Jason’s POV
I have to admit, Stephanie was the last person I was expecting to see when I walked into the king’s party. She looked so different, so slutty. Even her scent has changed, no, it didn’t change, I just couldn’t perceive it. I would never have recognized her if I didn’t have her features implanted in my memory. He knows it’s her, I can tell that he recognizes her too, but for some weird reason, he chooses to pretend that he doesn’t know her.
Alpha Maxwell is not the monster that everyone thinks he is. While in his dungeon, I found my mate Harriet I never knew how beautiful love could be, I thought what I had with Stephanie was special, but when I met my one true, I discovered the true beauty of the mating bond. It’s so satisfying, so fulfilling. I discovered that I could kill to have my one true mate by my side, which is why I understood why Alpha Maxwell was so furious when he found out that I was having an affair with his mate. I don’t blame him for his actions, I would have done worse if I were in his shoes.
It was Harriet who told me the true reason why Alpha Maxwell had turned against the king. Alpha Robert had made us believe that Alpha Maxwell is just a power-hungry maniac that wishes to suppress and rule everyone, but that had been a lie. The truth is, he used to be the lycan king’s favorite Alpha, they used to be friends, great friends even, considering the time he always spends in king Ashford’s palace. He turned rebellious because of our people, he is fighting for us.
Many years ago, the lycan king set up a committee to handle the situation plaguing all werewolves. The rogues were becoming merciless in their attacks on werewolf packs. There are never witnesses to describe how it happened all survivors are taken as hostages, leaving no one to report the incident. You wake up in the morning and discover that a pack close to you has been vandalized. The attacks were getting worse every fucking day. No one was able to find out the location of the rogues and we all lived in fear as our population kept decreasing by the day.
We were all resigned to our faith, we all hide out in our packs, praying it never get to our turn-on, then all of a sudden, it all stopped. We never heard of any wolf attacks anymore, it felt like a dream, and just like that, we became free and we went about our business without fear of the rogues. A few months after the rogues stopped attacking, we started hearing of the rebellion of Alpha Maxwell. Nobody knew why he turned against the king and challenged him, all we heard was that Alpha Maxwell wishes to bring every werewolf under his power and separate us from the authority of King Ashford. We all saw him as the tyrant, we all thought he was just a power-hungry maniac, but when I got closer to Alpha Maxwell after I swore my allegiance to him, he confided in me and told me the truth about his mission.
He told me how he stumbled on some paperwork in the king’s office that suggests that the king is involved in human trafficking. He refused to believe that king Ashford could get himself involved in such an illegal business. It’s just so wrong and inhuman and the king would never get himself involved in such a criminal offense. He decided to do some investigations based on the information he gathered. After much investigation he found out that the king was not peddling humans, he was selling us off to human traffickers, passing it off as rogue attacks. There never were rogues attacking us, it was just an evil king that wishes to wipe us off the surface of the earth.
He traced the location of the hostages, and he found them sold to slavery in the big human cities. They were pumped full of wolfsbane and sold to the drug lords as sex slaves or manual laborers that work in the factories where hard drugs are produced. They are used as text subjects to text some nasty hard drugs, and if they die in the process, no big deal. They’ll simply come back for more. They couldn’t fight back because of the wolfsbane in their system which ends up killing them after a few months, forcing the peddlers to come back for more. It was so repulsive and infuriating. He would never have believed it if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes. He still couldn’t believe it, he had to hear from King Ashford himself.
He went back to the Lycan palace to confront the king and demand an explanation. He thought the king was framed for all this, he thought the king would deny it and try to defend himself, but he thought wrong. The King felt no remorse for his actions, he called us weak and pathetic, saying that the moon goddess had made a mistake when she made werewolves. He said he was going to wipe off every werewolf and eliminate our existence. Alpha Maxwell got so pissed and they got into combat right there in the Lycan palace. He was sadly outnumbered and he nearly lost his life in the hands of King Ashford but luck was on his side and he made it out of the Lycan palace, barely alive. The King knew that his plans would be exposed, so he launched an attack on Alpha Maxwell, naming him a traitor. The Alpha stayed hidden until his wolf healed him completely. When he came back to his packhouse, he started planning his attacks, joining the strength and force of every pack so we can be able to defeat the lycan king.
