Maxwell’s POV
Her beauty is out of this world, so extraordinary. I watched as she sauntered towards the high table, swaying her hips like a model on a runway. The gown had cost me a fortune, but seeing her looking so gorgeous in it made every penny I spent on it worth it.
I had bought that gown out of a guilty conscience. Finding out that she had been trying to crack this case while I was fucking a whore had made me feel so guilty. Because of me Harriet had nearly lost her life, I jeopardized their mission because of my selfish desires. She is trying so hard to prove that she wants to be with me, she is trying to fix our broken relationship, yet I keep acting like a complete asshole, pushing her away.
When I tackled her to the floor in front of the hospital, I had realized just how much I miss her, my body yearns for hers. I can never push her away, no matter how much I try, she makes me feel complete. I am so glad that she did not say the words to accept my rejection, I don’t know what I would do if I lose her. She is not just my mate, she is my queen. She is not just my mate and queen, she is the only woman that can tame my beast, the only woman that can turn me into a lovesick puppy without lifting a finger on me.
I was leading my guys through town, searching for the dirtbag that had made an attempt on Harriets life. We were drive g through town, searching my territory for clues, asking anyone around if they had seen anything out of the ordinary, but no one had any useful information for us, they all had the same answers, and from their answers we got to know that the mole never came into town, he had passed through the woods. I spotted the gown on a mannequin, looking so damn gorgeous. Just looking at it, I could tell that it would was her perfect size and the color was just perfect for her skin tone. I paid for it immediately, sending it up to her with a note to tell her that I am expecting her to wear it tonight. I wish I could see the smile on her face as she opens it, but that is just mere wishful thinking. Knowing Stephanie so much, I’m sure she would throw it in to the trash can if she knows that it is from me. I did not just betray our bond when I cheated on her, I also betrayed our love and trust. She would never forgive me for treating her that way, she would never accept me again, I know that for sure. As I led my boys through the woods, I kept thinking about it, trying to imagine her reaction when she finds out that the gown is a gift from me. I led my boys through the woods, but we found nothing there, he was long gone. We saw his trail, there was also a long line of paw print that I’m sure that it belonged to him, but he didn’t leave any clue that could point us in his direction.
It was by sheer luck that we stumbled upon his hideout. Scott was being silly again, as usual, he is nagging me for being so hard at Stephanie, I had to let him lose so he could go for a run and stop nagging me so much. The others had gone back to the castle, giving up on our search. I mindlinked Jasper and Jason, telling them that I’ll be arriving late for dinner. He was teasing and chasing a squirrel when he stumbled upon the cave. It was dark, do dark that I couldn’t even see my own hands. I know this cave, when I decided to build my castle here, I did a scout of this vicinity and I came across this cave during one of my scouting. I never had any use for it and I didn’t want to destroy it, so I just left it here and never came back to check on it. From what I could see around here, it seems like the moles are using this cave as a hideout, storing all their weapons and other dangerous substances. I called out loudly, trying to find out if there was anyone in here, but there was no one in here, I could only hear the echo of my own voice as it fades away into the distance. I used my wolf’s sight to see as I moved deeper into the cave. I listened for sounds, any sound at all, but there was none, just absolute silence.
I move in the darkness, being extremely careful so I don’t stumble upon any of these boxes. I searched every corner, but there was no one and nothing at all, all I could see we’re the weapons and different substances. I could not recognize all of these substances because some of it looks so foreign and alien to me. This means that king Ashford has not stopped brewing his potions, he is still creating more potions, searching for more ways to defeat me and eliminate the existence of every werewolf on earth. I wonder how long he has been planning this, I wonder how long his moles have been operating right before my eyes, right in my territory.
I could not count the number of guns and other dangerous weapons in this cave. It must have taken them several months to move in all these things in here and I’m sure that all this things weren’t moved in here by one person, it cannot be done by one person which could only mean that there is more than one mole that we are searching for, it’s definitely not one guy. I guess that is why they have been evading my boys all this while. We have been searching for one person all along, but now I know that it isn’t just one person, it definitely can’t be one person that has. Been fooling and tricking us all this while. How was I so blind, why didn’t I see this coming?
I know exactly what I’m going to do, it’s time to turn the tables around. This time, we are playing this game my way, this time I’ll be holding the ace card and I’ll be in total control of this game, I won’t let anyone or anything to distract me from winning this war. It’s a good thing that the warriors have all returned back to the castle, nobody had been with me when I discovered this cave, and nobody else knows that I have found the storehouse where the moles hide their weapons. I would keep my discoveries a secret, I’ll let them live their lives normally, without knowing that they are being watched.
