Chapter 72
I woke up with a sigh, my very pregnant body making even getting out of bed difficult. As I tried to sit up, Xander was right there, his face showing worry.
“Let me help you, Aurora,” he whispered, his soft hands supporting my back as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed.
I smiled up at him gratefully, yet couldn’t help but feel annoyed at my weakness. I was accustomed to being strong, able to tackle anything life threw at me. This feeling of needing help was new and not very pleasant.
We sat down to breakfast, still in high spirits, but in my mind at least getting back to normal. Then an urgent message came in-something was happening, vampires and werewolves were battling it out. Duty screamed at me to rush there right away, while another part of me tried to say, “Wait,” the part of me conscious of a growing baby inside me.
Xander saw my internal struggle. “Aurora, you don’t have to go. Someone else can handle it.”
I shook my head. “No, I should be there. I’m still the leader of Moonstone Hollow.”
Even though Xander disagreed, I went to the town square. I approached the group of supernatural beings, who by the sound of it were in one heated argument. Their loud conversation ceased abruptly. All eyes turned to me.
“What’s going on here?” I asked, trying to act confident when all I really wanted to do was fall.
As I listened to both sides and started to help them solve their problem, I suddenly felt very dizzy. My vision got blurry, and I almost fell in the middle of my sentence. Right away, both vampires and werewolves came to help me, forgetting their fight because they were worried about me.
“Aurora, are you okay?” A vampire elder asked, his cool hand steadying my arm.
“I’m okay,” I said, even though everything around me was still spinning. “I just need a minute.”
When I arrived home, Xander was there, appearing concerned and somewhat distressed. “Aurora, you can’t continue to push yourself so intensely. It’s not good for you or the baby.”
“What do you want me to do, Xander?” I replied, feeling my frustration rise. “Just sit and do nothing while everything I’ve worked for falls apart?”
“Of course not,” he said, his voice gentler. “But you need to think about what’s most important. Our child needs you to be healthy and strong.”
Our discussion grew tense, neither of us willing to back down. In the end, we agreed to disagree, but I could see the worry lingering in Xander’s eyes.
The next day at the Academy, I could feel the concerned gazes of my students as I lectured. I must have looked more tired than I realized because about halfway through the class, a young witch named Emma raised her hand.
“Professor Aurora,” she said, a bit unsure, “do you want me to do the demonstration instead? You look like you could use a rest.”
I wanted to say no, to show that I could manage, but Emma’s sincere worry made me think again. “Thank you, Emma,” I said, sitting down with relief. “That would really help.”
A few days later, I had a deep talk with Selene. As usual, my best friend knew just what to say to help me.
“Aurora,” Selene said, her eyes showing she understood, “being a mom doesn’t mean you can’t be a leader too. But it does mean learning to balance both roles.”
“How do I do that?” I asked, feeling lost.
Selene smiled. “You start by accepting assistance when it’s given, and understand that looking after yourself is also looking after others.”
Her advice stuck with me, especially during a council meeting when my pregnancy brain made me forget important details about a new peace agreement. As I fumbled for words, Cyrus stepped in smoothly, providing the details I had forgotten. The support from the community I had helped build was both humbling and reassuring.
As my due date drew closer, Xander and I attended a childbirth class for supernatural couples. The unusual problems we faced became very clear when the teacher had trouble telling us what to expect from a special baby.
“Just… be prepared for anything,” the teacher said, laughing nervously.
A few nights later, I woke up with really bad stomach pain. “I think it’s starting,” I said, breathing fast.
The next couple of hours were quite busy as we had to rush to the hospital, only to find that it was a false alarm. On our way back home, it then hit me that the birth of my baby was near. I held on to Xander’s hand, suddenly scared of what was to come.
“We’re doing this together,” Xander comforted me, his calm demeanor easing my fears.
The next day, Lily and Zara surprised me with a baby shower. Gifts from various supernatural factions poured in – everything from enchanted teething rings to a mobile made of miniature constellations that actually moved.
Deeply moved by the flood of support, I had a vivid nightmare that night. In my dream, I saw myself failing as both a leader and a mother. Moonstone Hollow was falling apart, and my child was crying in the background. I woke up sweating and my heart was racing.
Xander, sensing my worry even in my sleep, woke up immediately. He held me close and whispered comforting words. “You’re not alone, Aurora,” he said. “We’re facing this together, remember?”
His words and the warmth of his hug helped me forget the fear from my nightmare. In the morning, I made a decision. It was time to start sharing more of my responsibilities.
