Five Years Later,
Valerie’s POV
Life as an independent adult away from her family and friends was not easy. In fact, it was harder than I’d ever imagined and it was humbling.
If only I had someone to call family. Janelle and her family were the closest I came to having a family. I couldn’t live in their house because her parents would never take me in if they get to find out that I ran away from home. Besides, I always feel weird whenever I’m around them, it felt like their wolves was calling out to me, begging me to set them free. They feel it too, I can see it in their eyes, but they have no idea what they are feeling, they have no idea that I have a beast within me that is begging to be let loose.
I had to avoid living with them, I turned down every offer from Janelle to help me get a family to live with. I used part of the money I got from Liam to get a little a little apartment that just manageable and cheap. I know I would have gotten more assistance from Liam, he cares so much about me, and he is willing to help me through this difficult time. But, I could lead him on any longer, my life is already a complicated mess, adding a long distance relationship into my complicated life is just unreasonable.
That is why I got rid of my sim card before I arrived at Woodbridge. I don’t want to be trace by anyone, I had to keep my identity a secret, and I lived a quiet life, trying to stay under the radar is I don’t attract attention to myself. I’ve lived in Lakewood all my life, and when I moved to Woodbridge, I had to make some adjustments to my lifestyle so I can fit in. It’s been quite difficult, but I’ve been able to combine working and schooling, and for five years, I’ve lived a quiet life. Until today…
“You’re up Val, a client is asking for you specifically.” Janelle called out to me, bringing me back to reality.
I’m a waitress,
And a stripper…
You are wondering why I chose this path, right?
Well, AFTER THREE LONG, excruciating years of being “student” broke (which is the worst kind of broke) and having to skip out on all manner of social events in college because my wallet harbored paper-eating moths, I finally landed a part-time job in a nightclub. Yes, my motivation was to earn money so I could party and the only job I could find was one working the exact same hours, the irony was not lost on me. I had gone from penniless introvert to an earning member of bar staff but at the price of working unsociable hours sometimes there’s just no winning in life. Now when I first started there, you can imagine the mixed reactions I got off friends and fellow students.
“Oh my god you poor thing do you even get any sleep?” No, as you can see from my high performing morning cocktail of red bull and coffee. “Oh wow they must work you like a slave in there” No, we aren’t a sweatshop for knock-off Michael Kors bags, we just serve you people drinks. “Ewww do you get a bunch of drunk guys touching your ass?”
No darling, they like to give it a good firm slap instead they’re drunk college dudes what do you think? “Like, will that even count on your CV when you want an actual real job?” Oh I’m sorry, I forgot we cater only to nymphs and the odd Disney princess this is a real job. And so the list goes on.
A window into how drunk and stupid people can be,?
The truth is, yes you get spilled on, yes you rise and fall at unhuman hours in the day and yes its minimum wage. But you know what? It’s fun. I’m by far one of the happiest people in my entire course these days because, despite dragging myself around on the floor of our lectures in the early mornings, I always have a hilarious story to tell about what happened at work last night, besides, I don’t get bullied by anyone, I’ve left that horrible life behind me, and now I’m surrounded by a few friends who treat . e like family.
Nightclubs really are the window into how crazy and stupid drunk twenty-somethings can be. Before I even manage to open with my daily line “you’ll never believe in work last night …” I’m bombarded with chants of ‘spill it!’ Before even the most mature of my colleagues go online to check their secret Tinder accounts, they turn to me first to hear the crazy stuff that went on in our club last night. And I can tell you some whoppers both disgusting and heart-warming.
A huge misconception is that this line of work will turn you against your own generation. Understandable, seeing as you’re the first-hand witness to all their puking, crying and falling. That last sentence really made our generation sound like a bunch of five year olds didn’t it? But to be honest, we do get the really tough nights where it’s non-stop from the minute the doors push open and in the midst of our attempt to control chaos we’ll moan “I just HATE students!”
You learn a lot
Of course there are aspects you hate about it, that’s the case for every job. I have really learned to hate those idiots who believe that after buying a $4. 50 shot they have therefore substantially contributed to the clubs profit and so can act like they own the place. Do not snap at our busy bar staff who barely have a second to breathe, do not get in the way of our cleaning staff when they are trying to wipe up YOUR mess. And if you would like to return home with clean (or semi clean anyway) undies, do not test our bouncers. But at the end of a long night, a long laugh is even better. And we could never turn on our own social group and what is without a doubt our main source of entertainment. We really do love you drunken messes.
Working in a club will give you a huge range of skills useful in later ‘grown up’ life. You’ll learn to think quickly in a high pressure situation where even the smallest thing will send you into a code red. You’ll learn to defend yourself against creepy men I find my back off me stare has tripled in power since I started work a year ago. You’ll increase your confidence with the number of drunken marriage proposals you’ll receive in a week alone. You’ll make great friends and even if you’re not now or cringe at the mere cliched phrase you really will become a people person. Well, until 9 o’clock the following morning comes around and you revert back to a ‘don’t talk to me or face death’ kind of person. But all the same, it truly is a fun and worthwhile job to have in your twenties.
Anyway, I’m quite a shy person most of the time, but while working behind the bar, I got talking to all sorts of folks I most likely wouldn’t have spoken to and to this day, I speak to my suppliers in the same sort of laid back way that I did while working in the nightclub. Obviously, the cleaning up part at the end of the night was a bit rubbish, but the banter during the night was cool. Afterwards, we’d ask the boss if we could put on a few chips and chicken nuggets before going home. He’d say yes, but only if we didn’t put too many on. We *never* went over board with the making of food. Never ever. Nope. Not at all.
