Fucking Traitor

Book:Alpha's Pet Published:2025-2-8

Maxwell’s POV
My body was shaking in rage, and I was very close to losing it. The last time I’d been this furious had been when I found out that king Ashford was trying to eliminate all werewolves from the surface of the earth.
No matter how hard I fucking try to calm myself down, talk myself off this edge that I was about to fucking fall from, I just couldn’t do it.
I’m pissed,
Fucking seething.
I’m so mad.
I made it clear that she was mine, I fucking told them to stay the fuck away from her. He hurt a human girl and one of my omegas. He defied a direct order and he tried to force himself on my woman.
All for fucking what?
I knew he was a sick bastard. I’ve heard about his dealing with the omegas, but this time, he fucking crossed the line, he went overboard and he’s going to pay for it, I swear it.
I took her to our room and paced her gently on the bed. She sat up on the bed with her back to the headboard, playing with her hands. She had tears in her eyes, I knew she had been crying and it hurts me even more. Nobody bullies my mate, that honor is reserved for me, me alone. I was pacing the room in anger. A part of me wants to dream and yell at her for going to that room, but my heart couldn’t take it, I can’t bear seeing her this way. I want to hug and cuddle her, but I’m too pissed to make any move right now.
I want to punch someone or smash something, I just want to hurt someone. She is avoiding my eyes, which is quite a good move because I can’t bear to look at her too. I opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn’t get anything out, I was that fucking mad, I want to throttle that fucking bastard, I want to snuff the life out of him for putting her through this, at the same time, I want to scold and tell at her for putting herself in that position.
“Why the fuck were you in that room?” My voice came out rough, even to my own ears. She sat there quietly on the bed, not answering me, which only served to piss me off even more. I can’t believe that she is still finding it hard to open up to me, what the hell is she hiding from me?
“Really, Stephanie, really?
You’re gonna act deaf to my words at this time, you do love keeping secrets, don’t you?
Why the fuck were you in that room?” I roared in her face, feeling the vein in my temple throb. A whimper escaped as she looked up at me with wide eyes, tears quickly filling them. I want to gather her into my arms and tell her it’s fine if she doesn’t want to tell me her secrets, but that would be such a lie. Something is going on and I demand to know what it is. They can’t be hiding things from me in my castle, for all I know, she could have gone to see him for something else, they could be working together for all I know. She still wasn’t answering me, she had her eyes down looking down at her hands as the tears fall down her face.
“What were you doing there Steph? This is my last fucking time asking.” I warned
“I… I went up with my friend to get her phone,” she whimpered, her eyes red from the tears she’d been shedding. I pulled back slowly and nodded. So the crackhead is her friend, of all the girls in the club, and she chooses to hang out with a drug addict?
What’s next?
Maybe she’s using drugs too.
“The fun games are on the fifth floor, why is searching for her phone, what is so urgent that had her searching desperately for her phone?
I must warn you, Steph, I hate when I am lied to, you think I’m a monster, but trust me, you don’t want to see the real monster in me. So think carefully before you even think about lying to my fucking face.
Why was she urgently searching for her phone, what is really going on?” I asked, my voice still calm. She turned her face the other way, facing the wall opposite with her arms crossed on her chest, trying to act defiantly, ignoring me. Does she know how serious this issue is?
I’m about to torture and kill one of my own warriors, it would cause a huge misunderstanding in my castle if I don’t get the facts right before swinging into action. What the hell is she hiding and why is she being so stubborn?
“ANSWER ME!” I screamed fiercely, and my voice bounced off the walls, making her shrink back in fear.
“What the fuck do you want me to say, why are you screaming at me when it was you who surrounded yourself with rapists and murderers like yourself. That bastard tried to force himself on her and she ran off leaving her phone in the room. Something came up and she needed to call her mom, so she sought me out to help her get her phone from his room and I pleaded with Alaina to go with us, how was I to know that you have rapists and lunatics running around your castle?
