The weekend was over quickly and it was a new week. I got out of the room, dressed in a cooperate gown, and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. I sighed when I noticed I was the only one in the dining room. I thought after the weekend, maybe we both would be off to a good start again, but I guess I was wrong and we were back to these strangers mode.
I chewed on my breakfast slowly, before having another quick Zoom meeting with the product design team. I grabbed my purse walked to the front door and the car was ready for me.
I got into the car, after receiving the greetings of my driver. I rested my head and just stared outside the window noticing everything around me as we drove into the office.
“Thank you,” I told him, as he opened the door for me. I got down and walked into the office with a straight face. I didn’t care about their whispers and tantrums. The truth was, they couldn’t say it to my face and that’s it.
My phone beeped immediately after I got into the elevator. I fetched it from my bag as the notifications displayed on the screen. It was a reminder of my regular checkups.
“Great, I just had to be reminded,” I chuckled and immediately the elevator opened revealing my office. I walked inside, noticing that Tristan wasn’t in his office.
Usually, he’s here by this hour or stepping into the office. My look lingered a bit, but I immediately called it nothing and went back to my desk.
I settled down and got locked in with work. Hours had passed and I noticed no one came to his office, and neither did I see him walk in.
I stood on my feet abruptly but the door was locked. I quickly rushed to my desk and pulled a drawer searching for the spare he had given to me. I checked the last drawer, almost giving up that maybe I had replaced it when I suddenly found it in a bunch of files.
“Got it,” I said and unlocked the door. I pushed it and walked Into the office. It was perfectly clean. It looked like Tristan had not even been here at all.
“What the hell?” I groaned out confused and frustrated. I walked back to my seat and started to try his number. I dialed his line and it started to ring, The first ring had no response, but the second try was different as the phone rang then it connected as he picked up.
“Tristan, ” I said immediately
“Muffin,” he called and I sighed in relief, as I took my hands away from my chest.
“Where are you?” I immediately asked him
“I’m on a trip,” he said simply and I pulled the phone from my ears and stared at the screen, not believing him.
I handled his schedule and knew about almost all of his whereabouts. If there’s any trip, I would know about it and help him plan for it.
“What trip? Your schedule says nothing about a trip,” I was already going through his busy schedule on my iPad when I said that.
“Yeah it happened suddenly,” Was the only thing he said.
“Where are you then? And why didn’t you tell me about it? ” I inquired and scolded him at the same time.
“It’s not like you’re worried about me,” He said, and I couldn’t tell if he was being serious or sarcastic.
“Of course, I worried,” I half yelled at him.
“I will see you at home Isabel tomorrow,” He Responded and hung up the phone.
“Tomorrow,” I pulled the phone from my ears, shocked.
“What does he mean by tomorrow? Am. I staying alone tonight?” I looked at my phone with so many questions unanswered. I wanted to talk to him and hear his voice again. I knew if I called him again, there was a high chance I was going to get my number blocked by him, so instead I just sighed.
I continued with work and was ready to leave the office when my phone rang. It was Micah, I looked at it and sighed. I felt too lazy to pick or swipe on the green button. I just stared at the phone as it rang contemplating if I should pick or not.
“Hey,” I said and closed my eyes briefly waiting to hear his voice.
“Hi,” He said, and like before when I would have smiled at his voice, I didn’t feel anything at all, and just sat there and listened.
“So I was wondering if you’d like to hang out later, or now?” He started off
“That’s only if you’re free of course,” He added.
“I really can’t today, I’m so sorry,” my voice was gentle but not my words.
“Tristan went on a trip, so I have a lot to do. Maybe we reschedule,” I added. I didn’t have the energy in me to have fun or hang out.
I just wanted to go home, shower climb on my bed, and just sheep.
“Of course, goodnight” his excited voice had come down to a low tone almost immediately I had rejected his offer.
“Goodnight Micah,” I said over the phone before hanging up. I sighed and packed my bag set to leave.
I walked out of the building, got into the car, and arrived home safely. I quickly took a shower, changed into something simple, and just dozed off without dinner.
The next morning, I woke up with this rush of energy, which knowing myself I can tell was because I was expecting Tristan to be back soon.
I had my bath, dressed up, and quickly rushed downstairs. I dropped my bag on one of the chairs and walked to the hallway leading to the living room. I could hear voices, I heard his voice but I heard other voices too.
I walked further and the noise became clearer, I got to the living room and there he was clad in his tuxedo.
He sat on the couch, laughing brightly and freely talking to someone else. I took tiny steps while approaching him because his structure had completely covered who it was that was there with him from where I stood staring.
“Tristan?” I called out shocked that he had grabbed the person’s hands.
“Tristan, “I walked to the front and called his name again, this to me with a louder tone so that he could hear me this time.
But low and behold, as I got in front of them. There he was sitting down and holding the hands of another woman who smiled at him.
“What the fu*k is going on here? ” I said immediately I stood in front of them, leaving them stunned.
“Isabel,” he called out, a bit taken aback by my presence.
“Who is she?” I looked at the lady sitting with her hands still on his…