At The Bailey Native Home
In a twinkling of an eye, they were all set to pay Denise and Louis a surprise visit.
On The Way To The Bailey Native Home
Denise asked Louis a question to liven the unusually quiet atmosphere in the car
“Louis,” he called out to him as he focused his attention on the road.
“Yes, Big Brother,” he answered without looking away from the road.
“Is father aware that you are in Dover?”
Louis, who was behind the wheels, turned and looked at him. When he did not respond, he asked again, “What’s up, Louis? You seemed distant.”
Now, Louis came back to his senses and asked, “Sorry, please. What was your question?”
“I asked if Father is aware of your trip to Dover?”
“Yes. He is aware. I spoke with him last night.”
“It is okay.”
To keep him cheerful, he asked a question that might interest him, “Remind me again, what time is your flight tomorrow?”
“9 am,” he answered absent-mindedly while they continued their drive in silence.
Arthur Bailey was a fifty-eight-year-old widower who lost his wife thirteen years ago. He was Louis’s father, Denise’s uncle, and the younger brother to Denise’s father, who died seven years ago. He took over as the head of the entire Bailey family after the death of Denise’s father. Meanwhile, Louis had informed him that he would see him that day after seeing Denise and his fiancee. He was not aware that he would go to the Native Home to see Denise’s fiancee.
The drive from the urban Dover to the countryside was twenty minutes. But at rush hours like that day, it may take about thirty minutes to get there. They arrived and parked at the front of Nichole’s Apartment.
Louis was excited again, to the surprise of Denise, who pointed out, “Wow! You are so excited to see your sister-in-law.”
Louis chuckled and responded, “Yes, I am. One day, I will introduce mine to you.”
“Oh! That will be nice. I am sure it will be very soon.”
They headed happily to Nichole’s apartment without doubt that they would meet her at home because her car was parked in the car park. The janitor opened the door for them and they got in.
“Welcome, Young Masters. It is nice to see you,” he greeted them.
“Thank you, Janitor,” they responded happily.
“Feel at home. Louis,” Denise faced Louis and said.
“Thank you,” he appreciated him and took his seat.
Afterward, Denise walked towards the guest room to fetch Olivia.
To their chagrin, the thirty-year-old janitor, who thought that there was a change of plan, announced, “They are off to your house.”
The bewildered Denise stopped in his tracks, turned, gave the janitor an angry look, and inquired, “Why did you let us into the house when you knew they were not around?”
Louis shook his head in disappointment and consoled Denise, “Don’t let it bother you, Big Brother. Let us see Father. Mother and your fiancee may be on their way back.”
Denise ignored Louis’s suggestion and asked the janitor, “How come her car is in the garage?”
“Mrs. Anderson was around. They left with her car?”
Louis became excited when he heard Freya’s name.
“Oh! Big Sister Freya is around too. Denise, let us see Father quickly and go back to your house. This is an opportunity to meet her as well.”
Denise quietly left with Louis who was already walking out to see Arthur. Fortunately, they met him on the veranda of Nichole’s Apartment. He came to meet them when he saw them drive in, and they walked back to his apartment.
At Denise’s House.
Freya drove into the compound after the security guard opened the gate for her with excitement. The heavy traffic had hindered their movement, but they scaled through. They were happy when they saw Denise’s car parked in the garage. Olivia, who sat on the passenger’s seat, was the first to open her door, followed by Freya.
Then, John walked up to them and greeted them, “Welcome, everyone. Sorry, Mrs. Anderson, the boss is not at home.”
“Oh! Where could they have gone to?”
By the security guard’s judgment, his triangular life boss can only be at his Godfather’s house since he was not at his mother’s and sister’s house.
“They must have gone to his Godfather’s house.”
“That’s good. Olivia, get into the car. We will catch up with them there.”
“It is all right, Auntie Freya,” she responded and got into the car.
They drove off immediately to Mr. Field’s house at once which was another one-hour drive just to pull a surprise.
“Daniel, I hope you are not too tired?” Olivia asked him.
“Nope. I’m not. I want to see Uncle Denise.”
“That’s good.”
At Arthur’s Apartment.
The three walked back, and he ushered them to their seats, “Kindly take your seats..”
“Thank you, Father,” they appreciated him as they took their seats.
“You are welcome. Louis. When did you arrive in Dover?”
“This morning, Father. I can see you are good,” Louis said and walked to the kitchen to get tea for them.
He arrived with a tray of three cups of tea, and they settled down to talk. Then, Arthur spoke, “Yes, I’m good. What time is your flight to Cairo tomorrow?”
“9 AM, Father.”
“Did you watch the news this afternoon?”
“I did not. If I may ask, what news, Father?” he asked as he kept his teacup on the saucer.
“I think the schedule had changed. The only and last flight for the next seven days will be by 8 AM.”
“Why, Father?” Denise sipped his tea and asked while Louis endeavored to contact his booking officer.
“The news says there were circumstances beyond their control,” Arthur explained.
Louis and Denise exchanged glances. However, Louis stopped calling his booking officer and decided to check his mailbox. To his dismay, his booking officer had informed him that his flight had been rescheduled for 8 AM. The message actually came before lunch, which was when he was crying in the bedroom.
“You are right, Father. I got a mail to that effect earlier today,” he announced.
“That is good.”
Then, Denise, who was worried about the change of plan, asked, “What do you intend to do?”
“I will have to return to Seven Oaks immediately. We should be on our way back to your house at once.”
They sipped their tea and stood up to hug their father one after the other
“We shall be on our way, Father,” Louis announced.
“It is all right. Be careful Louis. Denise, how is Angel?”
“All right, Father. I will. You will get my call when I land,” Louis assured him.
“Angel is fine. We will talk later, Father.”
“It is all right. Safe trip, Louis.”