Good times indeed.
And for the stripping part, well, lets just say I needed the extra cash. When I learned that strip teasers earn twice the amount that waitresses earn, I decided to tame some lessons and get more knowledge about being a stripped. Some young women begin stripping with an unrealistic idealization of the job. It has the allure of fast cash and seems like a way to improve your situation, give yourself more options, or move up in the world.
You seldom think about the negative aspects until you’re doing it. While there is the potential to earn a decent amount of money, the exact amount can vary drastically on any given day and depend on both the club and its typical clients. And since I work in one of the most popular clubs around here, it’s safe to say that I’m getting twice what I would gave earned as a waitress. Malia wasn’t too happy as I got groped and caressed by different men, every damn night. But I didn’t care about her feelings, I caged her at the back of my head, like I always did, and I moved on with my life as if she doesn’t even exist. She keeps saying we need time to bond and shift, and safe our race.
“Well, I don’t give a fuck about any of that!
I simply want to work, finish my education and live a better life.”
That’s not too much to ask, Is it?
It was a Thursday night, and as usual it was a dull night. Most of my clients don’t visit the club on dull day, so I end up taking a shift or two in the other department. I was doing my job as usual, and as I served drinks to different tables, I swayed my hips and teased some guys, getting tips to cover up for my low income tonight. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, I swear, I didn’t do it on purpose.
You see, this town is populated by werewolves and human alike. The wolves lives in the shadows, hiding their secret from the humans. They can identify each other by a tattoo of a wolf howling at the moon that is drawn at the back if their heads. I don’t know how they managed to identify and tattoo all the werewolves, but I’m guessing they all recognize each other because they are in the same pack. Janelle and her family had this tattoo as well. She had told me that it is the curse from the moon goddess. I didn’t ask for more details because I have no business with the werewolves. I have no tattoo and I am not part of their pack. I am just a human girl working hard to make a living.
For the past two weeks, Janelle and the other shewolves that I know have been talking about the Alpha’s recent freedom from captivity. They said he has been released and he will return to the pack soon. He only went on a vacation to clear his head because he has been locked away for five years. I don’t know why they are so happy that he is coming back, the truth is that I don’t even care about him because I don’t know the dude. But I was looking forward to seeing the almighty Alpha that defied the lycan king and lived to tell the story.
A part of me was looking forward to seeing him and even Malia is excited about his return as well. He was supposed to arrive today and everyone is looking forward to his return. A welcome party would be held for him tomorrow and every member of the pack would be there to welcome their Alpha. But like I said earlier, I don’t care about all that.
I was just flirting around as usual, swaying my hips seductively, with my serving trey balanced firmly in my hand. Then all of a sudden, the VIP door was pushed open and as I tried to steady my trey and stop myself from falling to the floor, I ended up spilling everything on my trey on him, and I still landed on my butt. I heard a loud gasp from around the hall, the next second, everywhere was as calm as a graveyard, and a gorgeous man stood in front of me, glaring daggers at me.
I had no idea that anyone was in the VIP room, if I did, I would gave been more careful. This door has not been opened tonight, I thought it was empty. Who is this guy, and how the hell did he get into the VIP lounge?
I saw the manager running towards us with a towel, he looked so scared of this guy and it made me wonder if he is someone special in the city, or maybe he is just a special client. He kept glaring at me, and as he started fixedly at me, I felt a tingling sensation all over my body, it felt so amazing and it aroused new feelings in my body, creating erotic thoughts in my head. I managed to pick myself up from the floor just as the manager arrived. I have to confess, he is the most handsome man I’ve ever seen in my life. I work in a club and I meet lots of guys everyday, but this guy is so different, so damn gorgeous. He had a touch of the Brad Pitt about him. His hair was pitch black and coiffed to perfection. His eyes had the same startling clarity as a mountain stream and the lineaments of his face were in perfect proportion to each other. He seemed molded from a different cast as he had an androgynous look uncommon to most people. Lacquered and enameled by the sun, he radiated energy and charisma. The aura surrounding him was to great to be ignored, I feel it in my bones and Malia feels it as well. His mountain peak cheekbones appeared chiseled into shape by a master craftsman. They were of such sharp contours, it looked as if they were sculpted and pared to perfection. With eyes as bright and spellbinding as lode stars, they bewitched all those who fell under his steady gaze. They were a-sparkle with mirth and shone like two eternity-blue jewels inwrought in snow…
“Looking this handsome should be a crime. I mean, How can an be this gorgeous?”
I’m sure he has many girls throwing themselves at him, begging for his attention. I would had admired his beauty some more, but I couldn’t focus on any other thing because he looks so furious, and he is glaring daggers at me. If eyes could kill, I’ll be six feet under already. I glared at him as well, matching his hard look with mine. I don’t know why everyone is so scared of him, but I’m not going to cower and hide in his presence. I didn’t spill drinks on him on purpose, and if we are being honest, he is to be blamed as well because he nearly hit me with a door. I was only trying to save myself when I mistakenly spilled drinks on him. So if he thinks he is going to get an apology from me with this hard glare, then he is terribly mistaken.
“Do you have nothing to say to me?” he asked, sounding so arrogant. I was about to respond back in the same tone he had used on me, but the manager was here and he is giving me a look that says,
“Watch you tongue, Val.”
“Are you fucking deaf?
Answer me!” he screamed furiously, his voice vibrating the entire building. I could feel my anger intensifying, how could he yell at me this way, who the hell does he think he is?
Well, I got my answer when the manager came forward and bowed in submission to him. Then he said,
“I’m sorry Alpha. Please forgive her, she is only a human.”