I mind linked Jasper and Jason once more, telling them that I am still going to search through the woods for clues that would lead us to the moles. I called my tech guy, telling him to get some surveillance equipment and meet me at the northern part of the woods. Nobody comes in through the Northern part of the woods because of the many traps and mines that I put there. I’m the only one that can maneuver through my traps, if you don’t treat carefully, you could set off the mines and kill yourself and anyone else around.
I made sure there was nobody in the woods, that was Jason’s job. While Jasper handled the dining room, Jason stood watch at the back, keeping everyone away from the woods. I sneaked my guy in and he secretly installed the cameras at strategic positions around the woods and in the cave as well. It had taken more time than I had anticipated, he had to use a camouflage and hid it properly so nobody suspects anything. By the time I arrived for dinner, I was so exhausted by today’s activity, at the same time, I was so surprised to see that everyone was still seated at the dining waiting for me. I has asked Jasper to see to it that dinner goes as planned, it seems that he are a bit loyal to a fault, as always. He made them wait for me, which is both hilarious and comforting.
Hilarious because I could see the angry frowns on the faces of everyone sitting at the dinning table, they clearly do not like this delay. On the other hand, it is quite comforting because I would be able to have dinner with Steph and I would see how beautiful she looks in that gown that I picked out for her. I have been so stressed up at the woods and now I’m looking forward to spending some time with her, teasing and flattering her as usual. Who would have thought that she had her own plans to execute?
At first I had thought that it was only a joke, she had turned away from the dining, choosing to sit below the high table with the low ranked wolves. I honestly thought that she was just bluffing, I thought that she is just throwing a tantrum like a little child wanting to be cuddled, then I saw her flirting with a guy openly, making it known to everyone that she is on a date with him, ignoring me completely.
I was struggling so hard with my beast, my anger knew no bounds. It could be argued that Miguel was not here when I ordered everyone to stay the fuck away from her, but that doesn’t excuse him from the crime he just committed. He should have know that not every girl is available, he should have fucking asked questions, but he did not and now he is sitting right in front of me, making out with my girl, my woman. He has no right, he has no fucking right to lay his fifty hands on my woman. I can see that he has a death wish he fucking wants me to put a gun on his fucking head and pull the fucking trigger.
I’ve never had this urge to kill one of my own, like the way I’m feeling right now. You don’t need a soothsayer to tell you how furious I am right now. Everyone was staring at me in shock, waiting to see my reaction, wanting to see how ill handle the situation. I can’t to kill that bastard for putting his hands on my woman, I want to punish Stephanie for letting him touch her that way. She belongs to me, she is mine,
And nobody else is allowed to touch that beautiful skin of hers. I can’t believe that she could put on a cloth I just bought for her to have dinner with another man. I could strangle her for making a cuckold out of me. They acted like two love birds, flirting and having fun, acting oblivious to the stares of everyone in the hall, acting like I don’t fucking exist.
I couldn’t sit here and watch them flirting in front of me, so I got up an left the dining hall leaving them to their stupidity. I’ll be having a very long talk with Stephanie later tonight, she would pay for making me look stupid in front of my boys. I’m not going to get into a fight with that idiot, but trust me, he is not getting away with this. I kept telling myself that I’m a king and kings do not go about fighting over little things that don’t mean shit. I walked out when I saw them flirting and caressing each other at the dining. I thought I was tough, I thought I could endure the pain and torture until I get a chance to talk to Steph. But when I saw them kissing and making out in the dining, I fucking lost it.
I just couldn’t take it anymore and I pounced on him, beating the crap out of him, punching him so hard that my fist hurts. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Harriet leading Stephanie away from the scene, taking her up the stairs, taking her far away from me because right now, I am not thinking straight. I could hurt her too if she sticks around much longer. I am way gone to see or recognize anyone, I kept hitting Miguel over and over again, ignoring the pleas of everyone around that is trying to pull me away from him. I’m getting more infuriated by the minute because Miguel wasn’t pleading or fighting back. He just laid there and let me beat the crap out of him, it’s so infuriating, so damn annoying.
“Fight back you idiot. If you want to fucking steal my woman from right under my nose, you should be ready to fight for her, so fight!!!” I yelled at him, causing the whole room to go rigid and silent. I was expecting him to fight back or say more words that would get me more pissed until I beat the crap out of him and he nearly passed out right here before everyone. I didn’t get the response I was seeking, instead, I got a response that made me so weak that I couldn’t raise my hand on Miguel anymore.
“I’ve got nothing to say to you my king. As for Stephanie, I don’t need to fight anyone to claim her, you rejected her, remember?”