After the call with Amelia, Tristan felt completely suffocated, he looked devastated in fact.
“It was all my fault,” He told himself, he whispered to himself.
“I was such a shitty boss to her,” He mumbled tears falling from his eyes.
“She blames me, she does blame me,” His body shook, his heart was crushed and his throat was starting to ache.
” I can’t breathe, I can’t be here,” He said and grabbed the car key to the other car in the garage and ran out of the house.
He got into the car and drove away at such a speed that it felt like he wanted to get himself killed.
“I’m so sorry muffin,” He said trying to dry his eyes while driving.
“I’m so so sorry Isabella,” he cried driving.
“I don’t deserve you,” He poured out.
“People keep dying around you,” His father’s words played in his heart and it fueled his emotions into hatred for himself anger directed at himself, and blame for things he barely had any control off.
Isabella was on her way back home a bit worried, Tristan left the office and didn’t say where he was going. She looked at his schedule and he had a meeting but then he left without the car or his briefcase which troubled her.
“Are you sure he never mentioned where he was headed?” I asked the driver as we were slowly approaching home.
“Thank you,” I said and got down from the car, heading into the house, when my phone rang.
“Amelia,” I muttered with a smile on my face, as I swiped the green button.
“Hey babe,” I said happily as I entered the house, walking through the hallway.
“Where are you?” She asked.
“I just got home, why?” I told them a bit confused as I stared at the living room, which was a bit unorganized. I stared at the bottle of alcohol opened, with a tie on the sofa, making me smile as I thought Tristan was home.
“Good, you need to speak with Tristan right now, “she said like it was an emergency.
“Okay, but what is going on?” I asked her.
“You are making me scared,” I told her truthfully, while she sighed deeply.
“Tristian knows,” She said simply.
“Knows what?” I asked her not getting the hint of what she was trying to let me know.
“He knows about the hospital and everything. He knows you are ill Isabella,” She said and I felt my keg wobble, causing me to hold onto the stairs railings for support.
“How? Did Ava speak to him?” My heart was racing.
“No one did. He called and asked me to tell him everything,” She said and a tear slipped from my eyes.
“Tell me you didn’t,” I told her, fear gripping me already.
“Of course I did,” Amelia said and my kids quivered immediately, as I hung up the call and ran upstairs and called out his name-checking every room, but it was to no avail as they wrote all empty.
“Tristan,” I cried out rushing downstairs but I didn’t see him, nor was there any sign of him.
“He was here,” I muttered staring at his tie and bottle of alcohol on the center table.
“Rose,” I yelled out her name, and within seconds she scurried in front of me.
“Did you see Tristan?” I asked her immediately she stood in front of me.
“He was here, but he left in a hurry with car keys,” She stated and I nodded.
I immediately started to dial his number on my phone, but I had no resources, causing me to give it another shot when he finally picked up.
“Come home to me love,” Isabella said to him.
“It’s all my fault,” he cried out over the phone.
“You promise you would never leave me,” She told him whimpering already.
“You’re going to die Isabella, and it’s all because of me, ” Tristan cried out still driving.
“No I’m not, I won’t die, ” She said with such confidence.
“Please love, don’t say that,” She begged him when he didn’t respond to her.
“I’m sorry muffin, I’m so sorry,” He finally replied to her when she heard a loud thud from over the phone.
“Tristan, ” she called out, fear gripped her but she got no response.
“Tristan,” she yelled this time, but the call suddenly got disconnected.
An hour later, Tristan was rushed by a cab driver who saw him hit the wall into the hospital. The nurse administered painkillers to him and started to clean his wounds.
He groaned moving the hand which had bandages all over it. His shirt was so bloody, and he had blood coming out from his head due to the cut he got as a cause of the accident.
“Isabella,” he murmured and squeezed his eyes trying to hold I’m his pain, when the nurse cleaned his wound.
“Muffin,” he muttered and fluttered his eyes open slowly adjusting to the light.
“Where am I?” He sat up abruptly frightening the nurse.
“You’re in the hospital sir, you had minor injuries from an accident,” She explained calmly.
“Where’s Isabella? Where’s my wife?” He looked around disturbed.
“Calm down sir, we can get you a phone so that you can make a phone call to her,” The nurse said gently to him, about to put a bandage on his head.
“I need to see her right now,” He pushed the nurse and ran away from the hospital.
He still wore his tattered and bloody shirt as he hailed a cab, giving it his home address.
A few minutes later, he arrived at his mansion, where he met Isabella who was about to go out in search of him.
“Tristan,” She called out in shock.
“Oh my God, what happened to you?” She rushed to him with the rest of the security who were already on the alert, as he fell to the floor.
“I came home to you,” he smiled before losing consciousness
“Tristan,” she yelled as fresh tears broke down from her eyes.
“No no no,” She whispered, shaking vigorously.
“Please wake up, ” Hit tears stream down her eyes.
“Call a doctor,” she yelled at the staff who seemed to staring at her.
“Call an ambulance,” I screamed out, very much pissed up, as two of his hefty men helped carried him into the room,
I helped take off the bloody clothes as they laid him on the bed.
“Where’s the doctor?” I asked worried.
“I think he’s burning up,” I place the back of my head and confirm, before asking Rose right to get me a bowl and a wet towel.
“The doctor is here ma’am,” she said from behind me.
“Send him in,” I instructed, and stood up from the bed so that the doctor could check on him.