Treating Me Like Trash

Book:Alpha's Pet Published:2025-2-8

Stephanie’s POV
He is torturing me by withholding my pleasure. I think he likes toying with me and making me beg him for his attention. I’ve begged for it, I practically grovel at his feet and beg like a fucking whore that can’t keep her legs shut. If I didn’t know better, I’ll say that I’m high on some king of drug, I just couldn’t keep it together, I cant think straight. All I want is to have his dick buried within my pussy. When he walked in through that door, I thought he had finally come to put me out of my misery by screwing me senseless. But that’s not why he came, Nah, he had his own agenda, he always does.
“I missed you, my king. I’ve been waiting patiently for you, just as you instructed,” I let out seductively, walking up to him, putting my arms around his shoulder, leaning up for a kiss. But he turned away from me, dodging my kiss.
“I think you are lying to me, Stephanie. You claim you love me, but that is only a lie. I can see it in your eyes, I can tell that you miss your former boyfriend. You love that loser more than you love me and you wish to be with him,” he told me firmly, sounding so pissed that it kind of infuriated me.
“Of course not, my king. I love you and not that loser. The fact that I’m here with you and not with him, that should count as something, right?” I retorted.
“I know Steph. I know you are here with me because you want to be with me, but I just don’t believe you. Especially now that your loser of a boyfriend has come to my palace to reclaim you and take you back with him. He invaded my palace, my privacy and he wants to take you away from me.” He let it angrily, pinning his gaze on me. Sometimes I fell like he is such a monster, I feel like I ought to be running away from him instead of begging him to screw me. But I’m so drawn to him, like a mate. My heart would never deceive me and the feeling could never lie to me. I know how I’m feeling and I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t be feeling this way if I don’t love him. I wouldn’t be begging him to fuck me if I don’t have feelings for him, right?
“Send him away, my king. I don’t want to see him and I don’t want to have anything to do with him. It’s you I want, I chose to be with you and not him. Send that loser out of here or I’ll kill him, I’ll fucking kill him.” I threatened furiously.
“No, my pet. I don’t want you to kill him.” He let out smugly, his hands coming to cup my cheeks as he looks into my eyes and kissed me passionately, making me melt in his arms. Whenever I look into his eyes, I feel like this is exactly where I’m supposed to be. It feels like I’m back home after a very long trip and I wonder why I don’t remember much about myself or my family, I don’t even think about them. But that is not an issue, as long as I’m with someone I love, I really don’t care about anything or anyone else.
“What would you have me do?” I inquired.
“I’m going to give you a chance to prove to me that you truly love me. I’m going get him in here, then you can show him just how much you despise him. Let him see how much you love me, then he’ll never come back for you, ever again.” He advice calmly, pulling me into his arms, and kissing me tenderly. Somewhere in my head, I can hear a voice begging me not to let him win, I can hear a voice telling me to snap out of my trance and fight for our love. I don’t know what that means because I’m standing right here with my love. Yes, it feels so strange because I seem to have lost some memories, and I feel like I’m being compelled or manipulated by someone. But I know I’m not, I mean, it’s all just wishful thinking, it’s all in my head and that that doesn’t mean that I’ll start suspecting my king, it’s just not possible because I love him from the depth of my heart and I want to be with him.
I followed his instructions to the later, I did exactly what he said and I told my former boyfriend that I don’t want to have anything to do with him and I even told him that I would never chose him because he doesn’t stand a chance against my king. But something didn’t feel right, when I stepped out of the rest room and started into his eyes, I saw some flashes, like memories that came back to me. But they weren’t good memories, it’s either he is hitting me or yelling at me or even lying to me. That all I could see, he is such a hateful guy, and I remember how upset I was when I left his castle. He put my friends life in danger for his own selfish reasons. Wait, do I even have friends, why don’t I remember them, why don’t I think about them?
In any case, that is not the main issue. My problem is that this Maxwell guy is such an asshole, I guess that is why I chose to leave him. I ignored the strange feeling in my heart and I walked over to be with Ashford, kissing him fiercely and passionately. I thought I was home, I thought he was in love with me too. But few seconds into the kiss, we got interrupted by his generals and he threw me to the floor like a piece of trash, ignoring me completely. I still had that nagging feeling that I was being used, like something ain’t right. But I couldn’t do anything about it. I could only crawl to the corner and hide my face in shame because I just got the biggest embarrassment of the century. I should be pissed, I should hate him for treating me this way. But I don’t, I couldn’t hate him even if I wanted to. I just want him to take me to bed and claim me, screwing me into the sheets.
He ignored me and went about his business, giving orders to his boys. They carried out his orders immediately, trying not to piss him off, and dragging that loser away. He did not spare me a glance as he took his weapons and stepped out of the room, leaving me on the floor like a piece of rag. I couldn’t help wondering why the two men in my life were treating me like trash. First it was the flashbacks I had of that loser Maxwell, now Ashford is treating me like trash too. It is either there is something seriously wrong with me or maybe I’m a magnet for bad luck. How can I be drawn to men who treat me this way, how is it that I could still love him even when he treats me like garbage, what the hell is wrong with me?
I was lost in thought, trying to reconcile my thought, then I heard a strange sound in the room. I stood up from the floor immediately and I tried to search for the source of the noise, it took me a good few minutes before I realized that it is coming from the roof. I think something is wrong with my wolf as well, my senses seems a bit dull and I don’t feel too good. I waited a few minutes to see if the strange noise would stop, but it never did. The next thing I saw was a gun pointing at me though the ventilation shaft. Before I could react, the trigger was pulled and I felt a sharp pain in my neck. The last face I saw before I blacked out is his face. I don’t mean king Ashford, no. I saw Maxwell’s face and he was smiling at me, assuring me that everything is going to be okay. And the funny part of it all is that I actually believe him.