Not Feeling Guilty

Book:Alpha's Pet Published:2025-2-8

Bethany’s POV
I killed my father…
Everyone keeps trying to convince me that I had no choice. They believe that I did it out of self defense. Let’s face the facts, if I had not done it, he would have probably killed me. He would have stabbed me with that blade and he would never had flinched when he did it. But that wasn’t why I killed him, I mean, I could have knock him out and let the warriors deal with him the same way they dealt with all the other traitors that refused to fall in line. I could see the warriors around, Carl was there, as well as Harriet and Dwayne, I could have elbowed him hard and slip out of his hold so they can deal with him and have him locked up, I could have let him live if I wanted to,
But I didn’t…
Nah, I used all the skills I learnt from the big city while I was still planning to kill king Dominic. I never had a chance to kill Dom, I wouldn’t have done it even if I had the chance, I love him too much for that. I did attack him severally, but I didn’t give it my best shot because deep within my heart, I knew that I have always loved him, I’d always wanted him to love me and claim me. I did hate him for a while, but that was before I met him, that was before I set my eyes on his handsome face, before I laid eyes on his muscular arms and his well chiseled body. The moment I set eyes on him, I knew he couldn’t be the demon that I thought he was, I knew that a demon could never be so drop dead gorgeous. And I was right, he is not as bad as I thought, he has his faults, he can be such an asshole, but he is not the demon.
Nah, he isn’t. The real demons are people like my father, who is ready to sell out anyone to get what he want. He is prepared to hurt anyone, I mean anyone at all, including his own family as long as he gets to the seat of power. He is a devilish soul, a power hungry tyrant. And that is why I went all out on him when I had the chance. I could bear the thought of him ever hurting my mom again, I can’t even stand the sight of him anymore. The mere thought of him hurting me, my mom or my sister, it fucking drives me insane. For fucks sake, he tried to kill my mom and my sister, he had an explosive chip implanted in their brains and he was prepared to hit the trigger button if I did not follow his instructions. How on earth am I supposed to let him go, how can I forgive such an act. I begged him, I tried to get him to change his mind, but he didn’t listen to me. He is too greedy to care about our lives, his quest for power and fame would make him do anything.
He could come back into our lives and cause more damage, my mom would not be able to reject him, even if she wanted to. They have been mated for year’s and their bond can not be severed easily. Only the death of her partner could save her from this bondage that she has found herself. It’s quite unfortunate that she is mated to a bastard that doesn’t care about her. The fact that he is holding a blade to my neck even when the war is over, this goes a long way to prove that he is never going to change. The tyrant king, Ashford is dead and Dominic is still lying unconsciously in the lycan hospital. But my father doesn’t care about all that, he is more concerned about his position in the kingdom. My sister and I are even more unfortunate to have him as a father, he was prepared to continue to follow in the footsteps of King Ashford, he was going to hold me hostage until Dominic relinquish his throne and bows before him.
I had to take him out, I did not hold back when I drove that blade into his neck. They keep trying to make me feel better by telling me that I had no choice, but I know better. I had many choices and I chose to end his pathetic life. And the funny thing is that I don’t feel bad about it, Nah. I don’t feel regret or remorse, rather than that, I feel quite relieved. My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner, I keep falling for his lies and deceit, believing that he would change his ways and become the father that I want him to be. I hoped he would turn around and be as good as I though the was, but he isn’t a good man and he never will be. It took me a while to realize all this and I let him hurt a lot of people, including my mom and my best friend, Harriet. I’m glad I did it. Yeah you heard me right, I’m glad I killed my father.
“Tap…. Tap… Tap… Tap…”
“Go away, I do not want to speak to anything.” I responded curtly, hoping the intruder leaves me to my peace and quiet. I hate hearing the pity speech they keep giving to me. I can always see the truth in their eyes, they try so hard to hide it but I know they think I’m a monster for killing my own father and they believe that I’m hiding in here because I feel guilty. If only they know that I don’t feel an ounce of guilt within me, if anything, I know I’m feeling quite elated. But they won’t understand all that, not even Carl and Harriet. And that is why I do not wish to speak to anyone of them, at least not yet.
“I almost died, Beth. Are you really going to keep me standing out here?” he responded jokingly, making me jump in excitement as I recognized his voice. I opened the door and saw that gorgeous face that makes my heart summersault and do a happy dance. I wanted to run into his arms on excitement, but I held back and studied him, trying to see if he would give me the same judgmental look that every other person have been giving me, but he did not. He had this beautiful smile gracing his face as he leaned on wall in front of my door. He looked so gorgeous, so damn elegant. I think he is just stepping out from the shower because he smells so fresh and his face looks so radiant, his skin glittering and sparkling. The mere sight of him gave me goosebumps all over my body, I can feel the liquid pooling between my legs as I gawked at him, staring lustfully at him. I’ve missed my man, I’ve missed him so much. But am I ready to accept him and go back to the way we used to be?
Nahhhhh… I’m not ready for that, at least not yet.
“Are you going to keep me standing here all day?
I just woke up an hour ago, you don’t want me to collapse on front of your door do you?
You know you would have to explain to everyone and tell them why I fainted right here in your room. You don’t want them thinking that I ran out of energy while screwing you, do you?
I can imagine the looks on their faces when they find me lying naked in front of your room, they may be forced to think that we did it right here in the hallway. Damn, that would be so hot and adventurous. Should we try out?” he teased me continuously. I thought he was just kidding around as usual, then he took off his white t-shirt. He was about to take off his blue jeans as well, but I dragged him into the room before he makes good of his threat and embarrass me in front of everyone in this palace. He chuckled at my plight, and just before he walked into my room, he leaned forward and whispered in my ears,
“I can smell your arousal, my love.” I felt so ashamed of myself, I wish the ground would open up and swallow me. I wanted to play hard to get, I wanted to make him beg me once more because I can still remember how angry I was when I left his castle. I can’t go back to him so easily, not after everything he has put me through.
