Still Valerie’s POV
“Go get yourself a whore, Shane!
Or better yet, go fuck your sister.” I told him furiously and I stormed out of his sight, leaving him stunned as he started after me. I went to the manager and took permission to sign out earlier than the normal closing period. He let me go after hearing that I have been serving the guests at the Alphas private lodge. He knows how overbearing they can be, so he let me check out for the day, and I went straight to the girls changing room, took off my lingerie and I put on my faded blue jean and a black t-shirt. I said a few words to Janelle and Beatrice before taking the back door to leave the club.
I was so unfortunate to cross paths with the Armstrong siblings, I tried as much as I could to avoid them, but Cameron seems to be in a foul mood. I don’t know what happened after I left, but I’m sure something must have happened after I left to put her in such a foul mood. They were both headed to their car that is parked at the entrance to the building, with their driver sitting on the driver’s side of the car. Shane had a girl in his arms, I guess he took my advice and found himself a whore. I wonder why his sister looks like an angry bird, did the Almighty Alpha not give her a good orgasm?
I laughed at my own joke and I tried to maneuver past them before they could see me, but as I said, I’m just unlucky tonight. I guess she must have sighted me walking toward them because she walked forward and blocked my path. I nearly bumped into her, but I caught myself in time and I paused to gaze at her, waiting patiently to know why she blocked me this way. She stood in front of me, staring me down, glaring daggers at me.
I guess she wants to intimidate me, or maybe she wants me to cower under her stern gaze. I did not let her intimidate me, I did not flinch under her stern gaze. I stared right back at her, meeting her furious gaze with mine. She smirked evilly, tipping her head to gaze at me thoroughly. Her gaze was condescending, it doesn’t sit right with me, and I wanted to tell her to go fuck her brother, but she beat me to it,
“I underestimated you, Valerie. I thought you were just plain stupid, but no. You are smarter than you look. In fact, you are not just smart, you are a conniving bitch. First, you come after my brother, and when you couldn’t get him, you decided to come after my man.
I’m going to say this only once, Mia. Stay away from Shane and Maverick, they are both mine, and I do not wish to share them with anyone. If you are wise, you would keep away from what belongs to me. You are not one of us, so I’ll forgive you this time because you may not understand how things work around here.
Desperate girls like you have tried to take them away from me but trust me, it never ends well for them because I never give up. I fight for what is mine, and when I fight, I fight dirty and I always win. Stay away from Shane and Maverick!
Especially Shane!
Maverick would never downgrade himself to have anything to do with you, anyway. But my brother can be stupid at times. That is why I’m taking time out of my busy schedule to warn you to keep off.
They are both mine, and the next time I catch you throwing your filthy body at them, I’ll make you pay for daring to steal what is mine.” she growled at my face.
“I have no issues with you, Cameron. I’m only doing my job. I’m not interested in your stupid brother or your boyfriend. Stay the fuck away from me, and keep your dogs on a leash so they don’t come running after strippers. Who knows why they keep chasing after other girls, maybe you are not sweet down there. Ho work on yourself and leave me the fuck alone!” I respond in the same tone she had used on me.
She gasped in shock, her eyes as wide as saucers. I don’t know why she looks so shocked, I don’t know what I just said to surprise her this way. Before I could walk out on her, she drew me back and landed a slap on my face, taking me by surprise. I rushed at her and I landed a hard slap on her cheeks as well, making her stagger backward. She attacked me and pushed me with force, making me land on the floor. I felt a sharp pain in my thighs and I know that something has pierced my thighs.
I needed to leave here before anyone notices that I am hurt. She was just about to attack me again, but she stopped when she heard a stern voice from behind her,
“Why don’t you take your horny brother back home already, and leave her alone. Your brother is breaking one of our rules by fucking a girl in his car instead of lodging in our hotel. And here you are breaking another one of our rules by fighting with a staff. Do you want to be banned from this club?” he asked her sternly. I know that voice, he is the head of safety he is so strict in doing his job. I know he is just looking out for me, and I also know that he will not be able to stop Cameron.
He may be strict and firm, but Cameron is a raving lunatic and there is no way she would let me go. I couldn’t wait any longer, Malia would heal my injuries and if this crazy girl or anyone else sees it, then my secret is out and I’ll not be safe in this town anymore.
