Still Michaels POV
After saying our goodbyes we drove off to the airport. We drove in separate cars because our luggage was quite many, considering the fact that we have two ladies that are shopaholics with us.
Besides, there are at least ten warriors and five maids that would be traveling with us on this trip also because dad wants us to be ready for anything, We really don’t know how powerful the rogues have become over the year. We need to be ready for any surprises.
It was almost 2 pm when our eight cars pulled up to the airstrip. I got out of the car and walked over to the private jet and climbed the stairs up to the comfy looking interior, flopping myself down on one of the luxurious couches.
Celine and Josephine came up a few minutes later with angry frowns on their face. Celine is Brians’s mate while Derek’s mate is Josephine. They can be a pain in the ass when they are pissed. Sometimes, I pity my best friends because the moon goddess had blessed them with mates that would keep them tamed.
They were both fierce and powerful and they are never afraid to speak their mind to anyone, including me. They have those brutes wrapped around their fingers and I always laugh when my friend get put in their place. Sometimes they even get smacked in the head like kids and I just can’t hold back my laughter as I watch them get tamed.
“Just wait until you find your own mate. I’ll be sure to laugh at you also when you get smacked in the head.” They always say to me whenever I tease them about their aggressive mate.
If only they know how much I envy them. I’ll give anything just to have what they have right now. I don’t feel complete without her, I feel so empty.
As they both walked in looking so pissed off, I knew immediately that something was off. I really hate being in the middle of their squabbles.
Dear moon goddess, please lead me to my mate so I don’t have to sit by the sidelines and watch my friends and their mates always. It’s becoming quite frustrating, and annoying.
I was expecting Derek and Brian to walk in after them but they didn’t show up. I guess they stayed back to make sure our luggage are well packed. Or maybe they are stalling on purpose just so I can face the brunt of their mate’s anger.
“Alright girls, let it out already,” I said with a deep sigh. Trust me, I don’t envy myself right now.
“You are the problem, prince Michael. Look Mikky, I really don’t know what is going on with you but you need to have a talk with your friends. They have been acting up since you ripped off the head of that Alpha’s daughter. I can’t believe that Brian just yelled at me for no reason at all.” Celine complains angrily as she whines and hisses angrily.
“She’s right Mikky. The guys need to know what’s going on with you.
What the fuck am I even saying??
I mean, We also want to know what’s going on with you Mikky. It’s not fair to us that we can’t start the making process until you find your mate.” Josephine added in a sad tone, looking so grim and sullen.
I sat there looking so somber and sad. Am such a selfish jerk. I hadn’t even deemed it necessary to have a talk with them before we left the palace. I was busy getting more information about the rogues and searching for a house. I had totally ignored my friends.
Dad had ordered them to go with me because of the royal duty that has been assigned to us so they have no choice but to obey their king. I should have sought them out and explained my present predicament to them but I didn’t. And now they are pissed at me.
I watched as they came into the private jet stomping in grumpily. The rest of the crew are in the adjoining room of the private jet.
There is a soundproof door and a curtain that’s separating us from them so I know that whatever am going to say to my friend would not leave this room.
“I’ve met my mate before.” I blurted out, gaining everyone’s attention immediately.
“What the fuck are you talking about??” Derek asked in confusion as they all gazed at me curiously.
I sighed softly as I told them all about Brandon Wellingtons daughter and how dad had forced me to reject her immediately because she was the daughter of a traitor.
I told them about mom’s attempt to use a spell on me and how Falcon had gotten help from our mate to save us before we would fall for their tricks.
“My mate is out there guys. I don’t know where she is but am going to find her before my 80th birthday. Something is wrong with her. Falcon thinks that her wolf is weak. She needs me as much as I need her and am going to do everything possible to find her.” I couldn’t help feeling more depressed as I told them the secret that has been weighing me down for so long.
“It’s been twenty years Mike, twenty solid years. How could you keep this from us for so long?? For fuck sake we are best friends man!!” Yelled Derek as he pulls his hand through his hair.
“The king made me swear to keep it to myself. Mom doesn’t even know about it. Besides, she was only five years old when I rejected her. I guess that’s why the moon goddess decided to bless me with another mate.
I don’t care who my second mate is, I would never reject her for any reason whatsoever. I’ve learned my lesson already. I ain’t making the same mistake twice.
I’ll be damned if I let her go again.” I swore with determination.
“Ummm, I don’t want to ruin the moment but, What if she turns out to be a rogue??
