Chapter 57
Valerie’s POV
“How dare you insult me in such manner right in front of our parents? Do you loathe me this much? You dare to accuse me of infidelity? If there is anyone who has been unfaithful, it’s you!” I blurted out, my head wanting to explode in anger.
“You dare to strike me across my face?” Damian asked, his eyes glowing with anger.
I stared back at him, glaring into his eyes, expecting his own reaction.
“Move out of my way, Damian. I have nothing else to say to you. You cheated on me before my very eyes. I will not forget that in a hurry.” I said, as I bolted out, leaving Damian standing, watching me go.
As I stepped outside the Villa, the cold air slapped my face. I was supposed to have an appointment with my doctor but that will have to wait.
I boarded a cab to Richardson Manor, where I needed to go and get my belongings.
“Mrs. Richardson…”Mrs. Jenkins began but I held up my hand to cut her short.
“Don’t inform Damian that I came home. I just need to do something.” I said, stepping up the stairs into my room.
“What can I help you with?” She asked with a voice full of concern.
“Nothing much. I need to pack up few clothes and footwears. Help me and get the box.” I ordered but Mrs. Jenkins stood there, clearly surprised.
“Where do you plan to go, Ma’am?” She asked.
“Somewhere safe. Away from this madness. Do you have a problem with that?” I added irritably.
“Leaving your home is not the best idea. Do you want to leave it for that other woman? Are you going to allow her to snatch up your man? The man you…”
I interrupted her because her words added to my anger.
“A man is not some kind of object that can be snatched. If Damian thinks that woman is better than I am, then I wish them well. I have no place here.”
“Now will you assist me? Otherwise, I’d love to be left alone.” I snapped.
Mrs. Jenkins bent over and helped me select some nice outfits and shoes, packed them neatly into my small travelling bag.
I went around the room and collected few toiletries. I was good to go. I’ll have to purchase every other thing I’d need. I carried my box down to the foyer and boarded a cab to my house after saying goodbye to Mrs. Jenkins.
After the wedding, I had been planning to set my former house on lease since I would be living with Damian at the manor. But now, I was grateful that I didn’t because that became my home once more.
When I arrived, I had cleaned up the house, every room washed up memories of Damian. I remembered the first day he came to my house and we made love. Things had been blissful since then.
I shaked those thoughts out of my mind to concentrate on what I was faced with.
After fixing a quick meal for lunch, I got ready to go shopping in the mall. I had a quick bath, wore a loose fit gown and boarded a cab to the mall.
Having shopped for few groceries, I made payment at the counter before I left.
I stepped out of the mall, feeling like I’d finally found a tiny slice of normalcy in the chaos that had become my life. Shopping had always been my go-to therapy, and today was no exception. The warm sun on my skin and the gentle breeze rustling my hair were the perfect accompaniments to my newfound sense of calm.
As I walked toward the crosswalk, I slipped my hand into my purse to grab my phone. My fingers closed around it, and I pulled it out to check the time. But instead of the clock, I was met with a barrage of notifications that made my heart skip a beat.
“Breaking News: “CEO of Light Airways, Damian Richardson, set to divorce his wife after less than two months of marriage.”
“Damian and I’s Marriage on the Brink of Collapse”
“Damian and Valerie’s Fairytale Ends in Heartbreak”
My vision blurred, and my legs trembled beneath me. I felt like I’d been punched in the gut, all the air sucked out of me. My shopping bags slipped from my grasp, forgotten on the sidewalk. I stood frozen, my gaze fixed on the screen as I read every word.
Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, but I couldn’t look away. I scrolled through the headlines, my mind reeling with questions.
Suddenly, a horn blared, and tires screeched. I didn’t even notice. It wasn’t until a stranger grabbed my elbow, pulling me back from the edge of the road, that I snapped back to reality.
“Ma’am, are you okay? You need to get out of the road!” he shouted.
I nodded numbly, still clutching my phone. The stranger guided me to the sidewalk, where I collapsed onto a nearby bench.
My shopping bags lay scattered around me, a reminder of the carefree afternoon I’d just enjoyed. Now, everything seemed tainted by the harsh reality of my failed marriage.
I sat there, surrounded by strangers, feeling utterly alone. The world around me was moving forward, but I was stuck in this moment, unable to escape the pain and heartache that threatened to consume me.
It was too much to bear. That was all before I felt numb to every other noise as my consciousness drifted off.
Damian’s POV
After the incident with Amelia, I haven’t called her and she hasn’t either. I drove from the Villa to my house, with a million thoughts on my mind.
Standing at the foyer, the quietness in the house was too noticeable.
I climbed the stairs gingerly, pricking my ear for any sign of Valerie.
“Welcome, Sir.” Mrs. Jenkins greeted.
“Where is Valerie?” I asked, ignoring her greetings.
“She left in the morning, Sir.”
“What do you mean by that? She left my parents house, so she must be here. Why are you saying otherwise?” I asked, irritation noticeable in my voice.
“She came here but packed her belongings. She didn’t say where she was going. But she mentioned something about another woman.” Mrs. Jenkins said.
“Oh, Damn it! She packed her clothes and you allowed her to leave! What if something had happened to her? She knows about my lifelong secret, how could you allow her to go like that?” I fired at Mrs. Jenkins and she stood there terrified.
“I’m…so…sorry, Sir. I…I” she stammered.
“Go and call the guards downstairs.” I commanded.
As they came up, about a dozen of them, I scrutinized there facial expressions.
“You allowed my wife to run away. You all are incompetent!” I blared out.
They stood with their heads bowed low. No one dared to say a word.
“If Valerie is not found and brought back to me in three days, you all will loose your jobs. Now get out!”