Chapter 73. The Love That Triumphed 10

Book:Searching For His Pregnant Girlfriend Published:2025-2-8

“Mr. Edmonton, meet my boss, Mr. Louis Bailey. Boss, meet Mr. Rex Edmonton, the client I have been expecting from the USA,” Eric introduced.
Likewise, Louis stretched out his hand to the surprised client and they shook hands.
Afterward, he said, “Welcome to my humble office, Mr. Edmonton.”
Mr. Edmonton was still astonished but Louis smiled and said, “Kindly, take your seat.”
He took his seat and focused on him in amazement. Notwithstanding, Eric sat down as well.
“Thank you, Mr. Bailey. I’m much honored to meet with you at last. I have heard so much about you.”
Now, Louis chuckled and teased him, “That is good to hear. I hope that the things you have heard about me are not negative.”
The three laughed mildly and Mr. Edmonton continued, “To be candid, I was expecting…”
“An old man with grey hair,” Louis interrupted him and completed his statement for him.
He smiled and asked him, “How do you know what I wanted to say?”
“I am aware of what you wanted to say because I am used to such remarks from clients. All the same, you are welcome to Kent.”
“Thank you, so much.”
“What do I offer you, tea or coffee?” Louis asked him with finality, and Mr. Rex, Edmonton got it.
Then, he put himself together and informed him, “I will be contented with coffee.”
“It is all right.”
Louis gave Eric a familiar look. He stood up at once and walked to the pantry and came back with one cup of coffee and one cup of tea. He dropped the cup of coffee in front of Mr. Edmonton and the tea before his boss.
Then, Louis announced, “Here we are, Mr. Edmonton.”
“Thank you, Mr. Bailey.”
They discussed the land issue over the cup of tea. At last, Louis asked him, “Would you like to take a look at the land?”
“Wow! How can I take a look at two hundred hectares of land in a day?”
“We can fly you around with the company Whirlybird if you wish.”
“In that case, I wish to,” he said enthusiastically.
“It is all right,” Louis said.
He sipped his tea and kept his teacup back in the saucer before he called out, “Eric.”
“Yes, Boss.”
“Kindly, inform the pilot and the Chief Of the Security that we are going out.”
“It is noted, Boss,” Eric responded and stepped out to make calls.
“Mr. Bailey, I must commend your demeanor. You are very intelligent and forthright,” Mr. Edmonton complimented Louis’s friendly and business demeanor.
He looked at him with a smile and accepted his compliment, “I appreciate your compliment. You have made my day.”
“You are welcome.”
Soon, Eric returned to the office and announced, “The pilot and the Chief Of the Security are ready.”
“Thank you, Eric,” he appreciated him before he emptied his teacup. He looked at Mr. Edmonton and declared, “We shall be on our way if you are ready.”
He emptied his teacup as well and responded, “Yeah, I’m ready.”
They walked out of the office, boarded the helicopter, and left for the property. Due to the weather and their helicopter, they were able to arrive at the site, which was thirty miles away from the city, in a couple of minutes.
“We are at the site, Mr. Edmonton,” he informed him.
“I see.”
“You can begin your observations from here.”
“Thank you, Mr. Bailey. I think I like what I am seeing.”
“In that case, we will be flying you around, and you can view the topographical features of the property.”
“It is all right by me, Mr. Bailey. I do not doubt the features of the property that your staff had informed me of. We will just fly around because we are here.”
“Oh! That is fine. We are glad that we earned your confidence.”
They flew around the two hundred hectares of land before returning to the office for payment and the signing of the contract. Before 10 AM, the contract was sealed.
Afterward, Louis walked him to the car park, and he appreciated him, “Thank you, Mr. Bailey. I am glad doing business with you.”
“You are welcome, Mr. Edmonton. We are pleased to know that you are glad to do business with us. We look forward to more business relationships.”
“You can count on me. I will mention you to my friends.”
“That will be nice.”
“I wish you a safe trip,” Louis said.
“Bye,” he responded and they watched him as he left.
He walked back to the office with Eric, who was excited. Now, he got a call from Barr. Guidance informed him that he had served Stephen with the petition.
“Wow! That is good to hear, Barrister. How did you do that? Has he returned to his house?”
“I wouldn’t know, Mr. Bailey. I went to his resort to do that, but I was told that he was not around. I had no choice than to hand the petition to his staff, who acknowledged the receipt by signing the acknowledgment copy.”
“It is all right. Let us see how it goes?”
“It is okay.”
At The Registry.
“I hereby declare you husband and wife. Now, you may kiss the bride.”
Arthur was exhilarated when he heard the registrar announce the marriage and set the stage for the big smooch. The couple swung into kissing and cuddling immediately. Apart from his family members, other witnesses were not part of the family that were seated too. They clapped heartily for them while the registry photographer captured every detail of the event. Then, the officiating minister signed the certificate and issued it immediately. Afterward, they took photographs and walked out of the registry delightedly.
“Thank you all for coming despite the change of date,” Arthur appreciated his children.
Then, Phil, who sees their marriage as an accomplishment of a task, was delighted.
He responded, “You are welcome, Father. You made our wishes to come to fruition.”
The bewildered Arthur looked at him and asked, “Your wishes?”
Phil, who was so fond of him, giggled before he responded, “Yes, Father. We had been waiting for today.”
Now, Freya and the rest who had engaged Nichole in a talk joined them, and Arthur dismissed him, “We will talk more about it, Phil.”
“It is all right, Father,” he answered.
Subsequently, they got into their cars and left. Then, Denise, who was still afraid of the mysterious man, joined Freya and her husband in their car with his wife just the way they came.
When his father informed him of the change of date the previous day, he called Freya and her husband, requesting that they should pick him and his wife for the registry.
Now, they took them back to his house and Denise appreciated them, “Thank you, Big sister. Thank you, Brother-in-law. We appreciate the ride.”