I tried to hide my embarrassment and act tough so we can straighten out our differences, but Dominic did not even let me bring up our issues, he didn’t even bother to ask me about my father and the incidence that happened when he was still in the hospital. He didn’t even ask me about the things I said to him when king Ashford tied him to the chair and forced him to watch as we both made out. He was standing right behind me, and as soon as I shut the door, he backed me up against the door, and he took my mouth in his, kissing me deeply. He plunged his tongue into mouth, tasting, exploring and searching every corner of my mouth. I wanted to protest, but I am too weak to resist him, I’ve missed him so much and I need to let out some steam because I’ve got a lot of conflicting thought. I need to clear my head and I tend to be clear headed whenever I’m in his arms. So I responded to his kisses, matching his kisses with mine, kissing him with all the passion within me.
He lifted me up and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his hips, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. His hands rested on my ass, holding me firmly in place as we sucked our faces, our tongues buried in each other’s mouth. I could feel the warmth from his bare chest, making me shiver in desire. His mouth left mine as he trailed kisses down my cheeks and neck. I could feel the liquid soaking my thong and I let out a loud moan when he lapped on my marking spot and bucked his hips to meet mine, letting me feel his hard boner poking my ass. I bucked my hips to meet his, moaning at the contact as I shivered in his arms. I want him, that fact I can never deny. I’ve missed him so much, I would give anything to have his boner buried in my pussy. I’m sure he would have gladly obliged my request, but we got distracted by the soft knock on the door. I jerked at the sound, I wanted to step down from his hips, but he wouldn’t let me.
“Please Ignore it,” he urged me, kissing me once more. I chuckles softly and kissed him back, but the knocking on the door went louder, the intruder is very persistent.
“What!!!” Dominic yelled in frustration when the intruder made no attempt to leave us alone. I chuckled at his frustration, it’s obvious that he misses me as much as I miss him.
“I’m sorry, my king. I just want to inform you that the lycan king has made a declaration that there will be no party without you. We need you out here, Dom. This is a great victory for everyone, don’t deny us our victory celebration, my king.” Dwayne let out excitedly. From the sound of his voice, It is obvious that they are so impatient to begin the celebration. I wouldn’t blame them though, after everything they have been through, they sure deserve to celebrate this victory.
“Go, Dom. They deserve this, don’t ruin it for everyone.” I let out calmly as I untangled myself from his arms and walked further into the room. I heard the door swing open and I thought he was leaving, but when I heard the door close once more, I turned to stare after him, thinking he would be gone already, but there he stood, staring fixedly at me, giving me a look that made me feel a little awkward.
“What are you still doing here?” I stammered out, looking so surprised. I hope he didn’t notice me staring after him in a daze.
“You didn’t think I was going to leave without you, did you?” he retorts, smiling warmly as he walked towards me.
“No, Dom. Not now. I’m not ready to socialize just yet, I don’t even want to be seen out there, I hate the pathetic looks I’m getting from everyone, it’s fucking pissing me off.” I let out furiously.
“They just care about you Beth, they are all warriors and generals, they know how difficult it is to take a life. Just give it time, you’ll get over it, and so will they.” he let put calmly, trying to pull me into his arms. I dodged his outstretched arms and moved out of his reach, making him frown disapprovingly.
“What is really going through your mind Beth, why are you acting this way?
I know you just killed your father, I know it must be taking a toll on you, but I can’t shake off this feeling that there is something else bothering you. Speak to me Beth, I want to know.” He kept urging me on, closing the distance as he came to stand in front of me, his hands cupping my cheeks as he raises my face up, forcing me to look into his eye. I tried to look away, but he wouldn’t let me, he gave me a stern look, silently warning me not to run away from him again.
“I enjoyed it, Dom. Back then, when I was making out with King Ashford, I loved it and I meant all those things I said to you.” I confessed, making him arc his eyebrow in thought as he gazed at me for a few seconds, trying to understand what I’m trying to say to him.
“No, Beth. You only think that you loved it because he was playing his mind games with you as well. His black magic was controlling you, making you feel and say things that you are not supposed to.” He explained calmly, pushing my hair behind my ear so he can see my face properly.
“Was I still under the influence of his so called black magic when I killed my father?
I know everyone thinks I am feeling sad and guilty about it, but that’s the thing, Dom. I don’t feel guilty, I enjoyed killing him. And if I have the chance, I would kill him over and over and over again because I loved it.” I told him truthful, looking into his eyes as a drop of tears slipped down my cheeks.
“You did it because you had to. He is a dangerous man, and as long as he is alive, he would be a threat to you and your family. He would kill you in the blink of an eye and he wouldn’t feel guilty about it. If you hadn’t killed him, I would have killed him myself. You did us all a huge favor by ending his miserable life.” He let out firmly, causing a smile to erupt on my face. I knew he would understand me, he is the only one that can feel what I’m feeling, he is the only one that knows me even more that I know myself. His words took away a huge weight from my chest, and I feel so relieved. I never even knew that I had this much burden on my shoulder. I feel so lighthearted and I leaned on him, letting him hold me.
“Does this mean that we are back together?”
“What?” he asked me in surprise, making me widen my eyes in shock because I never meant to ask that out loud. I was only soliloquizing, I didn’t mean to say it to his hearing and now that I said it out loud, I kinda feel like an idiot. I just ruined a perfect moment with my big mouth, I just hope I haven’t pissed him off this time.
“Come here,” he whispered in my ears as he led me to the bed, guiding me to sit on the edge of the bed while he squats in front of me, holding my hands in his as he looks into my eyes,”