I gathered my closest allies – Selene, Aiden, Lily, and Cyrus. “I need your help,” I said, swallowing my pride. “I cannot manage everything myself, especially with the baby on the way.”
To my relief, they were all more than willing to take on additional duties. Aiden, especially, took on a lot of the daily leadership responsibilities.
“You’ve done so much for all of us, Aurora,” Aiden said kindly. “Let us do this for you.”
With some burden taken off me, Xander and I focused on getting the nursery ready. While we worked on adding protective charms and spells to the room’s design, we talked about our worries and dreams for becoming parents.
“What if we’re not ready?” I asked, voicing the fear that had been nagging at me.
Xander paused and gave me a warm smile. “I don’t think anyone is ever completely ready. But we’ll figure it out together.” He said.
As my pregnancy continued, my magic started acting strangely. During a class at the Academy, a basic light spell went wrong, filling the room with bouncing balls of light that took hours to get rid of. My students thought it was funny, but I was upset about losing control.
Around this time, an old vampire came to visit us. She said she had a prophecy about our unborn child. Her words were confusing and unclear, talking about great power and the possibility of either great good or terrible harm.
This prophecy had lit a sense of anxiety and unease in me. As Xander and I lay in bed that night, I couldn’t get what the seer had told us out of my mind.
“What if we can’t help our child make the right choice?” I whispered into the darkness.
Xander pulled me closer. “We’ll love him or her, Aurora. That’s the most important thing. We’ll handle the rest as we go.”
Realizing I needed a break, Xander surprised me with a ‘babymoon’ in a magical place famous for making people feel better. For a few wonderful days, we could relax and be close again, away from the stress of being in charge and the worries of becoming parents.
As we rested on a beach with sparkling silver sand, watching two moons rise in a purple sky, I felt completely calm for the first time in months. “Thank you for this,” I whispered to Xander, holding his hand.
He kissed me gently. “Anything for you, Aurora.”
Upon our return to Moonstone Hollow, I was surprised to find everything running smoothly in my absence. Aiden had managed things capably, and the other council members had stepped up to fill any gaps. It was comforting to see that the group we had created could work well without me always watching over it.
When I last met with Zara, she told me everything was running fine, but she strongly advised me to begin my maternity leave.
“The baby will come at any time,” Zara announced, her eyes bright.
I knew she was right, but a wave of overwhelming dread washed over me at the thought of stepping away from my duties, even if for a little while. Still, I realized it was necessary. The next day, I called a gathering in the town square.
Facing the extraordinary creatures of Moonstone Hollow, I experienced a blend of feelings-pride for our shared achievements, affection for this community, and some apprehension about the changes ahead.
“My friends,” I said, my voice carrying across the square. “As you all know, my baby will soon be here. So It is time for me to give the leadership role to someone for now.”
A round of congratulations and concern murmured through the crowd.
“I want to assure you all that Moonstone Hollow will be in capable hands. Aiden has agreed to take on the role of temporary leader in my absence.”
Aiden stepped forward, and I saw the determination in his eyes. I knew he was ready for this responsibility.
“This is not goodbye,” I continued. “It’s simply a new chapter in our story. A story we all helped create. Together, we’ve built a place where all magical beings can live together happily. Now, we’re about to welcome a child who shows that unity.”
I put my hand on my big belly, feeling a strong kick, like the baby was agreeing with me.
“This child is our future – a future where magical beings from different groups become more like one, where we focus on what brings us together instead of what separates us. I believe you will all keep working together, supporting each other, and making Moonstone Hollow a great example of magical teamwork.”
When I finished talking, everyone cheered and clapped. I felt very supported and loved. Xander came to my side, putting an arm around me.
“You did great,” he whispered.
As we walked through the crowd, getting kind words and encouragement, I felt a calm happiness inside me. Yes, the future was uncertain. Yes, there would be challenges ahead. But we would face them together – not just Xander and me, but all of Moonstone Hollow.
That evening, Xander and I were sitting on our porch, enjoying the sunset over our town. Suddenly, I felt our baby kick inside me. I put Xander’s hand on my belly, and he smiled brightly when he felt the strong movements.
“I believe our baby is excited about this new journey,” I said with a smile.
Xander nodded, his eyes filled with love. “And so are we.”
The last rays of sunlight painted vibrant oranges and pinks in the sky, and I looked out upon Moonstone Hollow. This was my home, these-my family. Now, the new life inside me represented hope for the future we were creating.