He rescued the hostage, saving the lives of thousands of werewolves that were sold into slavery. It’s been many years since he started this mission, and soon, we shall have our victory over the evil king. Alpha Maxwell never killed for fun, he always tried to convince the Alphas to join his pack peacefully. He only uses brute force when necessary, and he does it because he knows that a bigger war is coming. The lycan king is coming and he is not alone, he has a bunch of drug lords behind him and I’m sure he would seek for their help when he wants to attack us. We have to be prepared for his attacks, we have to stand together so we can defeat him. Alpha Maxwell is trying to convince the Mafia Lord to join our side in this war. He controls the drug lords and he has the power to put an end to this war by getting rid of the evil ones that chose to enslave and endanger our species, but he has turned a blind eye to our plight and he has refused to see to Alpha Dominic no matter how hard he tried.
We aren’t giving up, he could change his mind at any time. We know for a fact that he frowns at their actions, he is not a fan of their slave market and he has issued a warning for them to end it, but they never listened to his warnings and he hasn’t taken any action against them, at least, not yet. King Maxwell has to put on this mask that makes everyone else to fear and despise him, he has to act tough and mighty before his subjects because he wants to be acknowledged as the king of wolves, and he sure deserves to be king. Only his closest allies know that he is the reason why we are still alive, he is the reason why the alleged rogue attacks stopped drastically and he is the reason why the Lycan king Ashford has not succeeded in wiping out our species.
I wish Stephanie would see that too. I wish she could see him for who he really is. She has no idea that he had fought to make her stay, he had tried so hard to stop her from leaving. Now she is back and they are both acting like a bunch of teenagers. He loves her and I can tell that she loves him too, I see her gawking at him when she thinks he is not looking. They love each other and they are merged together by the moon goddess, bonded as mates. I just don’t understand how two mates would sleep in the same room and now one is sporting a gun injury. I can’t keep my hands off Harriet, even when we were not in a room. What is wrong with these two?
King Maxwell is furious because she came back as a stripper, he is mad at her for leaving and he suspects her of treachery. Stephanie hates him because she thinks that he is a monster. I’m sure she doesn’t know that her family is still alive. She still believes the lies we were told and she came back to take revenge on him. I can’t tell if king Maxwell’s assumptions are correct, I don’t know if she is aiding one of our enemies and working against us. The only solution to all this is to tell Stephanie the truth and get her to trust King Maxwell and swear her loyalty to him. But he is just too stubborn. I think a part of him is enjoying this game they are both playing, I think it gives him the kick or maybe it even turns him on. It’s like a cat playing with a mouse, right before it eats him. I know it sounds crazy, but that’s what I think and that’s the truth.
The doctor finished sucking out the wolfsbane from his arm, I watched as he stitched him up, wrapping a gauge around his arm. He is one tough guy and I admire and respect him. He has great tolerance for pain and even if it hurts so bad to be shot with wolfsbane, he never made a sound as it got sucked out, he simply gulped on our specially brewed whisky as the doctor worked on him. Doctor Fred gave him a special pill that he has been working on that can flush out the remnants of the poison and make his wound heal faster despite being shot with wolfsbane. He gave him some aspirin and painkillers and it knocked him out, causing him to fall asleep right after. He asked us to leave the room so the Alpha can sleep, but we couldn’t leave because we can’t let an omega or anyone else come near this room until he is awake and feeling better. We decided to stick around and keep watch. Doctor Fred said he’ll be coming back in a few hours to check on him, then he left the castle, leaving Harriet and I to watch over him.
“I need to go and check on her.” I let out in a whisper when doctor Fred left us.
Are you fucking insane?
He warned you to stay off his business, didn’t he? Don’t take his leniency for cowardice, he’ll rip off your fucking head. Besides, why do you care so much about her?” she asked angrily. I know she is just being jealous, she can’t stand me being around Stephanie because she is my ex, I understand that perfectly, but I need to do this for them, they have to stop this madness.
“She was my friend Riet, I know her more than everyone else. I can at least try to talk sense into her. Remember how you helped me understand king Maxwell, lets extend the same favor to her. She is not all evil, I promise. She just needs to understand all this. I’ll try not to say too much about king Maxwell, he’ll get the chance to tell her the truth himself. I just want to make her see that she is wrong. You know I can never be with her anymore, I just want to help her, please Harriet, you have to let me do this. I feel guilty for forcing her to leave, things would have turned different if she had stayed back they may have found a way to love and trust each other if I didn’t come between them. I just have to try, my love.” I pleaded softly.