While the guard distracted her, I got up from the floor and ran off into the busy road. I could hear her screaming loudly behind me, scolding the guard for letting me escape. I did not slow down and I didn’t pay attention to her, I just kept running away from that Lunatic, searching for a quiet place to hide and let Malia heal me. I found a quiet place behind a dumpster, and I relaxed a bit and took a deep breath, letting my wolf to do her thing on me.
I felt a presence beside me and I shook in fear because I thought that it was Cameron and I thought she has caught up with me. But when I raised my head to gaze at her, I realized that it wasn’t Cameron. It was Alpha Maverick and he just witness my wolf healing my injuries. He leaned forward and checked my thighs, I guess he saw the blue light shining out of my injuries while Malia healed me, that is how he knows where to check.
He had a soft smile on his face as he checked my injuries and confirmed that I have just been healed. He doesn’t seem surprised, and he acted as if he had just won a jackpot, but he never lost his charisma and charm. I wanted to plead and beg him not to expose me, I have this scared look on my face as I looked up at him. But before I could say anything, he spoke up to me,
“Be very careful next time, you could get killed if anyone finds out about this secret. Learn to avoid meaningless fights, and try to keep your head down so you dot attract any attention to yourself. Be very careful.” He warned me sternly, then he stood up and gazed at me for a few minutes. I saw love and tenderness in his eyes, and for a moment there, I thought he was going to kiss me because he’s brought his face so close to mine, and he caressed my cheeks with his soft palm, his eyes glittering a bright red as he looked deeply into my eyes.
It felt as if he was looking into my soul, I felt a tingling sensation all over my body, and I could almost swear that he feels the same way too. Our body is like two pieces of a puzzle, it felt like we were made for each other. Or the first time in my life, I wasn’t scared of someone finding out about my secret. I didn’t e even flinch under his hard gaze. I wanted more…
I want him…
I’ve never felt anything like this in my life, I’ve never wanted any man as much as I want him. It felt so right to be here with him. I thought he felt the same way, I thought he would pull me into his arms and kiss me. But he suddenly pulled away as if he got jolted by electricity. He did not spare me a second glance, he turned his back on me and just like that, he disappeared into thin air. A gust of chill wind blew around me, I felt so cold suddenly, it felt as if he was never even here. I had to ask myself if I was imagining it.
It could be a result of my deep feelings for him. I guess my mind is playing tricks on me. I stood up and looked around, but I couldn’t see any traces of him around, I saw a few strange guys hanging around the area. Their aura is so strange, and strong. I’ve never felt something so strange and intimidating. It’s a good thing that I’ve never shifted into my wolf, I’ve always kept her hidden and subdued, so I’m sure that even if they turn out to be sorcerers or lycans, they will never sense her, and there is no way that they would know that I have a beast inside of me.
“Who are you, and what are you doing here?” one of the guys asked me.
“Fuck off!” I retorted, sounding like one of these crackheads that roam the streets. He hissed at me, uttering some obscene curses at me before walking away, going to continue searching for whatever it is that they are searching for. I had a hunch that they were bad guys, I have no idea where that feeling was coming from, but I decided to follow my hunch. I waited a few minutes, I made sure the coast was clear before I stepped out of that corner and took a bus straight home.
I fucking stink!
I wonder why I chose to hide behind a dumpster, I can be so stupid sometimes. And now I’m beginning to daydream about a stunning-looking Alpha that would never be mine no matter what I do. I pushed the door open and stepped into the house, flopping down on the couch, tired and fatigued. I keep replaying the events of today in my head, and I laugh at some of the stupid things I did just to attract his attention. He must think that he is such an important person, treating everyone as he wants, messing with my head!
Fucking Idiot!
I was just about to head into the shower to wash off the blood stains from my clothes and get rid of these dirty, bloody clothes when I heard the beeping sound from my phone that alerted me to a message. I dipped my hand into my bag and pulled it out. I saw a message from the manager of the club, Mr. Dawson,
“Due to the arrival of the CEO, we are currently cutting down on our workforce and rebranding the business. Your services are no longer required in this company, Mia.
You are fired!”