The garden had transformed into their favorite place since Vanessa’s pregnancy. Every afternoon, Vanessa and Darryl would escape into the garden, basking in the warmth and tranquility.
Enjoying the vibrant blooms and its fragrance, Vanessa reclined on the sheet she had carefully spread across the green grass of their garden, her baby bump gently sloping to one side. The warm sunlight danced across her radiant face, illuminating the shadow of the book in her hands.
“What do you think about Rogers?” Darryl asked, his question interrupting the serenity that had engulfed them.
Beside her, Darryl sat cross-legged on the grass, his laptop open on his lap. His fingers moved across the keyboard, but his gaze alternated between the screen and Vanessa’s lying frame.
Dropping the book on her baby bump, her gaze landed on Darryl, flashing him a questioning look.
“Rogers? The company or the person?” She inquired.
“The person,” Darryl answered, his focus solely on Vanessa’s glowing face.
“What do you want to know about Rogers?” She asked, confusion laced in her voice, but a smile played on her lips as she stared at her husband.
“I want to know if he is doing a good job with my company,” Darryl shrugged , flashing Vanessa a smirk.
“How will I know that? I left Rogers two years ago or have you forgotten how you stripped me of my job?” Vanessa answered, her gaze lingering on his face.
“Why are you asking me about him? She asked him.
“I don’t know who else to ask. You worked with him in the past. What was he like?” Darryl retorted, hoping Vanessa would give him a detailed explanation about Rogers.
“Well, I don’t think you should be asking me because I haven’t worked with him in a while now,” Vanessa answered impassively.
“What was your experience with him in the past?” Darryl asked, interested in her idea.
“He was the bad boss type, I won’t lie” she paused, eyeing Darryl suspiciously.
“He talks too much and leaves the real work for us to do. I think all bosses are like that, though.” Vanessa added, trying to tease Darryl.
“All bosses?” Darryl asked, astonished by her claim.
Vanessa chuckled loudly as she realized that she had gotten the reaction from Darryl. “Excluding you, my love,” she said, grinning from ear to ear.
“Why didn’t you tell me about Rogers? You should have told me earlier.” Darryl complained, his tone gentle but serious.
“Telling on my boss wasn’t the right thing to do. Moreover, Rogers isn’t my business anymore.” Vanessa answered.
“Technically, I’m your boss’s boss and, as my wife, my business is your business.” Darryl answered, lifting the laptop away from his lap before dropping it on the grass.
“Thanks for the reminder, I will forever keep that information in mind,” Vanessa replied, humorously.
“What do you think about having Rogers?” Darryl asked, his eyes filled with adoration as he anticipated her answer.
“The person?” Vanessa asked, confused by his question.
“What kind of question is that? Do you have plans on cheating on your love?” He joked as he dramatically placed his hand on his chest like he was heartbroken.
“I’m sorry, which of the Rogers are you talking about?” Vanessa asked after laughing to her satisfaction.
“The company, this time,” Darryl answered with a genuine smile plastered on his face.
“What do you mean about having Rogers?” Vanessa inquired, unsure of what he had asked her.
“I want you to be in charge of Rogers,” Darryl answered, his words clear enough for her to understand.
“What?” Vanessa almost choked on her words. “Is that even right?”
“How is it not right, sweetheart?” Darryl asked, snuggling closer to her.
“I’m your wife….. People will think you gave me the position because of our relationship.” Vanessa explained, voicing her anxiety.
“Are you capable of taking over the company? Can you handle it?” Darryl asked, his voice barely audible.
“Yes, I can do it.” Vanessa answered confidently.
“So…. Where is the doubt coming from?” Darryl raised his eyebrows, flashing her a questioning look.
“I’m not doubting myself. All I’m saying is that….” Vanessa tried to explain but Darryl interrupted her.
Darryl took her hands as he helped her to sit up on the sheet. Gently, Vanessa sat with her legs crossed, her hands intertwined with Darryl’s hands as their gaze held each other.
“I am giving you the position because I know that you can do it. I know you are good at your job and I trust you with my employees. What people say doesn’t matter to me, and it shouldn’t matter to you.” Darryl said calmly, his tone soft and reassuring.
“I know but….”
“I’m not forcing the position on you, sweetheart. You have all the time to think about it but….
“You won’t take no for an answer,” Vanessa interjected, completing his statement before both of them burst out laughing.
Trying to catch her breath, she stopped laughing. “I will think about it and get back to you with my answer,” Vanessa said after catching her breath.
Suddenly, Darryl’s eyes caught a quick movement in Vanessa’s stomach, his gaze drifted from her face to her stomach, his eyes filled with adoration.
“My baby just gave me a sign,” Vanessa said as she felt the movement in her belly.
He smiled, his face creasing with warmth, as he reached out to gently stroke her hair. “Our baby just gave us a sign,” he whispered, correcting her.
“So what type of sign? A positive sign or a positive sign?” Darryl said playfully as he retrieved his hand to himself.
“A positive sign,” Vanessa whispered with a smile on her face.
“Our baby knows what daddy likes,” he winked at her, waggling his eyebrows after.
The tender and lovely moment mingled with a happy moment hung around them, a glimpse of serenity as they basked in the joy of impending parenthood.
“Thank you, Vanessa,” Darryl said before leaning towards her.
“For what?” Vanessa whispered as she watched him lean forward.
“For bringing joy and peace into my life. For being my comfort and my strength and most importantly, for giving me another chance to experience love in the best way,” he replied before placing his lips on hers. The action seized Vanessa’s reply. Her only option was to give in to the kiss, a seal to their unending joy and tranquility.