He shot them with some green substance that made my friend pass out and Alaina got too weak, shaking so hard like…
“Wait, did you say he shot them with some green substance?” I asked in alarm, looking her dead in the eyes. She shrank back in fear, nodding her head in response as she moved further away from me.
“This ain’t over Steph, you have a lot of explaining to do, but that would have to be later, dear mate. Right now, I need to go visit my little friend in the basement.” I muttered softly.
“D… D… Do you really have to go?
I… I don’t want to be alone now, I’m so scared.” She confessed sadly, making me feel even more furious.
“Are you trying to stop me from questioning the rapist, as you claim?
Or, is there more this that you aren’t telling me?
Did you try to recruit him in your stupid revenge mission, did you try to pay him with sex, did you try to seduce him, Stephanie?” I asked mockingly, earning a resounding slap from her palm that swerved my neck sideways, making me grind my teeth in anger as the vein on my temple throbbed.
“You would not speak to me in that tone, Maxwell. I am not a whore and you must learn to show me respect.” She said fiercely, earning my admiration, but I won’t let her see it. Damn, she hits pretty hard, with a little more training, she could be a great warrior. She is really one of a kind, but I won’t let her know that.
“I need to punch someone, dear mate, so I’ll be in the dungeon. Well, except you’re volunteering yourself as his replacement,” I said with a smirk, making her cower in fear. I turned around and stormed to the door, just before I opened the door, I turned to her with a very fierce look,
“Oh, and, Stephanie, the next time you hit me again, I would pull down your panties and give that beautiful ass of yours a spanking.” I threatened, well, it was supposed to be a threat, but from the soft moan that escape her lips, I realized that it wouldn’t be much of a punishment to her, she would love it even. I shook my head and left the room, she is such a naughty girl and I love her just the way she is.
When I got to the dungeon, I met Marcus exactly the way I wanted him to be. He was standing in the middle of the room, his hand tied up above his head with cuffs linked to a chain that is also connected to an electrical circuit that releases up to six hundred volts. With the wolfsbane from the chains and the high electrical voltage, he is as vulnerable and weak as a human. He was knocked full of wolfsbane and he is now unconscious from the poison. I signal the guard standing close to the electrical switch, then he pushed the button, releasing over six hundred volts into his body, and he shook violently, screaming from the pain it caused him. I smiled statistically, looking down at the piece of shit in front of me,
“Ah! Look who is finally awake.” I let out mockingly. He was as weak as shit and he kept taking deep, heavy breaths as he tried to catch his breath and calm his breathing. He didn’t respond, keeping his eyes on the floor. Jasper and Jason had left him in nothing but his boxers, which was perfect for what I planned on doing to him. I could see the bruises on his face and I knew without being told that it came from Jason. He is extremely, overprotective of Stephanie, sometimes I think he looks out for her even more than I do. If it were before, I would have been angry and jealous, but now, I’m simply grateful.
I pulled on a pair of black rubber gloves, whistling a soft tone as I looked over all of my favorite tools before me.
Hmmm… What should I start with?
Maybe a slash across his wrist, letting him bleed out while I work on his other body parts, or maybe I should bust his kneecaps,
Options, Options…
I picked up my baseball bat, and smiled, loving the feel of it in my palms.
“Now, Marcus, I’m going to give you a chance to explain yourself. Why the fuck were you trying to push up on my woman?”
“Because she is a whore and she is super cute, and sexy, and curvy, and…
I smirked at him, then I tutted, shaking my head and pursing my lips at him,
“Lesson number one, Marcus. You don’t speak that way to my queen,” I signed. I swung the bat, bashing it into his left kneecap, grinning when I heard that satisfying crunch, and the scream of pain that followed.
“Let’s try another question now, shall we?” I asked, patronizing him.
“Go to fucking hell, Max. Fuck you!” he yelled, tussling pathetically, trying to get free but failing miserably. I signed mockingly before swinging the bath and smashing his other kneecap.
“Ahhh…” he yelled in pain. “You motherfucker! Fuck you!” he cried out in pain as the tears started to well in his eyes.
