43: Trying to Breathe

Book:Married To The Ceo I Hate Published:2025-2-8

“Let’s get you upstairs,” Tristan said and pulled Emily who was almost tipsy from the wine she had..
“She’s pretty,” She said as they approach his room, making him halt.
“Yes you’re pretty,” He rolled his eyes, and twisted the knob with one hand, while holding her on the other.
“No, not me,” She laughed with her eyes closed.
“Who is?” He asked her, as he finally kicked the door open, pushing her into the room.
“Isabella, she’s pretty” she said.
“Yeah she’s beautiful,” he dropped her on the bed, and she just laid there flat almost like she was dead.
“I hate Lily, I like Isabella,” She laughed and suddenly sat upright giving him a fright.
” I know,” He replied
“Tell her I like her,” She pointed her finger at him, while he tried to get her to lay back on the bed.
“I will tell her, I’m sure she would be thrilled,” He said and took of the slippers she wore.
“I don’t think she would be, she seem to dislike me,” He laughed at what she said even though he knew that might be true.
“No, she’s just yet to know you, okay” He added and rested her head on a pillow.
“I think she likes you,” She giggled, and pointed to him, while he scoffed.
“You must be drunk,” He said and drew the duvet upward to cover her whole body.
“She hates me,” His eyes flickered a bit as if he remembered something.
“Do you like her Tristan,” he sighed at her question and watched her close her eyes.
“Go to sleep Emily,” he brushed her hair, and kissed her head before stepping backwards.
“You like her?” Her voice was sleepy..
“I didn’t say that,” He interrupted her. He grabbed the second pillow from the other side and grabbed a blanket from his cupboard.
“Then tell her you do,” She whispered, and slowly drifted to sleep…
“Yes I like her, but I wished it was that simple,” he sighed and laid on the sofa, covering himself with the blanket.
“Goodnight Emily,” he said and closed his eyes.
It was Wednesday morning, I woke up with a headache. I recalled crying myself to sleep, the whole thing made me overwhelmed.
First I blamed myself for everything. Getting married to him, being sick and dying. I blamed myself for all of it. And right now it was this weirdness and attraction with Tristan. I blame myself for it too. If I had stick with the plan and just hated him, and didn’t give into his scheme maybe I wouldn’t be in a situation where I would feel or care about his business.
But I was already too drunk into the Tristan world that seeing him with Emily hurt me a lot. I fear like my chest was being ripped apart bit by bit, and when he reminded me of my words, one I used to hurt him, words that didn’t mean anything to me at that moment, but now crushed me when he said them to me, I felt a huge pang of pains on my chest.
I was angry with myself for feeling, angry that I said I hated him, without even trying to comprehend why I felt that way. Why I was affected by his actions, why I even cared that he was ignoring me in the first place.
I love my personal space, I hated being around a lot of people, but every time he was close I gave him those irritated looked, and hated he was disrupting my peace. But those were the time I end up laughing and truly enjoying myself. And when he suddenly stopped, and didn’t give me those attention or tried to be close to me, I wanted it all back, so I did whatever to get his attention and bring him back to myself.
I didn’t know I was already immersed by him, I felt the urge to be around him, I thought of him all the time. The bathroom accident was because of him. I couldn’t get him out my mind, I crave his little look, the compliments, his touch. I wanted all of those back because I was already intoxicated that I couldn’t resist anymore.
“Why did I care about him? Why did I feel aroused and desires around him? Why was I drawn to you Mr. Devil? Why can’t I get you out if my head? Why can’t I truly hate you even though I said it? Why did I blame myself and make excuses for your mistakes when I shouldn’t care? Why? ” I asked myself as I dressed up. I needed answers, but mostly I need a break a gateway form him and Emily. I needed to cloud my head with something else before I completely lose my sanity.
I still didn’t understand everything completely, but I’m sure I’ll get my answers soon or day by day. But for now I’m just going to try to breathe, no matter how hard it is.
I hate that they slept together, I hate that he’s free with her, and he holds her openly but very hesitant when it comes to me. I hate how he smiles around her, or that they had chemistry. I hated it all, but maybe there are things even I can’t control like my death, I chuckled thinking about it.
“So I’m just going to breathe today,” I wrote into my journey and kept it back inside my drawer before grabbing my bag and leaving my room.
I walked to the kitchen and I saw Emily sitting down at the counter while the maid made her a protein shake.
“Good morning,” I put a smile on, and I could see the surprise look on her face.
“Good morning,” she responded still unsure I greeted her.
“Slept fine?” I asked even though I didn’t think I wanted to know considering they might have slept together.
“Yeah,” She nod her head and I dropped my bag on the counter, and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.
“I guess I’ll see you at work,” I said and walked to the dinning room.
“No, I have some errands to run, plus I’m making sure the room is fixed” She said and joined me in the dinning room.
“Oh,” I mouthed, and closed the bottle water.
“But we could have lunch together, and maybe get to know each other,” she was nervous and talked with movement of her hands
“That’s only if you wanted, not pressing if you’re busy or anything,” I smiled at her.
