Chapter 26
Claire’s POV
Knock knock
“Who is there?” Came the voice from inside.
“It it I.” I had decided to pay an old friend a visit.
Josephine opened the door and screamed in delight. She rushed and hug me, almost squeezing life out of me.
“It has been quite some time. You have always promised to pay us a visit and we have been looking forward to seeing you but it appears you have been occupied.”
“Yes, I have been busy with work and other minor things. I am here as a matter of urgency.” I replied.
“Let me get you something to eat or drink…”
“Oh! Let me not bother you. Thank you but I’m not hungry. So, how have you been? How is everything going?”
“I’m good.” The visible wrinkles on her face could be as a result of stress. Poor Josey.
“What about the boy…my son?” I asked, finally driving home my reason for being here.
“He is inside. I’ll call the Nanny to bring him.” She walked into the house, calling after the Nanny that has been with her from the very beginning.
I looked around the room, looking out for changes that could have been made. Well, there are little or no changes except for the cushions.
As I take in the environment where my son was being raised, I began to reminisce about the first day I brought him.
I was just discharged from the hospital, three days ago. I took my son to my place but I didn’t even have the slightest idea of what or how to raise a baby.
“Mommy!” My son’s voice jerked me back to reality as he rushed over and hugged me.
I held him so tight in a warm embrace and pecked his forehead.
“Mommy, it’s good to see you.”
“It’s good to see you too, baby.” I was so glad to see my baby again after quite some time. I admired his facial features and realized that he had my eyes and a dimple too.
“You said you are here because of an urgent issue. What can that be?” Josephine asked.
I signaled to the Nanny to take my son, Anthony to the room.
“I want to take him on a very short holiday. It’s high time I introduced him to his father.” I replied.
“Are you sure about this? I think you should wait a little longer. He is just six years old.” Josephine said, reducing her voice to a whisper.
“I am well aware of his age and that is why I think it’s better to show him now. So that he bears it in mind that he has a father. I believe his mates in school must have asked him about his father. I will not allow my son to be an object of mockery.”
“I understand what you are saying and I think it makes sense too.”
“Has there been any constraints so far? Are you having any issue with his upbringing?” I queried, lowering my gaze.
“Absolutely not. Anthony has been a very good boy. He is bright in his academics and very social too.” Josephine said which made my heart leap out of happiness.
“You have done a wonderful job, I must say. I will add a top up to your monthly upkeep money. I really appreciate the way you are taking good care of him.”
“It’s my pleasure to assist you. Thank you for entrusting me with your son. So, should I go ahead and get his clothes? For how long will he stay with you?”
“Just a day or two.”
“Okay, give me some time, let me get him ready.”
Watching Josephine go into the room, I remembered how I met her when I was still pregnant. I was heavily pregnant and I was just coming back from the hospital for my regular check-ups when it began to rain.
Josephine was walking behind me along the walkway and she stopped and offered me her umbrella. We walked together until we got to my house and we have been friends ever since.
She came out shortly after with a small travelling bag which obviously contained his clothes and other stuff that he might need.
“Goodbye Anthony, I’ll see you soon. Enjoy your time with Mummy.” Josephine said stooping to hug him.
“Goodbye Aunt. Josey. I’ll be back before you know it.”
After saying the final goodbyes, I took him into the car and headed for my destination.
Claire’s POV
When the cab stopped in a front of a huge white-washed building with a high fence, I had to cross-check with the address I had to be sure. I paid the cab man and headed to the entrance with Anthony.
When I knocked on the gate, two muscular men on black appeared.
“Good day Ma’am, how may I help you?”
“I am here to see Mr. and Mrs. Richardson. I have an appointment with them.”
“Alright, I’ll lead you to them.”
We walked past several rooms and hallways. I wonder why an old couple would leave in such a mighty house when it’s just them. I couldn’t help but admire the art sculptures along the hallway.
When we got into the sitting room, I was in awe. The huge chandelier hung from a very high ceiling. The room was adorned with beautiful flowers and the curtains complimented the cushions. It was so welcoming.
“Good day Ma’am. You’re welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson will be here soon. Would you like coffee, tea or wine?” A young maid asked.
“Coffee please. Thank you.”
“What about the boy? What should I get for him? We have cupcakes and some biscuits”
“Just bring cupcakes. Thank you very much.”
The maid brought the refreshments in a short while and we began to help ourselves when the old couple walked in.
Well, they weren’t looking as old as I thought. Damian’s mother is a very beautiful woman and he got his deep blue eyes from her.
“Good day Sir and Lady Richardson. My name is Claire Smurf and I am here with my son.”
“You’re welcome, Claire. Your son is very handsome. How can we help you?” Damian’s mother asked.
“Thank you Ma. I came to introduce you to your grandchild. This is my son, Anthony. Damian is his father.”
“You must be mistaken, Claire. Our son is not married yet neither have we heard of any baby.”
“I had a son for Damian some years ago after we left college. But I never told him about it because I was scared that he might reject us. That is why…” my voice trailed off as I began to sob.
“Oh, dear. Don’t cry just yet. But we are really confused here.” Mrs. Richardson walked over and gave me a hug, patting my back softly.
“That is why I have brought him to you instead. When I heard of his marriage, I was so heartbroken. How can he plan to marry someone else when he has a baby with me?” I still continued to cry.
I had prayed that Mrs. Richardson will not see through my fake cry and acting and my prayers have been answered.
Meanwhile, Mr. Richardson simply walked over to Anthony, looking at him over and over again. He is probably trying to look out for any form of resemblance.
“Well, Miss Claire, I am short of words because we never expected this. Are you sure of what you are saying? Because I have never known my son to be callous and careless.” I could feel the disappointment in his voice.
“I am sure, Sir. I would not be joking about issues like this.” I replied after cleaning my eyes.
“Alright then, I’ll have to call Damian so that he will come over and explain this to us.”
“I heard that he travelled, Sir.”
“He will come back from wherever he is. Let me speak to him first” his father responded firmly.
“Darling, can you allow me to speak to him myself? I think…” Damian’s mother said.
“Don’t worry, I’ll do it myself. He will listen to the urgency in my voice.”
In a few minutes, he dialled Damian’s number but the first three attempts was unanswered. He picked at the fourth time and the call was set on loudspeaker.
“Hello, Damian. Have you returned?”
“I am on my way, Father. Is there a problem?” I heard Damian say.
“Once you return, come to the house at once. You have some explanation to do.”
“What is the urgency? I’ll need to rest. I have been working myself out for days. Can I not come tomorrow? Is there an emergency?” Damian asked which made his father rather furious.
“You will come today as I ordered. There is someone here to see you, with a boy child whom she claims to be yours. That is the urgency and you still asking for rest. Why didn’t you ever tell us about your escapades when you were in college!” His father bellowed.
“I…don’t understand. I don’t have a son anywhere. There must be some confusion somewhere. I’ll be on my way at once.” Damian said
“You’d better be.” Damian’s father hung up and began to pace up and down the room restlessly.