Chapter 75

Book:Luna's Awakening Published:2025-2-8

Chapter 75
The evening wind gently moved my hair as I stood on the balcony, with Kaia resting comfortably in my arms. Next to me, Xander held Kade, whose small hand was wrapped around his father’s thumb. I felt a deep sense of contentment as I looked out over the serene, lovely Moonstone Hollow.
“I can hardly believe it’s been a year already,” I whispered, looking down into Kaia’s sweet face.
Xander shook his head, a soft smile playing at his lips. “It’s gone by so fast,” he agreed, gently bouncing Kade as our son began to fuss. “But look at how much they’ve grown.”
I nodded, remembering the busy year we’ve had. It feels like just yesterday, we brought the twins home from the hospital, both scared and excited. Now, at one-year-old, Kade and Kaia are already showing signs of their special background.
Last week, Kade made all the flowers in our garden bloom at once when he laughed during a fun game of peek-a-boo. And Kaia, not wanting to be left out, made a beautiful light show during her bath, with the water shining with magical energy that moved and twirled as she wanted.
But it wasn’t just their magical abilities that blew my mind; it was how quickly they were growing and how individual personalities were already evident. Kade, who would usually be more serious, would readily focus, frowning slightly as he stacked his blocks, determined to build the tallest tower he could. Kaia was our little entertainer, always ready with a big, toothy smile or a playful laugh.
“They’re really something, aren’t they?” Xander said, like he was reading my mind.
I leaned into his side, careful not to squish Kaia between us. “They really are. We did good, Mr. Alpha.”
Xander chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “That we did, Mrs. Alpha.”
The sound of a car pulling into our driveway drew our attention. I smiled as I recognized Lily’s sensible sedan, excitement bubbling up inside me. This would be our first time meeting her newborn son.
“Looks like we have visitors,” Xander said, already heading back inside. I followed close behind, eager to greet our friend and her new addition.
Lily appeared glowing as she walked into our living room, even though her eyes showed she was tired from being a new mom. She held a small, wrapped-up baby in a gentle blue blanket.
“Aurora, Xander,” she said to us with a friendly smile. “Meet Elias.”
I gasped softly as she tilted the bundle, revealing the most perfect little face I’d ever seen (well, aside from Kade and Kaia, of course). Elias blinked up at us with curious eyes, his tiny fist waving in the air.
“Oh, Lily,” I breathed. “He’s beautiful.”
We sat down on the couch, with the twins playing around our feet, while we admired baby Elias. Soon enough, Lily and I were deep into discussing the highs and lows of being a new mom: sharing stories, comparing tips.
“I had no idea it would be so exhausting,” Lily said, muffling a yawn. “But when he smiles at me, it makes everything worth it.”
I nodded in understanding. “It gets easier,” I assured her. “And harder, in different ways. But you’re doing great.”
While we were talking, Xander kept the twins happy, and his hearty laugh mixed with their cheerful squeals. I couldn’t help but grin at my small family, so full of happiness and love.
Our quiet afternoon was suddenly broken by a knock on the door. Xander got up to open it, and soon came back with Selene, who had her three-month-old daughter Aria in her arms.
“We hope we’re not bothering you,” Selene said, her eyes shining. “Aria was getting cranky at home, so I thought a new place might cheer her up.”
I waved off her concerns, making room on the couch. “The more, the merrier. Come, sit! Let’s see how much Aria’s grown.”
As Selene settled in, Aria immediately reached out towards Kaia, who was watching the newcomer with wide-eyed fascination. We set the babies down gingerly beside each other so that they could play together. Indeed, and unbelievably, it seemed to us, they played with each other.
“Isn’t it amazing?” Selene said thoughtfully, as she watched Aria and Kaia talk to each other in their special baby way. “A year ago, we couldn’t have envisioned this.”
I nodded, remembering the disputes which once divided our peoples. “We’ve come a long way,” I agreed. “And this is just the start.”
Just then, my phone rang. I stepped aside to answer it, smiling as I saw Luna’s name pop up on the screen.
“Luna!” I greeted her. “How are you feeling?”
“Pregnant,” Luna replied with a laugh. “Very, very pregnant. Actually, I’m calling to tell you that I just finished talking to Zara, and you won’t believe what happened! She’s pregnant too!”
I gasped in delight. “Luna, that’s wonderful news! Oh, we have to celebrate. What do you think about a big get-together? We could invite everyone in town and turn it into a big community celebration.”
Luna’s excitement came through clearly over the phone. “That sounds great. Let’s make it happen!”
After ending the call, I went back to the living room, full of excitement as I shared the news. Xander, the organizer, immediately began planning.
“We could have it in the town square,” he suggested. “A big picnic, with games for the kids and plenty of food for everyone. What do you think?”
I smiled at him. “I think that is a great idea. Let’s do it this weekend.”
The following days were filled with busy preparations. Xander handled the arrangements, working with the town council to reserve the square and organize food and activities. I just spread the word, making sure everyone in the supernatural community knew they were invited and wanted at the event.
