telling me that he is tired of being with me.
“Are you doing this to be with her, Shane?
Are you hurting me emotionally because of another woman?” I asked him sounding so sad and broken, while that bitch stood by the side gloating. All that is left is for her to put on her dancing shoes and dance around to celebrate her victory.
“Get over yourself, Cammy!
And quiet the sentimentality out of this matter. I’m certainly not falling for your emotional blackmail, so you better stop making this about yourself because it isn’t. Besides, you know I stopped loving Charlotte when I set my eyes on Valerie. I love her so much and yet I’m willing to give her up if it turns out that she is the last healer that Dad is searching for. I could pretend to love her just to get close to her, then I can find ways to find out if she is the healer. I’ll make her love me, then shell confides in me and spills the whole truth to me.” He explained to me, sounding so sincere, and yet so stupid!
“You bastard!
Now I don’t have to fight off one of these witches, but two. I have to look out for both sisters because I know you won’t keep your fucking dick in your pants!” I scolded him furiously. He wasn’t shocked by my outburst, which means that I’m right after all.
“You are a fool, dear brother. You are a fucking idiot!
You can believe whatever you like, but trust me, I don’t buy that shit. And right now, You have ten seconds, Shane. I need you to get rid of that bitch and come home with me, else I’ll spill our secrets to everyone and I’ll have us banished from the pack and the city.” I threatened him, making his eyes go wide with shock.
“You wouldn’t dare!
You’ll be ruined as well, you’ll lose everything,” he teased, trying to call my bluff.
“Losing you is the same as losing everything, dear brother. So I don’t care if I get to lose everything, as long as we both suffer the same fate and get disgraced and banished from the city together. Do you want to test me and see what I’m capable of?” I asked in a mocking tone, but I’m sure he gets the message because he is glaring daggers at me, and even as that bitch kept trying to get his attention, he ignored her and kept glaring at me.
“My love, don’t listen to her. Whatever the secret is, trust me I’ll understand. I won’t judge you, promise, and I won’t back down either. I’ll…”
“Get out of here, Charlotte. I don’t ever want to see you again!” he let out coldly, shushing her and making her surprised as well. She tried to get him to look at her, she tried to rekindle old flames by caressing him but he pushed her away roughly and he turned to glare at her as he sent her out of his sight. She turned to me with an icy gaze and I smirked proudly and returned her gaze with a tough look.
“You are such a good boy, Shane. And that is why I can never stop loving you.” I purred seductively. But Shane wasn’t in the mood for my games. He looks so pissed that I got a bit scared of his hard gaze.
“You will regret this, Cameron, I fucking mean it!” he yells and kicks the car tire in his baseless anger. He would have kept glaring furiously at me, but we heard a voice from behind us say,
“What is wrong, Cameron?
Is this another one of your lovers, is he trying to abandon you as well?