Darryl could not believe he was in a foul mood because of Tania’s revelation. He tried to consume himself with work, but it was pointless. He watched as Vanessa moved around the office, but he was not in the mood for chitchat.
After Vanessa retired from work, he was still in the office thinking of whatever could help him lift his mood. His mind drifted to Phoebe, but before he could reach her, she also had retired from work.
He went back to his office thinking about everything that had happened today. Maybe if he remembered any good memory, it could help him forget Tania for a while. As he drifted through the memory lane, his mind brought him back to the morning event on the first floor.
He could not believe he was smiling as he watched Vanessa’s confused face as she stood in front of the coffee maker. He remembered the look on her face when he told her he wanted his coffee as sweet as hers. Blood drained from her face due to the shock of hearing Darryl’s words.
Controlled by the happy moments, Darryl fumbled for his phone, which was quietly on his table. He had turned it off because he knew his mother would probably call him, and he was not ready to face her. Switching on his phone, just as he thought, he made countless missed calls from his mother.
Ignoring it, he decided to message Vanessa instead. Since her memory could make him smile, her presence could do more, he wondered. Sending a text was a better idea for him, but he didn’t know exactly what to type.
“Can you come to the office, I have…..” he cleared it before he could complete whatever he was typing.
“Do you want to meet up tonight?” He also cleared it before he could hit the send button.
Why was it so hard to form a simple text? He was good at all these but whenever it got to Vanessa’s turn, everything,, became impossible for him. He deleted more text because it sounded too desperate for him.
Finally, he settled with the simple and bossy text. “Meet me now”, but instead of telling her to meet him at the office, he sent her his house address via location link. That would help her better.
Darryl stared at his phone, anticipating Vanessa’s call or text, saying he had gotten the message, but nothing came. Instead of waiting, he dialed her, and she picked up the second ring.
Words failed him as Vanessa answered the call, everything he had planned to say vanished from his mind. “Meet me there in twenty minutes’ time. Don’t worry, it is strictly work related,” he said, and immediately he hung up.
What the hell just happened? He questioned himself. How could he get confused like that? Whatever effect Vanessa has on him has to end because he is becoming bad at his game.
As fast as possible, he picked up his phone and keys, before leaving his office. It was better to get home before Vanessa did. He fired the gas, speeding to his house just because he wanted to get to his house before Vanessa did.
Luckily for him, he got there before her. He packed his car in front of the building because he would be in need of it when he was done with Vanessa. He planned on giving her a ride back home. Before he could get out of his car, his phone rang in his pocket.
His father was the caller. His father was not the type to call except if it was an emergency. He answered the phone, and his father’s voice filled his eardrum.
“Darryl, it is your mother. She collapsed this evening.” His father revealed.
“Where is she? He interrupted him.
“At home. I invited her doctor to the house.” His father answered.
“I will be there as soon as I can.” He said before ending the call. Without thinking, Darryl ignited his car. This time, he drove as fast as he could. Everything became blurry as his car moved like a flashlight.
Roughly, he halted in front of his parents’ house he had refused to visit for a while now. His long legs moved as fast as they could as he ran into the house. His father sat in their plush living room, waiting for his arrival.
“How is she doing? He inquired as he saw his father’s frame from the door.
“You should see for yourself. She is in her bedroom.” His father replied.
Darryl thought of the worst that could have happened to his mother as he walked up the stairs to her bedroom. He would not let Tania be there if anything bad happened to his mother.
As he walked through the corridor, he said a silent prayer, hoping his mother was fine. He placed his hands on the doorknob, as he slid the door open, he saw his mother sitting pretty on the bed.
Relief washed over him as he rushed to his mother’s side beside the bed. “Are you okay, mom? He took her hands, searching every part of her body, looking for any sign of injury or damage.
“How could I be okay?” His mother asked him with an angry tone.
“What are you talking about? Are you hurt somewhere? This time, he gently placed his hands on her head, searching for any sign of injury.
Like a plague, she withdrew from his touch. “My pains are not from a physical wound.” She told him.
“Are you bleeding from the inside? Should I call the doctor back?” Darryl fumbled for his phone as he asked his mother those questions.
“You are the cause of my pain, Darryl.” She fired up. “How could you ignore my calls after dropping a bombshell like that on me?
Realization hit Darryl like a heavy cloak. It was at this point he knew he had been ambushed. He could not believe his father was in this with his mother. They really got him this time.
“So, you didn’t faint?” He asked her for clarity.
“What does it matter?” She replied.
“Since you are in good shape, I will take my leave. Please, don’t ever make a prank call on me.” He told his mother.
“You will have to marry Tania because she has your child.” His mother’s voice stopped him before he could exit the room.
“What? He turned to her, searching her face.
“I made myself clear and if you dare refuse, you will have to step down from your position as the CEO.” His mother told him.
“Is this another prank?” He asked.
“This time, we are serious about this.” He heard his father’s voice from behind him.
“Dad, you can’t do this to me. You can’t force me to marry anyone.” Darryl barked at his parents.
“Anyone? You got her pregnant, she is no longer anyone.” His mother interrupted him.
“What if she is not pregnant?” Darryl tried his luck with them.
“I’m not going back on my word.” His mother replied. “If you don’t have a wife before the coronation ceremony, you will step down from your current position.” Her gaze was fixed on him as she told him her plans.
“I swear to you, she is not bluffing.” His father added.