As he invited Emmy in, Darryl’s mind wandered to the stories Carolyn had shared about Vanessa’s relationship with Emmy. Just by looking at Emmy, he felt a surge of irritation towards him, but at the same time, he was thankful that Emmy’s mistreatment of Vanessa had led to their eventual breakup.
If Emmy hadn’t been so cruel, Vanessa might still be with him, and Darryl wouldn’t have had the chance to meet her. A smile tugged at the side of his lips as he thought about it. Darryl knew he hadn’t been the best to Vanessa, but he couldn’t help but think about the pain Emmy had caused her in the past.
He had no idea what Emmy wanted from him, but he was willing to listen to him before giving him a piece of his mind.
“Have a seat, Emmy.” He said as his conflicting emotions simmered just below the surface of his fake smile.
He mirrored Emmy’s action and leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers together as he waited for Emmy to speak. His expression was neutral, but his eyes bore a hint of skepticism.
What could Emmy possibly want from him? And why now? He wondered as he fixed his gaze on him.
“I should have booked an appointment before coming, I’m sorry for the impromptu visit.” Emmy said, feeling a little intimidated by Darryl’s aura.
“Yes, you should, but since you are here, I take it that you have something important you want me to know.” Darryl said, maintaining confidence despite his initial irritated reaction.
“I must say you have it all mixed up. Actually, I’m here because there is something I must know, and I think you are the right guy to ask.” Emmy managed to say.
Astonished by Emmy’s words, Darryl glanced around the office trying to hide his surprised look. He was surprised that Emmy had something to ask him. With a smile, he turned his gaze back to Emmy, “I would like to hear you out. You can ask me whatever you want to, but just to let you know, I’m not obligated to answer your questions.” Darryl said, glaring at him.
“The other day, I saw you with someone I’ve been longing to meet. Our encounter was short, so we barely exchanged contact. If you don’t mind, can you tell me where I can find Vanessa?” Emmy said.
Darryl was stunned by Emmy’s audacity, “someone he had been longing to meet.” Emmy’s words replayed in his ears. Did Emmy take him for a fool? He wondered as he thought of the best reply for him.
“What is the name of this someone you’ve been longing to meet? Darryl asked, acting like he knew the answer to the question he had asked.
“Vanessa,” Emmy answered, causing Darryl to nod his head.
“Vanessa. And what business do you have with her?” Darryl asked him.
“I’m sorry I can’t share my personal life with you,” Emmy answered.
“Well,” Darryl sighed. “I’m sorry I can’t give you information about my wife.”
“Wife?” Bewildered by Darryl’s words, Emmy asked.
“Yes, Vanessa is my wife,” Darryl retorted.
“I didn’t see any news about your marriage.” Emmy said, without realizing that he had just revealed that he had searched for Darryl.
“You didn’t dig deeper. Next time, do thorough research before coming to me. If you may excuse me, I have an important meeting,” Darryl said with a smug look on his face.
Satisfaction washed over him as he said at the bewildered look on Emmy’s face. Finally, he had put Emmy in his place, he told himself as he rose up from his armchair.
Disappointment settled on Emmy as he walked out of Darryl’s office. ‘Vanessa was married to Darryl’, he repeated over and over, but it sounded weird to him. What happened to her not liking playboys? Or had Carolyn influenced her to settle with Darryl? These questions flooded him as he exited the building.
“Emmy!” He heard his name, causing him to wipe off the worried look he had on his face.
Halting his steps, he turned around to see who had called him.
“I’m sorry to stop you, I’m Tania.” Tania said as she stretched out her hand with a broad smile on her lips.
“Nice to meet you, Tania. I’m surprised to meet someone who knows me here.” Emmy said as he received her hand, shaking it.
“The world is smaller than we think,” Tania retorted, as she loosened her grip on him.
“Obviously. What can I do for you, Tania?” Emmy asked.
“I want us to work together. I have a feeling we will make a great team,” Tania answered.
Emmy chuckled at her words, “what if we don’t work on the same field?”
“You will be surprised to know that we are working in the same field. To be honest, we are in the same shoes.” Tania said in parables.
“I don’t understand.” Emmy, voiced out in confusion.
“I know you are here for Vanessa. I would like to help you find her.” Tania whispered.
Emmy’s heart beat faster than usual as he heard Tania’s words. “How did you know? And what do you mean that you can help me find her?” He asked, as everything seemed to be fuzzy for him to apprehend.
“We both work here at D’Peters, and she is also a friend of mine. She had left her apartment for a while now and no one had been able to reach her.” Tania said as she cooked up her usual lies.
“Slow down. What do you mean by saying she had been out of reach? What is going on here?” Emmy was going crazy as he compared Darryl’s information with the new information he just got from Tania.
“Whatever Darryl told you is a lie. Darryl doesn’t want you to know the truth about Vanessa. You have to find her before it is too late. I can see it in your eyes that you are still in love with her. That’s why I’m trying to help you out.” Tania lied with the aim of manipulating Emmy to work with her.
If she successfully convinced Emmy to believe her, she would make sure Emmy takes Vanessa far away from Darryl, giving her the chance to be with him. She weighed her plan as she waited for Emmy’s response.
“Are you saying Darryl and Vanessa are not married?” Emmy asked.
“Married? No, they are not married. She only works as his secretary, nothing else is between them. You have to believe me.” Tania told him.
“Since when has she been out of reach?” Emmy asked.
“Almost two weeks,” Tania replied.
“Are you sure she is not at Carolyn’s?” Emmy asked.
“I’m certain about that.”
“She is probably at her mother’s place, if she is not at Carolyn’s.” Emmy voiced out his thoughts.
“Do you know where her mother lives?” Tania asked as he rejoiced internally.
“Yes,” Emmy answered gullibly.
A wave of happiness flooded Tania as she successfully got information from Emmy. She didn’t know Emmy would be this gullible.
With the aim of finalizing her plan, she said to Emmy, “we should get to her before anyone does.”