Mavericks POV
I’ve come to the conclusion that Hunter and Malia are ganging up against me. They are trying to punish me for everything I did to hurt Valerie. U guess they don’t realize that they are hurting her as well. They are making it impossible for me to be with her the way that I want to be. And while I’m hurting inside because my desires are being caged within me, Valerie is also hurt because she feels rejected and alone. She feels I do not want to be with her, and that is making her feel worse than she did before we came here.
I just can’t believe that I turned celibate overnight. I could not touch a woman that makes my heart race faster than a sports car, I can’t even later my woman without feeling disgusted by her. I nearly lost my sanity, I left the room to get some breathing space and think things through, but I could not even move away from her because as soon as I shut the damn four, I started feeling sad and stupid at the same time. I tried to pour my frustration on Hunter for not helping me out when I truly needed his help. I nagged and cursed him furiously and I hated the fact that he was ignoring me on purpose. But after a while, he responded to my questions as best as he could, and he sounded so relaxed and comfortable and that fucking pissed me off even more.
“Did you do this on purpose, are you trying to stop me from screwing her?” I asked him, but there was no response from him, just an annoying chuckle in my head that told me the hard truth that I desperately needed to know. It means that he knows exactly what is going on and that he is enjoying my frustration even. These damned wolves, they must be punishing me on purpose. What in the world did I ever do to deserve such treatment?
I ignored the nagging feeling in my chest and I went down to sort out a few details that I left out when we first arrived. It’s true that we are now as safe as we’ll ever be, safer than we would have been if we chose to go back to the apartment or even flee the city. But I still have to make sure that our trail runs cold before anyone has the chance to track us down and find our new location. I need to erase every evidence around the parking lot where it happened. No one must find out that a beast had attacked people around my business area. That would be bad press and it certainly won’t be good for the family’s business and my reputation.
Not to mention the fact that we have a bunch of angry folks trying so hard to hurt Valerie and I. They may be licking their wounds in secret, but in pretty sure that they haven’t given up on us yet. The anger I saw in the eyes of that girl that Valerie had called Charlotte, it’s the kind of anger that leads a person to an early grave. I won’t even call it anger anymore because it is more than that now. She is practically obsessed with Valerie and no matter how far Valerie decides to run, and no matter how long it takes, she would always finds her and tries to hurt her. She is that obsessed, and dangerous.
Too bad she messed with the wrong person this time, she went really far with the stunt she pulled at the club, and unknown she just put herself under my radar. I know how to handle bitches like her, I mean, it’s not like this is the first time I’m dealing with crazy, overentitled bitches that thinks that the whole world revolves around them. I’ve dealt with a much crazier version of her, and I won that fight flawlessly. So, if you think I’m going to be scared of a clueless, vindictive lady that seems to be so jealous of my woman’s lifestyle and achievements, then you couldn’t be more wrong.
I am not scared of her, or the power she was using. The truth is, I never had any serious thoughts about her before now, but since she just proved to be a danger to me and my mate, I decided to open a file on her and see what I find out about her. I also need to find out what transpired between Valerie and her, and why the hell is she so angry and bitter. Maybe they both dated the same guy, or maybe they just gate each other for no just reason, I need to know everything. I have some files on her and her brother already, but I need more than that, I need to know everything from the very beginning, I mean from when Valerie first came to live with them. Like, how was she even adopted into the family, and where the hell did she come from?
This family of hers seems to know a lot about her and also about our people. For fucks sake, they have a white witch that is backing them up, I mean a real white witch. I wanted a white witch as well, I even searched so hard for their new hideout, but I couldn’t find them. Yet she found one, and as if that was not enough, she also found a way to convince a white witch to turn against a Huntington. Is that not strange, does it not sound bizarre and unbelievable?
Well, it may sound stupid and unbelievable, but the fact remains that she had pulled it off, and since she managed to get a white witch to do her bidding, I’m sure controlling Liam will not be a problem. I can already see the signs, and I know for a fact that Liam has no say in anything she is doing. He claims he loves Valerie and he claims he had waited for so long to set his eyes on her again. From where I stand, this is a clear case of indecision. He wants to be with Val, but he owes Charlotte, and he has sworn his allegiance to her. If she asks him to jump, I’m sure his only question would be,
“How high baby girl?”
This is how stupid and gullible he’s become. I don’t know if this is how he used to be when he dated Val, but I’m sure that Valerie won’t settle for less. She won’t let him be with her if he was this spineless and daft. I’m guessing that something happened to him after she left him and ran down to my city. I need to know everything that happened to him and the others, I need a detailed information on what transpired between them that caused this anger and animosity. That is the only way I can solve this problem we are facing without killing anyone of them.
Admittedly that would have been the best option, I would have just snapped their necks and gotten it over with, but Valerie doesn’t want them dead. I guess she still considers them as her friends and family, and that is quite understandable, I mean, she did live with them for years after all. So it’s quite normal to consider them as family. But keeping them alive is a huge risk, I’m going to have a lot of work on my hands because I’ll need to tread carefully while trying desperately to kick them out of this city and out of our lives. It would be much easier if she had just let me kill them, but now I’ll be looking over my shoulder for the next few months because I still think that there is a high chance that these idiots are working with King Gerald. And if my hunch is right, then we have a much bigger issue that may force us to take a long trip out of this city, for the time being.
But for now, I focused on the most important tasks that I needed to handle as soon as possible. First, I need my team of scientists to set up a new lab in another location because the former location has been compromised, or so I thought anyway. I was glad when they arrived safely, it would have been even worse if Liam had restricted their movement or even held them, hostage. I’m glad they were smart enough to abandon the building before they were caught. Constructed some guys to assist them in settings up a new lab, then I took my car and a few guys with me, and I drove back to the club to get rid of every piece of evidence that could lead to Charlotte, her brother, or Liam. I do not want them to be caught, and I don’t want to be caught either.
So I need to get rid of any evidence that might lead to more to them. This is my case, and I’m going to handle it myself. I don’t need anyone snooping around my business. I did not park in my favorite spot because I don’t want to attract any attention to myself. I parked in a dark corner and we stepped down from my car, with me leading the way to show them exactly where it happened. I know the cops would be all over the crime scene and I know some spies would be there as well. Who would have ever thought that I would meet the most unexpected guys that I never expected to find in this place.
“What are you two doing here?” I asked in a cold, fierce tone that made them both shiver in fear. It’s Cameron and her brother, Shane. They have no business being here, except they know something that k don’t know.
Or, wait!
Hold on a minute, are these two working as spies for king Gerald?