Today was the launch party for the new products. I got dressed in a black dinner dress. It was a one long sleeve shoulder with a train and slit dress. I grabbed a black pointed-toe stiletto heels and wore it. I sat down in front of my vanity, then I pulled out the drawer and brought out pearl hook earrings and wore them. I wore a bracelet on one hand and then my wedding ring too before closing the drawer. I brought out my hairbrush and brushed it, after that, I applied a styling cream, brushed it again then packed it in a sleek ponytail. It was shiny and sleek. I was satisfied with that, and then I stood up from the chair and grabbed my black purse on the bed. I sighed and turned to stare at myself one more time in the full-length mirror, before leaving the room.
I walked downstairs and there he was standing, staring at me as I walked to him. I felt shy and nervous, while I placed my hands on the rails as I got downstairs.
“Hey,” He took my hands, and kissed them, his eyes not leaving mine for a second.
“You’re breathtaking,” He said and I felt that tingle sensation around my stomach as he said that. I blush and stare at the floor shyly unable to meet his eyes.
“You look handsome,” I told him truthfully, he wore a black shirt and a black suit, It’s blazer had a lapel collar. It was fitted on his body and had two buttons. He looked so hot. He wore a watch in his left hand and I noticed his black shoes too. He looked hot right now…
“I have something for you,” He said and I looked at him confused.
“What’s that?” I asked with a smile on my lips.
“Just hold on,” He put his phone in his pocket and quickly grabbed a little fancy bag. He pulled out a black box in front of me and I stared at him until he opened it leaving me shocked.
“Tristan?” I called out his name, while my hands covered my mouth in shock. It was a pearl necklace. My God, it was beautiful. Extremely beautiful.
“I got this for you,” He said and took it out, giving the empty bag and box to the maid would stood a little distance away from us.
“I don’t know what to say,” I told him, utterly speechless by it.
“Say you will wear it tonight at least,” He looked nervous, while I immediately nodded my head and chuckled, blinking my eyes rapidly so I wouldn’t cry.
“Let me help with that,” He said and I turned around so he could help me wear it. His hands brushed my skin, causing me to shiver as he pushed my hair to my shoulder. His hands circled my neck, and I helped him take off my hair, while he finally placed it on my neck, touching my skin a bit.
“Thank you,” I said and turned around to stare at him.
“You look amazing,” He added, this time he walked closer and brought his face closer to mine, making my heart skip a beat. I gaze at him, my breathing hitched, and immediately he bent his neck, and planted a kiss on my cheek. My mouth hung open for a moment as my breathing hitched. I felt shock flow through my body, making me stand there unable to say a word with a heated cheek.
“Let’s go,” He added and immediately locked hands with mine as we left.
A few minutes later, we arrived at the event. The place was crowded with people, journalists, and cameramen. There were celebrities and influencers at the event, a few were on the red carpet taking photos and answering a few questions before getting into the Hall for the party. Tristan’s bodyguard opened the door for us, and we stepped down, while I held onto him tightly.
“I’m right beside you,” He whispered in my ears, and I felt much better after he said that. His bodyguard cleared a path for us, and a lot of people shouted his name, fangirls squealing at him, a few questioning who I was, while some reporters wanted some scoop about our new product.
We stood in front of the camera for a few minutes while the lights flashed on us as they took our photos repeatedly. His hands went around my waist, and I turned my head to look at him in shock. But he kept a straight face and continued to smile and pose for a picture, while he had almost taken my breath away.
“Stop staring muffin, or I’ll kiss you in front of everyone,” I heard him say, and immediately I turned my head to stare at the camera, while he turned to look at me as I could feel his gaze at me.
“Thank you all, ” He said and waved his hands to the crowd, as we started to walk into the hall. My heart was racing, and I felt my breathing hitched a bit as the words played in my head.
“You’re good?” I heard his voice.
“Yes,” I smile. “Okay, let’s get to our seat,” Check said and pulled me with him, while we were directed to our table.
The event officially started, and a few speakers talked about the product. They went into detail about the product efficiency and the rest. It was finally time for Tristan’s speech as he was called upon.
“Good luck,” I smiled and rubbed his arms as he walked to the stage. He buttoned up, immediately collected the mic, and started to speak. He stared at me from the stage and I smiled at him each time our eyes met, he spoke fluently as always, and the crowd laughed at the jokes he made on a few occasions.
A few minutes later, he was done and came down from the stage, while everyone in the crowd clapped their hands for him.
“You were amazing,” I told him with a smile on my face, while he sat down immediately.
“Do I get a reward for that?” He moved closer to whisper into my ear.
“What reward?” I asked him, turning my face back on the stage.
“For doing amazing,” He said again, immediately.
“Shhh,” I whisper without trying to stare at him, and immediately he places his hands on my thigh.
“What?” It barely came out as a word, as I turned to look at him in shock. He turned his head, and gazed at me with a smile, then winked at me, before turning his head back on the stage.
“Does he realize what he’s doing to me?” I thought trying to control my breath, as I clung to my chair.
The event finally came to an end, I stood by the corner and watched Tristan take pictures with everyone else. Influencers, celebrities, important people at the event, and even fans, all took pictures with him. I was too tired to even care and just wanted to get home. Probably thirty minutes later or so, he was done and we immediately left the venue and got into the car.
“I’m so tired,” I breathed out and closed my eyes when the car started and we were now driving home.
“I’m sorry I made you wait,” He said.
“It’s okay,” I told him, with a smile and rested my head, closing my eyes.
“We are here sir,” His driver said and immediately Tristan opened the door before his bodyguard could. I took his hands and we walked into the mansion.
“Hmm,” I groaned in pain from the shoes, I tried to bend down and take them off when I tripped on my dress, almost landing on the floor when I felt a hand on my waist.
“Are you okay?” He asked worried and I stared at him in shock. But before I could respond to him, he immediately swept my feet off the floor and carried me in bridal style as he climbed the stairs.
“Tristan,” I was barely audible. He took me by surprise, making my heart skip again for the fourth time in a night. He kicked my door open and laid me gently on the bed.
My eyes were shut, but immediately I felt the softness of the bed, I opened them slowly, and there he was staring at me, gazing at me so intensely that I lost my breath.
“I want to kiss you right now,” He said and looked at me so intensely, I felt my heart starting to beat faster. My breathing hitched, as his eyes moved around staring at mine and then at my lips.
“Tristan,” I called out, a bit skeptical.
“I know,” he responded, even before I had said anything. I only called out his name, but he responded to me like he had read my mind.
“We need to talk,” He said and pulled away, while I sat on the bed and stared at him confused as the air around us became tense
“When you confess to me, I was happy and angry at the same time,” He started.
“Oh no. Is he going to reject me now?” I asked myself, my heart started to hurt even before he had said anything.
“The truth is that I wanted to confess to you first, I wanted to tell you I liked you first,” He smiled.
” I like your eyes,” He gazed at them vividly.
” I like your nose,” He said and used his index finger to touch it, while I just looked at him.
“I like your cheeks,” his hands rub around my cheeks.
“I like your lips, and your smile,” I felt my eyes watered as he brushed his thumb slowly on my lower lips.
“I like your hands,” he planted a kiss on each of them.
” I like your thighs,” he said and rubbed them, while I caught my breath.
“I like your neck,” he moved closer to where I sat and placed a kiss on my neck, while I gasped.
“I like everything about you,” He said and I stared at him acutely.
“I like you, Isabella Tristan Dominic,” He breathed out and I chuckled.
“I like you too Tristan,” I finally responded and he engulfed me in a tight hug, taking my breath away.
“You’re breathtaking,” I heard him whisper…