The day of the picnic finally arrived. I was amazed at the turnout. It felt like the whole of Moonstone Hollow had appeared to join in the festivities, and the town square was filled with so many familiar faces, all laughing together in happiness.
As we mingled with friends and neighbors, I couldn’t help but be amazed at what we had accomplished: werewolves and vampires spoke easily; witches shared magical tips with interested humans; and children of all the different supernatural sects played unselfishly.
Kade and Kaia, always the center of attention, delighted the crowd with impromptu displays of their growing powers. Kade, giggling with joy, caused a burst of wildflowers to sprout beneath his feet, while Kaia conjured shimmering lights that danced through the air like fireflies.
Not to be outdone, Lily and Aiden’s son Elias revealed some budding talents of his own. While Aiden playfully bounced him on his knee, Elias’ eyes began to sparkle, and suddenly the air around them was filled with glowing forms of butterflies and dragonflies. The children around them shrieked in delight, trying to catch the magical insects that popped into hissing, sparkling smoke when touched.
Not to be left out of any fun, Aria-who is Selene and Jaxon’s daughter-surprised everyone during a game of peek-a-boo with Xander. When he covered his eyes, Aria let out a happy giggle, and her appearance began to change. Small fangs appeared in her smile, and a soft layer of fur covered her chubby cheeks.
Xander’s eyes widened in surprise, then he smiled broadly as he picked up Aria, spinning her around while she happily yipped. “Look at you, little pup!” he said proudly. “You’re going to be a strong wolf like your daddy one day.”
As the afternoon went on, I found myself speaking with Luna and Zara; each of them was glowing joyously, expecting to be mothers. We spoke about our feelings while carrying our pregnancies and our future dreams and worries.
“I never thought I’d be happy about feeling sick in the morning,” Luna said, bursting out laughing. “But every time I feel nauseous, it reminds me that there’s a little baby growing inside me.”
I smiled quietly, thinking back to my pregnancy with my twins. “It’s a great feeling,” I told them. “And you will love it when you can feel those first little kicks. There’s nothing quite like it.”
As the sun started to set, Xander asked everyone to listen. He stood on a simple platform, looking at the people gathered there, his eyes full of feelings.
“Dear friends and family of Moonstone Hollow,” he started, his voice clear and confident. “As I see all of you here today, I feel a strong sense of pride and thankfulness. Not long ago, many of us were divided, held apart by fear and confusion.”
He gestured widely, encompassing the diverse group before him. “Werewolves, vampires, witches, and humans, no longer standing in front of each other as alien bodies, as divided groups, as ‘them’ and ‘us’. Today we rise above the differences that once managed to divide us, taught ourselves the strengths of each other. A home for all.”
I locked eyes with Xander in the crowd, and my heart filled with love. “None of this could have happened without the constant love and support from my wife, Aurora. Together, we faced adversity I’d never thought we would have to face. We came out stronger because of it.”
He turned his attention to where Kade and Kaia sat playing with their friends. “And now, as we look to the future, I see hope. Hope in the faces of our children, who will grow up knowing no boundaries between supernatural beings. Hope in the new lives about to join our community, bringing with them endless possibilities.”
As Xander finished speaking, I needed to say something too. I joined him on stage and turned toward the people gathered there. More than neighbors, they were almost family.
“What Xander said is right,” I began, my voice stirred with emotion. “We have come such a long way and done so much, but this journey is only just beginning. As our kids grow up, and our community gets larger, we really have the opportunity to create something special. A place where everyone can be happy and belong, regardless of what kind of powers they have.”
When I was done speaking, everybody applauded loudly. I saw that a few people had watery eyes, and this in turn made my eyes water.
The rest of the evening was just filled with so much joys and pleasures. As it grew darker, I helped the other witches create magical lanterns. These magical lanterns levitated above the square, casting the whole celebration into a warm, magical light.
Xander led the howl, up to the moonlight; together, their voices sounded spooky and beautiful, sending chills down my spine. The vampires began to dance in the air-to move skyward-in impossible ways that stole the breath of those onlookers below.
At the end of the night, we sat in a circle, holding hands down werewolves, vampires, witches, and humans, all together. At that very moment, something great overpowered me, and it was something that I had never felt before. This was not ordinary magic. It was deeper, more meaningful: the power of togetherness, the acceptance of one another, of love.
Later that night, when all our goodbyes were said and done and everyone headed home, Xander and I were standing in the nursery, watching Kade and Kaia sleep peacefully in their cribs. The soft moonlight filtered through the window and gently shone down upon their sweet faces.
“We did it,” I whispered, leaning back into Xander’s chest as he wrapped his arms around me. “We really did it.”
Xander pressed a kiss to my temple. “We did,” he agreed. “But as you said, this is just the start. There’s still a lot to do, a lot to create.”
I turned to him now and looked up into his eyes. “I couldn’t wait,” I breathed. “Whatever comes next, whatever problems we have to face – I’m so glad it’s going to be you there facing them with me.”
Xander’s eyes grew gentle, filled with a love so strong it took my breath away. “Forever,” he vowed. “You and me, Aurora. Together, we can do anything.”