Now, Louis logged in to the family platform to take a look at the pictures from the marriage ceremony. Then, his eyes went straight to Olivia, who was standing beside her husband, while Arthur and Nichole were standing in the middle. Freya and her husband also stood on the other side of the couple. He zoomed the photograph and fixed his eyes on Olivia’s protruded baby bump, for a few seconds. Unknown to him, he was tearing up. To his surprise, Olivia was looking chubby and more beautiful, and her smile was captivating as usual.
‘Today, she is happy, while I am sad. Irony of life. I was smoking nonchalantly, while she was weeping the day she left my house,’ he lamented.
Previously, he was working with his secretary on a file before his father’s call came in. She walked back to her office to give him the time to speak with his father. Now, she walked back to his office. To her perturbation, he was not aware that she walked into the office. He was staring at his phone while tears flowed freely down his cheek.
“Hey!” She exclaimed and walked back to her seat.
The only thing that she could think of was to call Dr. Quain.
At The Government Hospital.
Nichole’s haters hated her for one reason. They saw her as a distraction to Arthur, whom they believed was torn between two opinions. Whether to marry her or date another woman. The fact that Arthur did not return her love gave credence to their assumptions. Meanwhile, Nichole, who was close to him was aware of his problem – he would never get over his late wife.
To their delight, since she had gotten married to an ugly duckling, they were free to seduce Arthur.
After they left her office, Lorene walked to Evelyn White’s office. She had been in an open relationship and hated Nichole with passion.
“This is your chance, Lorene, if you must be the first lady of the Bailey’s family.”
“You are right, Evelyn. Now that she is out of the way. I will visit his office after work.”
“Yes, Make hay while the sun shines. There could be other ladies who are interested in him.”
“You are right. I will not relent.”
“Good. You are privileged to hear about her marriage early enough. So, take advantage of that before other women strike.”
“I got it. I will not give them that opportunity.”
“Certainly. Besides, you are hot, savvy, and more confident.”
“You got it. He can never be attracted to nannies like Nichole, who knew nothing but to babysit.”
“Ha ha ha,” Evelyn laughed aloud and she was infested.
At noon, she got out of work and headed to the Bailey International Conglomerates. She chose to visit him in her work uniform because she feared that anything could happen that could hinder her chances of meeting him if she got home to change.
At the Bailey International Conglomerates
Now, the Secretary, Mrs. Felix, served Mr. Williams Bailey. She was in her late fifties and very conversant with the Bailey family. She was a few months old in the organization when Mr. Williams Bailey married Nichole and later, Arthur married Rosy. That day, she was glad to witness another marriage in the Bailey family, and she was glad.
Meanwhile, Lorene had arrived at the gate. She honked and waited for the security guards to open the gate. They observed her and the car and discovered that she was not a regular visitor.
Then, one of them walked up to her and inquired, “Good day Ma’am. How may we help you?”
“Good day, Officer. I’m here to see your President,” she announced cheerfully.
Then, the security guard examined her carefully before he asked her, “Do you have an appointment with him?”
“Hey! It is rude to keep your visitors waiting,” she stated instead of answering his question.
The security guard ignored her advice and continued, “You have not answered my question, Ma’am.”
Now, the two of them locked eyes for a few seconds before Lorene responded, “No. I don’t have an appointment with him.”
The guard looked askance into her eyes and she introduced herself with confidence, “Let him know that Lorene Walker wishes to see him.”
“Sorry, Ma’am. We don’t work like that here. Have a pleasant day.”
From the security guard’s behavior, it was possible to believe that he was trained specifically for people like her. Lorene’s hot look and confidence had failed her, and she drove off with her tail between her legs.
At Seven Oaks – Bailey International Conglomerates
Dr. Quain arrived as soon as he got out of the call with Cassandra. He smiled as he walked into her office as though there was nothing to worry about.
“Thank you for your call, Secretary. Can I see him, please?”
“Yes, Dr. Quain.”
He appreciated her, walked to the door, and pushed it open. He walked in and shut it behind him before he changed his countenance at once. Likewise, he snatched his phone from him and asked with a stern tone, “Must you embarrass yourself in the office, Mr. Bailey?”
Without waiting for his response, he perused the picture he was staring at and saw Olivia at close range for the first time. On the wedding day, he only saw her from afar.
‘She is indeed worth crying for,’ he thought before he said, “Come with me, Mr. Bailey.”
Louis, who was relieved when he saw the doctor, declared, “Never mind, Doctor. I will be fine.”
“How can you be fine, when you have embarrassed yourself before your staff?”
“My staff? How?”
“Come with me.”
Louis picked up his phone and the doctor declared, “You are closing for the day.”
Louis could not believe the gravity of what must have happened that made the doctor order him around. However, he obeyed and followed him.
Afterward, he instructed his Secretary in his usual calm voice as though nothing happened, “We will continue tomorrow, Cassandra.”
“It is all right, Boss,” she responded and watched them walk out of the office.
Now, Dr. Quain drove him to the clinic. When they got out of the car, they walked beside each other until they got to his office.
“You can sit down,” he gestured him.
“Thank you, Doctor, for the offer,” he said and sat down.