Still Michaels POV
I had the most beautiful dream ever, but it was also scary and bizarre. It felt real, just like the dream I had with Arabella a few months ago, although this dream is a little different, it was more beautiful. It felt like all our dreams had just come to life.
I saw myself and Arabella sitting on the throne as King and Queen of all wolves, presiding over my father’s treachery. Seats were arranged on either side of the throne and on the left side sat the council elders, while the rogue leaders sat on the right side with a few selected Alphas that would never judge partially.
They were brought together to discuss the fate of the previous king, I mean my father. He is sitting right in front of us all, chained down tightly, and his chains are laced in wolf’s bane, so there is absolutely no way he can break out of his chains.
He was glaring at me with so much hate and scorn, staring dangerously at me. I can’t really say how we got to this point, but am glad it’s all over and Abi and I scaled through it all and we can unscathed.
What I just don’t understand is why my best friends are not here with me. It’s just so weird, because they should be sitting right behind, but they aren’t here and I wonder why. but am glad we succeeded in bringing down my father, it means we fulfilled our destiny and United our people.
I turned over to gaze at my beautiful mate that is sitting right beside me but.. but.. She was not there anymore. It looks like she had just vanished into thin air.
I yelled out frustratedly, looking around the throne room, searching desperately for her. But she wasn’t anywhere in sight, she’s gone.
Dec, Brian, we need to look for Arabella, she’s not here anymore, she’s missing. We need to search for her, right now.” I ordered habitually, but I didn’t get any response from them, that was when I recalled that they weren’t even here.
I heard a burst of cold icy laughter coming from behind me, it has a mocking sound and I had no choice but to turn towards the sound. My father stood right in front of me, staring down at me, smirking. Somehow, his chains have been taken off and he is now standing menacingly in front of me, looking so furious that it scared me a little.
“You really thought you could fool me, didn’t you?
How could you try to betray me, your father?” he asked me with a scowl, staring me down.
“You… You…
Before I could find an appropriate word to describe him, he brought his hand forward and hit me so hard that I went flying to the other end of the room.
At that very moment, I was jerked awake from my deep slumber.
It was only a dream. It felt so fucking real. I could feel the pains all around my body, it felt like I was run over by a huge van. I was standing in a room with chains on my leg, my hands, and my neck. I was chained like a common criminal, and the chains were laced with wolf’s bane. If I so much as move, I get burned by the deadly poison.
Even the tiniest movement was so hard and painful, it hurts so bad. I had to stand as still as a molded structure or I get stung by the wolf’s bane, even the tiniest movement is pure torture to me. I just can’t bear the pains.
I managed to turn around, and I saw my friends sitting all around the room, chained in wolf’s bane as well. The guys sat on one end and the girls sat on the other end but, we weren’t complete. Arabella is missing.
Bella!” I yelled out, just like in my dream, but she was nowhere to be found.
“Hey man, thank the goddess, you finally woke up. I thought you were dead!” Brian said in relief.
“What the hell happened out there, how the fuck did he find out about us, and where the fuck is Arabella?” I asked angrily.
“We have no idea how he got to find out about you and Arabella or how he figured out all our plans, but we were hoping you could try reaching out to her through your mind link or even with your telepathic power, she was taken to a separate location and we have no idea what could be happening to her right now, she could be tortured or killed.” Derek said sadly.
“Don’t you ever say that! My mate would not be killed, I would not allow it. Never!” I yelled angrily as the tears slipped down my cheeks. They were all looking at me with sympathy, making it look like Arabella was dead already.
I ignored them all and concentrated on our bond, trying to establish a connection with her, but it keeps coming empty. If I try too hard, I get a shock that feels like my brain is being fried or electrocuted.
I kept trying over and over again but I just couldn’t reach her, it felt like our connection has been severed and our bond has been completely shattered and broken.
“What is really going on here?” I wondered within me, but I couldn’t come up with a reasonable answer to my question, I just have to keep trying until I break the obstacle that’s blocking our link.
The sound of some heated arguments and struggles made me stop in my attempts to connect with Arabella. I could hear my mom’s voice as she screamed my name out loudly, desperately trying to get through the guards and get to me.
Leave her alone… Leave her alone,”
I screamed hysterically as I struggled to break out of my chains, feeling the sting of the wolf’s bane as it burned through my skin, leaving a scar that am pretty sure would remain visible on my skin forever.
I kept screaming at them, ignoring the burning pain that I feel all over my body. It went on and on for some minutes, I could feel the moisture in my eyes as I imagined what my mom would be going through out there. Why would dad do this to her? She is his mate for fucks sake, his mate.
“Am gonna fucking kill him.” I swore out loudly as I pulled at the chains holding me down. The chains didn’t budge but the door flung open and the devil himself walked right in, I mean my father, King Justin Angelo. Just like in my dream, he walked right up to me with a smirk on his face.
“Hello son, how are you finding your new accommodations?
I hope it suits your style. This is the best accommodation we could find for a traitor.” he mocked with a smirk.
“You’ll pay for this sad. I swear, I’ll make you pay.” I swore right at his face, staring at him with deep hatred and contempt.
“Well, as you can see, I am already getting away with it, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
You fool!
You betrayed me for a bunch of Snickers. You threw away all your training and upbringing and you sat and dined with the rogues. You even stupidly got yourself mated to the daughter of the rogue leader, how could you Michael?” he yelled angrily as his face turned bright red in anger.
“I could not under what he meant when he said I betrayed him for a bunch of Snickers. Is he trying to tell me that I was betrayed by a snitch??
Who could have done this to us, who is the snitch that betrayed us?” I thought within me. But I smiled at his hilarious look as he gazes at me with deep hatred. It’s a welcome consolation to see him this rattled off and upset.
“Why are you doing this dad, what did they ever do to you?
All the rogues ever asked for is a better life. They never wanted this war that you declared openly against them, they only want to live their lives in peace. Is that too much to ask for?
You deceived Brandon Wellington into fighting with you when you know that he would never win, then you changed the rules of engagement and you attacked them in their camp and you killed them all, you even forced me to reject my mate, you nearly ruined my life, dad!” I said to him, adding sarcasm to the last part when I mentioned his name.
“You really believe am the Villain here, don’t you,?
You think you have it all figured out.
You stupid fool!
I taught you to listen to both sides of the story before you judged, you stupid, stupid, Fool!
You must be wondering how I got to find out about you and Arabella, right?
You want to know who the dirty, bloody snitches are, don’t you, son,” he asked with a smirk.
I didn’t react in any way and I did not give him an answer because I don’t know what game he’s playing right now, it could be a trap for all I know.
He simply nodded to the guards behind him, signaling something to them that I just couldn’t understand. They turned around and left immediately, while my dad stood right dare on the same spot, staring pointedly at me, weighing my reactions.
The guards came in a few minutes later and I got the greatest shock of my live as a guy I trusted so much walked right in, reeking of guilt and fear.