“I do wanna fuck someone Marcus, too bad it ain’t you, it’s never gonna be you. You hurt a girl I love and you just made her hate me even more. If I were you, I would start talking because you just made me super furious.
“You call that whore your woman?” he asked mockingly, letting out a burst of cruel laughter that made me grind my teeth in anger.
“You love this game, don’t you?
Well, guess what, I love it even more. I said with a smirk as I moved around to stand behind him. I swung the bath once more, bashing it on his already broken knees, smiling in satisfaction as he yelled out helplessly, screaming like a girl. I didn’t stop there, I got a knife laced with wolfsbane and plunged it into his ribs, pushing it so deep to puncture a vital organ. He screamed and coughed up blood, pouring it everywhere.
“Next question, Marcus. And bear in mind, your answer to this question will determine if you’ll leave this room alive. Think carefully before you answer.
Have you known her Stephanie before this week, have you had dealings with her before this?” I asked.
“Who the fuck is Stephanie?” he asked weakly, confirming to me that he doesn’t know her before this, he was just being stupid, greedy, and lustful. I don’t even know why I asked in the first place, I guess I still don’t trust her completely. She is hiding something from me, and I’m going to find out about it soon.
“A few months ago, Marcus, a shipment of my advanced wolfsbane that works on Lycans got high-jacked, now I see you using the same poison in my Castle and I’m pretty sure that I haven’t released it to anyone yet, so tell me, dear Marcus, how did you get the green formula?” I asked with a warm mocking smile that told him that he’s been caught.
“I’m not going to ask again, Marcus, Did you highjack my shipment and sell it off to king Ashford?” I asked fiercely. The color drained from his face and fear took over. A growl escaped my lips when he started crying and begging, I was not in the mood for all this, I was out for blood. I signaled the guards to cut him loose, setting him free, then I motioned them out of the room.
“Pick a weapon, you scumbag. This is your only chance of escape, if you get past me and make it to the door, you’re free to leave.” I told him with a fake smile, moving to my table with my weapons spread on it, I picked up my self-defense four-finger ring punch iron fist glove and I slipped it on before picking up more knives and my gun. I turned around to the pathetic foul that was crawling towards the door. His wolf was too weak to heal him right now, he needs time to heal fully, but I don’t have time for all this.
I was on him in seconds, punching him in the jaw, and sending him flying back into the wall. He doesn’t put blood and teeth on the floor, trying his best to scramble from the position he was in. But, it was damn too late. I pounced on him, taking my knife and plunging it into his shoulder and chest, stomach, and ribs, stabbing him everywhere. He yelled and yelled as the pain burned through him, but I didn’t give a fuck, I was too far gone to care.
I stood up, dragging him up as I lifted him off the floor by his neck, lifting him up as I looked into his eyes.
“No one bullies my mate, but me!” I spat out in his face, bringing my second hand forward as I ripped out his heart from his body, spilling his blood all over me. I flung his lifeless body to the wall, watching as he hit the wall and fell down in a lifeless heap.
I dropped all my weapons on the floor and walked towards the door, entering the room where all my men stood watching me kill that bastard through a glass window. I stood in front of them, dripping in blood, and they all looked away from me, trying to avoid my eyes.
“Let this be a lesson to all of you. Do not look at my woman, do not touch her, and do not fucking disrespect her. And as for the traitors who assisted him in hijacking my shipments, I’m sure he didn’t do it alone. Be warned, I’m coming for you too, and the same fate awaits you unless you come to me before I fish you out myself. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, my king,” they all responded in unison.
“Good, now get back to your posts. Jasper and Jason, wrap this up and spread the word that Marcus was a fucking traitor, and tell everyone that I am officially searching for his accomplices, and if I find them, I’ll fucking kill them all.” I announced brusquely before turning on my heel and walking towards the door.
“Wait,” Jason called out to me.
“You can go to my room and shower. Stephanie mustn’t see you like this, you’ll scare her to death.” he advised.
“There’s no need for that, she already thinks I’m a fucking monster,” I responded before going out the door, and heading to my room.