She calmed down, lifted her face, and announced, “I just remembered how Louis wept the other day.”
Arthur smiled softly and said, “I thought as much. It is all right. He is fine now. Let us send a message to our family platform. I am sure it will soothe all of them to hear that we arrived safely.”
At that point, he ran his hand through her hair.
Then, she cheered up and said, “Ok. It is a good idea.”
They sat together on the bed, and he drafted the message and shared it.
He looked at her and declared, “Maternal instinct can be powerful.”
Nichole only smiled. Then, he drew her closer and gave her a peck. Indeed, maternal instinct could be powerful. Their message got to Louis when he was about to make a decision that would affect everybody adversely, which he thought would favor everyone. The feeling Nichole got when she got into the room was the type a mother got when her child was in danger.
At The Tourist Center.
Jude was beginning to feel guilty about eating and doing nothing. He wished to be of assistance to his host by any means to justify the kind gesture he got. After he had his dinner of another sumptuous meal, he volunteered to clear the plates from the table and, if possible, do the washing.
He walked out of his room carrying the plates but the Security Officer stopped him, “Stop, Jude. The waiter will do that.”
The spooked Jude stopped suddenly when he heard his voice.
He turned to the direction of the voice and explained, “I can do it, Sir.”
The Security Officer smiled and refuted, “I know but allow the waiter to do his work. Would you rather have him sacked?”
Now, Jude was solemn when heard ‘sacked’ and the Security Officer noticed it. He handed the tray to the waiter who was dressed in his work uniform and standing by. He collected it cheerfully and left.
“You are our guest. Feel at home. Okay?” The security officer corrected him and studied his countenance.
“Thank you, Sir,” Jude said and went back to his room to continue watching the television.
The Security Officer, who was pleased with his humility took a special liking for him. Although Denise addressed him as a ‘friend’, he knew better. From his look and attitude, he realized that he was a kid who appeared older than his age due to hardship. His dressing showed that he was either a beggar or a displaced foreigner whom his, Boss picked up from the road. Afterward, he went about his work and forgot about Jude.
He returned to the Security Post after ensuring that there was no security threat at the center at 10:00 PM and remembered Jude.
Then, he sent a message to Denise about Jude.
(Good evening, Boss. I expected you today at the Center. Your friend is bored. What should I do?)
At Denise’s Apartment
At 10:00 PM, after he had ensured that his wife was satisfied and had gone to sleep. He got out of bed and walked to his study to do some work and also monitor the story of the uproar at his uncle’s resort. Then, he got a message alert.
He quickly punched it when he saw his officer as the sender and quickly read through it.
He ran his hand through his head and exclaimed, “Oh, my God! I completely forgot about him.”
He called the security officer immediately and he quickly picked up and greeted him, “Hello, Boss. I’m delighted to hear from you.”
“Good evening, Officer. Thank you for the message. How is Jude?”
“He is fine but I think he is getting bored of being indoors since yesterday.”
Denise chuckled and asked him, “How do you know that he is bored? Did he complain?”
Robin chuckled too and answered him, “No, Boss. He did not but I noticed that he tried to wash the dishes after he cleared them.”
“That is a good one. Find out if he has any skill and let me know in the morning.”
“It is noted, Boss.”
“For now, he should be restricted to his room. Did you get me?”
“I got it, Boss.”
“Good. What about his wears? You can order five sets of wears and let me know the cost.”
“I will do that at once.”
“That is good. I hope you can guess his size.”
“Yes, Boss.”
“It is okay. I am waiting.”
After the call, he kept his phone on the table and turned on his system. While he was waiting for it to boot, he got another message alert.
“Who is this again?” He murmured before he picked up his phone and looked at the sender.
“Father,” he called out in excitement before he read through the message.
(Hello, Denise. Above is the notice of the meeting sent to me by our Patriarch. Kindly make time to represent me. Thank you.)
Denise furrowed and replied at once.
(It is all right, Father. I will be there. Later.)
‘It is good to be in the meeting. I will be able to read everyone’s body language,’ he mumbled in excitement because he was aware that the meeting may be connected with the incident at Stephen’s Resort.
However, before he could keep his phone aside, he got another message. This time, from the Security Officer. He had ordered the five sets of wears for Jude and had sent the account details of the company. Denise paid at once and sent the payment details to the Security Officer.
Then, he settled down and chatted with his foreign clients who needed security gadgets. Others were also in need of the explosives, which he could freely supply after he tested it at the resort. He smiled at his achievement, especially in avenging the evil that Stephen conceived against his mother. Afterward, he tidied his work and joined his wife in bed.
On Sunday
Olivia woke up and looked at her husband who was sleeping deeply due to exhaustion. She sneaked out of the bed to avoid disturbing his sleep and sat on the couch. Then, she checked the online page that she had created for Daniel the previous day and tagged Daniel De Pianist.
“Wow! Forty-one thousand views and twenty-six thousand likes in less than twenty-four hours. That is commendable,” she praised herself.
Among the viewers were the grandparents who were not social media savvy. However, they were impressed to see their grandson doing what the children of his age could not do without knowing the source.
Nevertheless, she commented, liked, and shared the page with a secret account. Afterward, she walked downstairs and prepared breakfast quickly before she joined her husband in the bed. If her husband discovers that she did the cooking, Caleb would be in trouble. Therefore, she would do the cooking secretly while he would serve.