Chapter 69

Book:A Deal With The CEO Published:2025-2-8

Chapter 69
Valerie’s POV
We were preparing to go to the hospital and meet with the surrogate mother finally.
“Are you ready?” Damian asked, holding my hand as we walked into the hospital.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I replied.
We were greeted by Dr. Lee, who led us to a private room.
“Today, we’ll finalize the surrogacy procedures and meet the surrogate mother,” Dr. Lee explained.
I nodded, my heart racing. I wondered what kind of person she would be.
The door opened, and a woman walked in.
“Hello,” she said, smiling. “I’m Rachel.”
My eyes widened.
Nice name. But this Rachel was… stunning.
Porcelain skin, piercing green eyes, and raven-black hair.
I felt a pang of insecurity.
“Hi,” I managed, trying to sound calm.
Damian shook Rachel’s hand.
“Nice to meet you,” he said.
Rachel’s smile faltered for a moment.
“I’m glad we could do this,” she said. “I want to help you both have a child.”
Dr. Lee cleared his throat.
“Let’s begin the procedures,” he said.
The next few hours were a blur of paperwork, medical exams, and discussions.
Damian and I asked Rachel questions.
“What made you decide to become a surrogate?” I asked.
“I want to help families,” Rachel replied. “And I believe every child deserves love.”
“But you know that you won’t see the baby after child birth, right?” I asked
“I am aware of that.” She replied with a broad smile.
As the procedures concluded, Damian pulled out his phone.
“Time to call our lawyer,” he said.
“Already?” I asked.
“Yes,” Damian said. “We need to finalize the agreement.”
Our lawyer, Mr. Jenkins, arrived promptly.
“Let’s review the contract,” he said.
The room fell silent as we reviewed the documents.
“Everything looks good,” Mr. Jenkins said.
We signed the papers.
It was official that Rachel would carry our child.
As we left the hospital, I couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease. Rachel’s beauty lingered in my mind.
“Damian,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
“Yes?” he replied.
“Do you think… Rachel is…?”
“Beautiful?” Damian finished.
I nodded.
Damian chuckled.
“Valerie, you’re the only one I see,” he said.
But the seed of doubt was planted.
Two months had passed since we’d signed the surrogacy contract.
Rachel’s pregnancy was progressing smoothly.
Damian and I were ecstatic.
But then, Damian dropped a bombshell.
“Valerie, I think it’s best if Rachel moves in with us,” Damian said, standing in the kitchen.
“What? Why?” I asked, taken aback.
“It’ll be easier for us to support her,” Damian explained. “And ensure everything goes smoothly.”
“But can’t we just visit her or something?” I suggested.
“Dr. Lee agrees it’s best for Rachel’s health,” Damian said. “Besides, it’ll be nice to have her close.”
I hesitated, unsure.
“Valerie, come on,” Damian said. “It’s just for a few months.”
“Fine,” I relented.
I forced a smile.
“That’s a great idea,” I lied.
But inside, I was reeling. Living with Rachel? The beautiful surrogate mother? I couldn’t bear the thought.
But I couldn’t express my doubts. Not now. Not when Damian was so enthusiastic.
“When were you thinking?” I asked.
“Next week,” Damian replied. “Dr. Lee agrees it’s best for Rachel’s health.”
I nodded.
Damian beamed.
“I’ll start preparing the guest room.”
I watched him walk away, freling trapped and anxious.
How could I live with Rachel? The woman carrying my husband’s child?
The woman who made me feel insecure?
I took a deep breath. I had to pretend for Damian’s sake and for the baby’s sake.
The next week, Rachel moved in and I played the perfect hostess. Always wearing a smile, cooking every meal, cleaning with the assistance of the housekeeper. But inside, I seethed.
Rachel settled into our home, easily, comfortably. Like she belonged.
Damian fawned over her. He was very attentive caring.
It hurt.
One evening, as we sat down for dinner.
Rachel mentioned her pregnancy cravings.
Damian jumped up.
“I’ll get you ice cream,” he said.
I watched them
Feeling left out.
Feeling replaced.
“Valerie, can you pass the salad?” Rachel asked.
I handed it to her forcing a smile.
“Here you go.”
As the days passed, tension built inside me.
Between us.
Damian didn’t notice or maybe he chose not to.
Rachel’s presence consumed me.
Every smile, every laugh, every conversation.