“I’ll join you for lunch,” I said and she looked really happy.
“Great, thank you,” She stood on her feet, about to leave.
“Yeah, see you then,” I added, when that served ne breakfast.
Tristan suddenly appeared in the kitchen cause I didn’t notice when he was coming down. We locked eyes for just a second and he pulled away and sat at the kitchen counter, where he had breakfast while talking to Emily. I looked at them for a minute, jealous of that and somewhat wishing it was me on the counter next time him, instead of Emily.
“Focus Bells,” I sighed and continued my breakfast…
Just like Emily said in the morning, we had lunch together. I was nervous at first and jealous but I had a good time. We talked about the time they were in college together and the crazy things they would do.
“You know one time, Tristan posed as my boyfriend because I was being stalked by this dougebag I was dating,” She said..
“The same one I told you not to date but you wouldn’t listen,” He said witty and I laughed.
“He saved my life. He’s been just an amazing person to me and I can never thank him enough,” She stated and I could see she felt exhilarating by the whole thing. They had so many memories together, the good, the bad and the ugly.
“You could buy me a house,” He joked and I looked at him in a different light seeing another side I had never seen.
“You’re rich dumbass,” She hit his chest and they both laughed while I just tried to enjoy the taste of wine, while enjoying the moment even though it came at the expense of me hurting myself.
“Thank you for inviting me,” I told her immediately we arrived at the office.
“Thank you for coming,” She smiled and I turned around to leave, leaving the both of them to talk and say their goodbye.
I walked back to my office and immediately brought out my phone and search for Micah in my inbox.
“Hi,” I typed and sent it to him.
“Hey,” He responded almost immediately.
“Are you free this weekend?” I went straight to the point.
” Why do you ask?” He ask instead of answering my question.
“I thought maybe we could hang out,” I typed and pressed the send button.
“When?” He asked
“Saturday,” I sent.
“It’s a date,” I read shock and unsure of what to say.
“See you then,” I sent and turned off my phone.
I kind of felt numb since last night, I didn’t really understand myself, so maybe this distraction could help me feel something.
“Why didn’t I feel excited when he said it’s a date?” I asked myself, but was immediately interrupted when Tristan walked out of the elevator.
*Fast forward to Saturday*
The weekend came really fast, which made me glad. Maybe it was I drowned myself with work, or I was looking forward to leaving the house to Emily and Tristan.
I had fun with Emily, we tried to bake on Friday night and I couldn’t help but think about how amazing she was. She was pretty and had such a good aura too. I was jealous that she had Tristan, and knew him better than I did as his wife. I admired her, but same time I was jealous and always thought what it would be like if it was me and Tristan.
I sighed, and got ready for my date or hang out like I preferred to put it. I dressed up in a black dress. It was an off shoulder black dress that had a cut on the knee. It hugged my body perfectly and I looked good in it. I packed my hair up, and wore the diamond earrings on my table. I picked the black purse and put my phone in it, before wearing my black heels.
When I was done, I walked to my standing mirror, looked at myself in the mirror and applied my lip gloss.
“Let’s go,” I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs. I heard Emily and Tristan talking but they immediately stopped on their tracks when they saw me approaching them.
“Wow,” Emily said staring at me with wide eyes. Tristan stared at me, his mouth hung open and he looked at me with so much admiration, that I felt shy.
“You look so beautiful, oh my gosh,” Emily said immediately I got down to where they stood.
“Thank you,” I blushed, I looked at my feet shy and unable to meet Tristan gaze.
“Say something dummy,” She nudge his shoulder and he immediately shook a bit to get himself.
” You’re breathtaking,” He said and immediately Emily walked upstairs leaving us alone. I felt my stomach tingle at his words, my breathing ceased immediately my eyes locked with his. I took a step closer to him, wondering where I got the courage to do that.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” he said and his hands found it’s way around mine, as it locked while we gaze into each other eyes as if searching for our soul.
“Thank you,” I could finally say, even after flinching a bit from his touch. Electric spark everywhere in my body, my bloodstream.
“What’s the occasion?” He asked, and pulled the curls from my hair backwards.
“You’re hair is pretty,” he said and touched the curls much longer than necessary, staring at my eyes down to my lips, I felt conscious of it, and stare at his briefly before moving my gaze back to his eyes.
“Ermm I’m going on a..,” I was still saying, when Emily interrupted.
“Here, I found it,” She raised a sliver purse in the air and marched towards us. We turned around to stare at her, when she stopped in front of is panting.
“Take this, it goes with the earrings,” She said and handed it over to me, I looked at Tristan and back at her, who was pleading I collected it.
“Thank you,” I said and collected it, handing over the black purse to her after taking my phone out.
“Now this is perfect,” She said and my phone rang in that moment.
“Okay, I’ll be with you now,” I responded and ended the call.
“I’ve got to go now,” I gave a small smile and turned to leave..
“Are you going out with Micah?” He asked, and I could detect the pain in his voice, because that’s how I’ve sounded like throughout this week.
“Yes,” My heart hurt as I said that.
“Have a good time,” He forced a smile through his lips, as he watched me go through the front door.