Hopelessness overwhelmed Vanessa as she slumped into her chair. Tears filled her eyes, blurring her vision. The whole transfer thing loomed big like a heavy pill that is hard to swallow.
The thought of leaving the familiar environment, familiar team members and venturing into the unknown was discouraging. She can’t quit her job because of this. The harsh reality of needing a paycheck made her accept her fate.
Suddenly, a fragment of Mr. Roger’s words surfaced from the fog of her disappointment. “D’Peters…” The name echoed in her mind. The company name was familiar, yet she could not place it.
Instead of overthinking, she fumbled for her phone. The internet would give her the answers she desperately needed. With trembling fingers, she typed the name into the search bar, and clicked on it. The results are loaded with agonizing slowness.
She saw different articles about how good the company was. She scrolled down to find something that would give her details. Then, a single news headline caught her attention, its bold letters searing themselves into her eyes.
“FAMILY IS THE KEY….” she clicked, and the world exploded around her.
“Darryl Peter, the successor of D’Peters” The details splashed across the screen, each sentence a hammer blow to her gut. Then everything made sense to her.
Darryl’s family owns D’Peters. Who could have imagined that? The person she must avoid is the owner of the company she was being transferred to. How can this be? Why is the universe against her?
The weight of the revelation pressed down on her, the surrounding air was becoming suffocating. She hates Darryl so much. Darryl is everything Vanessa was against. A rich playboy who thinks he can have any woman he wants.
As she remembered what had happened between her and Darryl, the anger that had subsided moments ago flared back to life, hotter and more furious than before.
A whirlwind of emotions swirled around Vanessa. She was shocked, confused and mad at the same time. Vanessa’s emotions battled for dominance, leaving her paralyzed for a moment. Carolyn is the only one she could explain all this to. Maybe Carolyn will have a solution for her.
Instinctively, her hand reached for her phone. Carolyn’s name, her only confidante in trouble and chaos, flashed on the screen as she began to dial. But before her finger could hit the call button, a new notification buzzed on the display. It was her mom.
Hesitation clouded Vanessa’s features, she didn’t want to answer the call. This wasn’t the conversation she craved right now. Her mom was the last person that could console her.
With a resigned sigh, she swiped the screen to answer, the phone pressed against her ear felt heavy.
“How are you, Vanessa” her mother’s voice, the physical manifestation of the burden she was about to unload over the phone.
“For the first time in history mom, you ask for my wellbeing before mentioning yours.” Vanessa replied with sarcasm. “This is a good start”.
“Can you be a good girl and be nice? I don’t want to regret calling you”, her mother warned her.
“Mom, I’m getting transferred.” Vanessa’s voice was laced with pain as she informed her mom about her current situation.
“And?” Vanessa’s mom asked her.
“What do you mean? I just told you I was getting transferred.” Vanessa questioned her mom. Her voice was filled with irritation.
“You should be thankful for the transfer. Finally, you are leaving that shit hole you called a company.” she knew her mother wouldn’t understand, that was the reason she desperately wanted to avoid the call.
“Why did you call me mom?” Vanessa tried to change the topic. She was left with no energy. She won’t waste her time arguing with her mom.
Vanessa’s mom caught the clue that Vanessa was not interested in telling her more about her transfer. She was happy about the transfer. She just wondered why Vanessa sounded sad about it.
“You remember Mrs Maru, she is hosting a party, and she wanted me to invite you.” Vanessa’s mom explained to her over the phone.
Why would Mrs Maru invite her to a party? That was not the point. Why would she think of a party at this crucial time? She was not interested in the party. Partying with her mom was the last thing she had imagined.
“I won’t have the chance to attend the party. I’m busy on that day.” Vanessa told her mother the lie she formed in her head a minute ago.
“I’ve not even mentioned the date. Why are you lying?” Her mom caught her flimsy lie. “You should attend the party, Vanessa.”
“Why do you want me to attend the party?” Vanessa’s voice was firm as she questioned her mother.
“Mrs Maru throws the best party. She has invited great people from every corner of the city. You should be thankful she invited you”, her mother explained.
Vanessa was not surprised about her mother. She knew her mother hadn’t called her because she was concerned. Her mother is really adamant about getting her married, but she won’t even stress over that. She had enough on her plate already, she didn’t want to add marriage to it.
“Even if the president was in attendance, I wouldn’t be attending that party. Nothing can change my mind.”
“Whenever I call you, you keep reminding me why I don’t like calling you.” Her mother’s voice laced with anger.
“Do you even care about me at all? I just told you I was getting transferred. You ignored me, as usual.
Now you want me to attend an elite party so you can link me up with a suitor of your choice.” Vanessa’s voice was shaking as she called out her mother’s mistake.
“I won’t rest until you get married. The party is over the weekend. I will send you the invite.” Vanessa’s reaction met her mother’s deaf ears.
Vanessa had a wry smile on her face. This morning was not a good morning for Vanessa. The whole thing was overwhelming for her. First, the transfer, then she discovers the company she is being transferred to belongs to her enemy. Now, her mother wants her to attend a social gathering.
Vanessa hung up on her mother. She was too sad to reply to her. Tears filled her eyes as she thought about everything that had happened this morning. It was such a short time, her life was turned upside down. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, she rubbed off the tears from her face. This was not the time to cry. She encouraged herself.
She fumbled for her phone again, she must talk to Carolyn. Carolyn was the only one who could help her with a solution.