Just come back here before he wakes up, you wouldn’t want him to catch a whiff of your scent in his room. You know how much he hates treachery, try not to say too much, Jason. You can’t trust her until she accepts the truth and confesses.” She warned seriously. I kissed her softly before running towards kings Maxwell’s room. I half expected the door to be locked, but he left it open which made me curious because I know he doesn’t want her to escape but why would he leave the door open when he knew that she could walk through the door and escape from this room?
“Steph,” I called out softly, listening for answers, but there were none, just an eerie silence that made my words echo. I took a few steps forward, hearing the soft sound of my footsteps, then I heard soft sobbing sounds coming from upstairs. Wait, is she crying?
“Steph!” I yelled out nervously as I ran up the stairs, going up to their bedroom. I shouldn’t be going up there, Maxwell would have my head if he ever finds out that I stepped into his bedroom to see his mate when he was unconscious, he would definitely rip off my head. But how can I walk away when she is crying?
I could hear her whimpering softly as I got into the bedroom. The room was darkly lit, but I could make out her disheveled form curled on the bed, cuffed to the bed. She is wearing a black see-through two-piece nightie that is made of net and the upper part is pushed up because of her sleeping, her ass is on full display with her thong doing nothing to conceal her ass cheeks.
This is so wrong, it felt so wrong and although I have no bad intentions, I still felt guilty about seeing our future queen in such a sexy nightwear, it’s just not right. How was Maxwell able to keep his hands off her, she is so fucking beautiful. He must have one hell of self-control.
“Why are you here, you traitor!!!
Did he send you to come to finish me off?
Oh, so your king is a chicken, and since he could not kill me, he sent his little lapdog to do his dirty work for him. Come on Jason, get on with it, I ain’t afraid of death, although I must say, I never knew I would die at the hands of a guy I once loved. You better kill me now or I swear I’m going to kill you.” she spat out furiously.
“You know, this attitude of yours is what put you in cuffs. You need to lose the attitude Steph, it won’t do you any good. Trust me, if king Maxwell wants you dead, you would have been dead the moment he set his eyes on you at his party, can’t you see that he loves you?
For fucks sake you’re his mate, Stephanie.
Look, I don’t have much time, he’ll be waking up any minute now and he is going to kill me if he finds me here. He is a good man but he hates it when his rules are broken. You need to drop the rebellious act, it’s not going to help you in any way, it’s only going to get you into more trouble.”
“Rebellious act?
Is that what you think I’m doing?
I’m trying to avenge our people, I’m trying to avenge my family and you stand there and call me rebellious?”
What happened to you Jason, what did he do to you?” she asked me sadly, as the tears flowed down her cheeks. I wanted to tell her that we were wrong that night, I wanted so badly to console her and tell her that her parents were alive and safe, but that would ruin the king’s plans, he would kill me if I tell her the truth. I believe he wants to know if she is working with his enemies before he tells her anything. His enemies see him as a ruthless and heartless king, they think he has killed off all the Alphas and he wants to maintain that reputation. It would be bad for us if they find out that the Alphas are all alive. I walked over and squatted in front of her, looking deep into her eyes,
“Look Steph, I’m sorry I didn’t come for you. I found Harriet and she is my one true mate from the moon goddess. I should have at least searched for you and told you that we were wrong, but I acted selfishly and I moved on with my life and left you to your fate. I’m sorry Steph, that’s all on me.
But you have to give Maxwell a chance. He is your mate and despite how he portrays himself to be bad, he is not the villain here. He may act like a heartless bastard sometimes, but trust me, he is not. He is a good man and I know he would show you his true self if only you would stop trying to fight him. Give him a chance to show you his true self, give him a chance to trust you with his secrets. You have to stop fighting him Steph, I hate seeing you like this. It hurts me to see you this way, no matter what you think about me, I still consider you as my friend and I want you to be safe and happy. You need to accept your mate and move on with your life, just like I did. The moon goddess gave you to him for a reason, you have to let go of the past and accept him. You would be the queen of all wolves.” I told her truthfully, hoping she listens to my words but she spat at my face, looking at me disgustingly.
“I would never bow to your pathetic king, I would kill that motherfucker and when I’m done with him, I’ll fucking kill you and I’ll kill that bitch that stole you away from me.
He is not my mate and I would never join your barbaric war. Now get the fuck out of my face or I’ll scream my lungs out and alert the whole Castle of your presence in the king’s bedroom.” She threatened in anger.
“You can’t be like this Steph, you need to…”
“Get the fuck out!!!
Get out!!!
She continued yelling frantically. I had no fucking choice, I had to get the hell out of that room before the king finds out that I came to find her. This is bad, this is worse than I thought. Why won’t she just listen?