We all know that Los Angeles is swarming with rogues. What if she’s one of them, would you still accept her??” Celine asked curiously.
“Thanks for ruining the moment Celine. You are such a joy killer.
I never said she was in Los Angeles, remember??
I choose Los Angeles because I don’t want mom to poke her nose in my business.
Besides, I don’t care if she is a rogue or not. Am not making the same mistake twice. She’s mine and am going to claim her no matter what.” I said resolutely, leaving no room for arguments or questions.
They smiled at my resolve and we talked about other things as we enjoyed our flight. I briefed them on our second mission and we agreed that once we have checked into a hotel, we would all head to the location of our new house and comb the area thoroughly for any signs of rogues.
I told them that I have already informed the owner of the house that we will not be arriving soon so we will have to sneak into the premises and carry out our background check.
It was a six hours flight from Washington, D. C. to Los Angeles. When we arrived at the airstrip in Los Angeles, the cars we ordered were already parked close by, waiting for our arrival.
We boarded the cars and our luggage was moved in as well. Brian searched the Internet for the best hotels in Los Angeles that we can lodge in before we finally get our house ready.
Awe drove out of the airstrip, he handed me the list he got from the Internet, letting me decide the hotel we would stay in.
As I flipped through the list that he gave to me, my eyes landed on the name of one hotel,
“Phoenix hotels and restaurants.” I yelled excitedly, which earned me a weird look from my friend. I chuckled at their weird expression as I made my choice.
I didn’t need to check through the other hotels, I chose it immediately became of its name, Phoenix.
The universe must be in support of my decision to go search for my mate. The position energy am feeling is just too huge to ignore.
“Am gonna find you soon Phoenix. I promise.” I said within me as I smiled to myself.
Our cars drove through the busy roads with a series of twists and turns before pulling into the entrance of the most beautiful hotel I’ve ever seen in my life, and that’s quite something, because I’ve been to a lot of places and I’ve stayed in many hotels, But,
There’s just something magical about this hotel. It looks so alluring and irresistible. It’s so sparkling and luxurious. It’s rated as a five star hotel and as I stand at the parking lot and view the tall building, I have no other choice but to agree that this Phoenix hotel is undoubtedly the best hotel in Los Angeles and even around the world.
The walls of the hotel are made of glass and it has all the facilities that you could ever need for relaxation. There is a gym, swimming pool, a spa, a restaurant that is at the top of the building, and another restaurant at the rooftop.
As the guys got everything out of the car, I ordered Derek to go make our reservation quickly so we can check in immediately, and then we can go to the location of the house I want to buy.
I stayed back and admired the hard work of the owner of this hotel. Whoever owns this hotel did a great job in maintaining it to this standard. A part of me envies the owner because I am doing a lousy job at maintaining my own personal business. I have been too busy searching for my mate and I’ve totally ignored my furniture and construction company.
A human has been managing it for me because I cannot allow my parents to find out that I have a business that they don’t know about.
“Or wait, you actually thought that I am just a price that depends on the family business??
Don’t be ridiculous!!!
If I didn’t have my own business, how on earth was I planning to take care of my needs when I was threatening to leave the palace??
I ain’t stupid you know. I perform my duties as a prince judiciously and I help dad in running his various business but I still chose to have my own business because I wish to be a more prosperous king.
I’ve been running my businesses for the past fifteen years but I’ve never spent a dime from my money and I’ve managed to keep it hidden from my parents.
They have no idea that I trade on the stock market too and I plan to keep it that way at least until I become king someday.
A few minutes later, Derek came back to inform us that he has taken care of everything. The Warriors and omega’s moved the luggage in while we followed behind them.
As I stepped into the hotel building, Falcon began to stir.
” What’s going on man??”
“I sensed her for some minutes, then I lost her again.”
“Don’t worry man, we’ll find her soon.”
“It’s all your fault, you dick!!!
” Whoa, dude, chill okay. I said we are going to find her, you just have to trust me Falc.”
“Yeah, sure,” he stated with a sigh before going silent once more.
Gosh, he’s so annoying!!!
I can’t wait for us to find our mate so we can finally feel complete and fulfilled.
Just as that thought crossed my mind, I got hit with the most delicious aroma of freshly baked chocolate cupcakes.
Mmmm, I like it.
This is more like it. Damn!!!!
Am so gonna spend a lot of time in this hotel.
As I walked deeper into the hotel, the smell was getting stronger and stronger until Falcon stirred once more. This time he was roaring happily as he yelled,
She’s here!!!!!