Once Vanessa finished getting ready, she sent Darryl a text to let him know she was done. The floral-pattern flare dress that Darryl bought for her complemented her skin tone perfectly. The gown was a bit shorter than she had expected, ending in the middle of her thigh, but she couldn’t deny the way it made her feel. She felt alive and beautiful as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.
After a minute or two, Darryl walked in through the door, ready to leave. After taking a final glance in the mirror, she grabbed her purse, ready to leave. Darryl’s palm rested on her back as he escorted her out of the hotel room. When she asked about their belongings, he said his personal assistant would collect their belongings from the hotel.
Since he had everything sorted, she had no cause to worry. Possessively, Darryl’s hand moved to Vanessa’s waist, as he pulled her closer to him. He couldn’t help but notice how people gawked at them as they walked out of the place.
As they settled into the car, Darryl’s ignited the engine, and the car roared quietly to life. Pulling out of the driveway, Vanessa said goodbye to the place but the memories she made lingered with her as she left.
Darryl focused on the road, one of his hands controlled the steering wheel while the other hand settled on Vanessa’s thighs, rubbing her exposed skin smoothly.
“Is this why you bought me a short gown?” She asked him with a questioning look as she tried to hide the fact that the contact sent shivers down her spine.
“My princess is so smart,” he said as his hand moved north, under her dress.
He knew she was trying really hard to hide her reaction, but he continued to move north, enjoying the subtle tremors that ran through her body.
“What happened to sweetheart?” She asked, her voice higher-pitched than usual as his fingers gazed at her panties.
“So you like it?” He said with a smile on his face, glancing at her before shifting his attention back to the road.
“I didn’t say so,” Vanessa said with a shy smile on her lips.
The tension between them filled the car, and Darryl’s deliberate touch only added to the intensity of the car ride.
“Where are we heading?” Vanessa asked as she attempted to maintain her composure. The more she tried to compose herself, the more Darryl’s desire to tease her increased.
“You will see it soon,” he said as his fingers continued to trace patterns on her skin.
Darryl pulled into the driveway of a beautiful house, causing curiosity to gnaw on Vanessa. Without saying a word, he got out of the car, running to the other side to open the door for her. He offered his hand to help her out and as she stepped out, her eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in the unfamiliar sights.
“Where is this place?” She asked as she scanned the surroundings.
“You have to see for yourself,” he said, heading towards the entrance of the house.
The first thing that caught her attention was the mini garden beside the house. The colors of the flowers and their sweet fragrance filled the air. Instantly, her mind drifted back to the flower field. She didn’t realize she had missed the place so much until she saw this one.
“There’s more to see, sweetheart,” Darryl said as he gestured for her to come in.
Darryl ushered her inside, and Vanessa’s eyes widened in awe as she took in the magnificent state of the house. The interior was just as impressive as the exterior.
“Whose house is this?” She asked as she took in every detail of the house.
“What do you think about the house?” Darryl asked as he ushered her upstairs.
With the high ceilings, elegant furnishings and beautiful exteriors, Vanessa couldn’t help but appreciate the house.
“It is magnificent, beautiful and perfect.” She said as she struggled for the perfect words to use in the description of the house.
As Darryl took her on a tour, leading her from room to room, he saw how Vanessa admires and adores the house.
“Do you like this place?” staring at her intensely like he was trying to read her mind.
“Who won’t like this place?” Vanessa replied with a smile as he walked into the kitchen.
“This is a state of the art,” she exclaimed.
“Is this one of your company’s projects?” She asked as her eyes sparkled with wonder.
“This is our home.” He said, causing her jaw to drop in surprise. Her mind struggled to process his words as she took it in.
“What?” She asked in disbelief.
She had never seen a house like this before, and she had never thought it would be called hers.
“Don’t you like it anymore?” Darryl asked, reacting to her reaction.
“No, I love it, but you just said…” she stammered.
“Our home.” He repeated with a bright smile on his face.
“Or don’t you want to move in with me?” He asked her as he noticed how she struggled for words.
She was quiet because she didn’t know how to express how she felt.
“No,” she started, but Darryl interrupted her.
“No?” Darryl said before she could complete her sentence.
“That’s not it. I just didn’t expect this place.” She confessed.
“I thought you’d like it. It has a garden, a library, and extra rooms In case you want your family around. If you don’t like it, I can call the agent to show us other places.” Darryl rambled, avoiding eye contact with her.
“Who are you, and what happened to the Darryl I met months ago? Vanessa asked as she took his hands in hers. She gazed at him with warmth and affection, her fingers intertwining with his as she played with his hands.
Her eyes were filled with gratitude and appreciation, “You’ve become thoughtful and mature,” she said, her voice was filled with sincerity as she spoke.
“Thanks to you, my life has turned 180 degrees around.” He said, waggling his eyebrows.
“I’m a lot of a good influence on you,” she said as the tension between them reduced, becoming humorous, rather than intense.
“Vanessa,” Darryl called her, his voice calm and serious at the same time.
“Yes,” she answered, raising her head to match his gaze.
“I really want to spend the rest of my life with you and I hope you want that too.” Darryl said, his tone filled with warmth and affection.
“I am willing to spend the rest of my life with you, Darryl.” She replied, her eyes filled with assurance and certainty.
With that, he pulled her into his arms, wrapping his arms around her. She melted into his arms and the scent of his cologne filled her nostrils, engulfing her.
“How many babies should we have?” Darryl asked jokingly, as he pulled away from the embrace.
“What? It is too early to start discussing babies.” She retorted, slapping him lightly on the arms.
“I have you and that’s enough.” He said, placing a tender kiss on her forehead.