I felt like an outsider in my own home.
One night as I lay awake, Damian’s arm wrapped around me, I whispered.
“Yes?” he replied.
“Are you happy?”
“Very,” he said.
I hesitated.
“Because of Rachel?”
Damian’s arm tightened.
“No, Valerie. Because of you.”
But I wasn’t convinced.
One evening, Damian suggested we watch a movie together.
“Sounds nice,” Rachel said.
“What’s the movie?” I asked.
“Some rom-com,” Damian replied.
We settled in, Damian wrapping his arm around me.
But my attention wasn’t on the screen.
“Rachel, what do you think of this movie?” Damian asked.
“It’s sweet,” Rachel replied.
“I know, right?” Damian said.
After the movie, Rachel yawned.
“I’m tired,” she said.
“Get some rest,” Damian replied.
As Rachel left, Damian turned to me.
“See? This is working out,” he said.
“It’s fine,” I replied.
But inside, I was screaming.
The next morning, Damian and Rachel chatted in the kitchen.
“What’s the plan for today?” Damian asked Rachel.
“Prenatal appointment,” Rachel replied.
“I’ll come with you,” Damian said.
“I’ll stay home,” I added.
“Are you sure?” Damian asked.
“Yes,” I said.
The appointment came and went.
Damian returned, beaming.
“Everything’s perfect,” he said.
Rachel smiled.
“Thanks to you,” she replied.
Their exchange made my heart ache.
A month had passed since Rachel moved in, and our dynamics had shifted. Subtly, yet noticeably. At first, I thought it was just my imagination, but as time went on, I realized Rachel was changing. She was becoming more assertive, more demanding.
“Valerie, can you get me a glass of water?” Rachel asked, lounging on the couch.
I hesitated, feeling a surge of annoyance. But I bit my tongue and fetched the water.
“Thanks,” Rachel said, not even looking up.
Damian walked into the room, beaming. “Hey, how’s everyone doing?”
“Rachel’s just relaxing,” I said, forcing a smile.
Damian sat beside Rachel, taking her hand. “You need to take it easy, okay? You’re carrying our precious baby.”
Rachel smiled, her eyes sparkling. “Thanks, Damian. You’re always so caring.”
I felt a pang of jealousy. Why was Damian so attentive to Rachel’s needs, yet oblivious to mine?
As the days went by, Rachel’s requests became more frequent. And more demanding.
“Valerie, can you cook dinner tonight? I’m not feeling up to it,” Rachel said, rubbing her belly.
I nodded, seething inside. Why was I always cooking? Why was Rachel never lifting a finger?
“Of course,” I said, pretending to be agreeable.
Damian praised Rachel’s “strength” and “resilience” throughout her pregnancy. But I saw the truth. Rachel was using her pregnancy to manipulate Damian, to make him wait on her hand and foot.
One evening, as we watched TV, Rachel suddenly clutched her belly.
“Oh no, I think I need to lie down,” she said, wincing.
Damian jumped up. “I’ll help you, Rachel. Valerie, can you get some pillows?”
I fetched the pillows, feeling like a servant.
As Damian fawned over Rachel, I realized I was losing my partner. Losing my connection with Damian.
“Rachel, do you need anything else?” Damian asked, hovering over her.
“No, I’m fine,” Rachel replied, smiling weakly.
I rolled my eyes, feeling resentful.
This was not what I signed up for.
But I kept quiet, fearing Damian’s disapproval.
Days turned into weeks, and Rachel’s grip on Damian tightened. She’d call him at work, complaining of minor ailments, and he’d rush home to attend to her.
“Damian, I’m so sorry to bother you,” Rachel would say, “but I’m feeling a bit dizzy.”
“I’m on my way,” Damian would reply, instantly concerned.
I felt like I was losing my partner, my best friend.
One evening, as we prepared for bed, Damian turned to me.
“Valerie, I know this is hard on you,” he said, “but Rachel needs us right now.”
“I know,” I said, pretending to understand.
But inside, I was screaming.
Why was Rachel’s needs more important than mine?
Why was Damian ignoring me?
As I lay in bed, I felt a surge of resentment.
Towards Rachel.
Towards Damian.
Towards this whole situation.
I knew I couldn’t keep quiet forever.
But for now, I’d have to pretend.
For the sake of the baby.
For the sake of our relationship.
But how long could I keep up this charade?