Chapter 37
I felt a sudden burst of energy, a mix of bright light and dark shadows reacting to my command. Ryder’s rogues surrounded me, their eyes showing a strong desire for a fight, but I was prepared. The careful control of my recently acquired skills was buzzing under my skin, ready to be used.
When they charged, I moved quickly and smoothly, dodging their attacks. My long practice and improved senses helped me predict their moves before they happened. I turned, barely escaping a pair of very sharp claws, my heart beating loudly in my head.
“Is that all you’ve got?” I taunted, my voice steadier than I felt.
Sensing an opportunity, I gathered my strength and unleashed a pulse of pure light energy. The burst exploded outward, momentarily blinding and disorienting the rogues. Their howls of confusion and pain filled the air, giving me a fleeting sense of satisfaction.
In the confusion, I saw a chance to escape. I didn’t think twice and ran as fast as I could, hoping to get away. But then, someone I knew blocked my way. Ryder was there, smiling like he had won.
“Trying to leave, Aurora?” he said in a mean voice.
Before I could say anything, Ryder attacked with a strong dark force. It came at me like a big wave, ready to swallow me up. I quickly put up my hands and created a shield of light to stop the attack.
The fight between the light and the dark was forceful. It pushed both Ryder and me back. I almost fell, trying hard to stand as the ground shook.
As I stood up again, I heard some familiar sounds. My heart felt hopeful when I saw Xander, Jaxon, Selene, and the others from our pack come out of the shadows. They came, just as they promised.
“Aurora!” Xander’s voice rang out, filled with equal parts relief and concern.
But there was no time for reunions. Ryder’s pack. Quickly came together again, starting a planned assault that made our pack separate to fight them. The hill turned into a wild scene, with noises of growling and fighting all around.
I saw Xander fighting with one of the rogues, their sharp nails and teeth meeting in a strong struggle. His movements were powerful and precise, but I could see the worry in his eyes every time they flicked towards me.
Nearby, Jaxon and Selene worked in perfect tandem, their combined powers creating a formidable defense against multiple attackers. I had always admired their teamwork, and now it was clearly visible as they fought to protect our group.
But when I focused on my situation again, I realized with increasing fear that I was surrounded. The rogues had succeeded in separating me from the others, their eyes showing their harmful intentions as they moved closer. I could feel my strength fading due to the continuous defensive actions, my breaths becoming uneven and difficult.
“Getting tired, Aurora?” Ryder’s mocking voice cut through the chaos. “I thought you were meant to be extraordinary.”
I clenched my teeth, struggling to gather more strength. The stress of the fight was wearing me down, and I could sense my grip on my abilities weakening. The careful equilibrium between light and darkness inside me was shaking, on the verge of falling apart.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Xander escape from his battle, hurrying toward me with a look of urgency on his face. But before he could get to me, Ryder blocked his way, stopping my only hope for help.
“Ah, ah, ah,” Ryder tusked, wagging a finger at Xander. “This is between me and Aurora. You’ll get your chance soon.”
I was terrified as I saw one of the rogues exploit Xander’s moment of inattention, delivering a brutal strike that knocked him to the ground. Seeing my mate fall shattered something within me, my concentration shattering like fragile glass.
“Xander!” I yelled, my voice hoarse with terror and pain.
At that moment of vulnerability, Ryder took his chance. With a victorious chuckle, he unleashed a strong shadowy assault that surrounded me entirely. I felt the darkness closing in, choking and heavy. I tried to use my power, but I was weak.
The last sounds I heard as the darkness took me were despairing cries of the pack, voices fading, Ryder’s laughter rang out through the turmoil, his triumph over me seemingly absolute.
As I lost consciousness, my last thought was about Xander, our pack, and the mysterious wolf we couldn’t save.
When I opened my eyes and found myself in a strange environment. There was a powerful smell of wet earth and something rotting. It sounded like I was in a cave with water dripping far away. My muscles were all sore, making it tough to move around.
“Looks like you’re finally awake,” Ryder’s voice cut through the darkness, making me shiver.
I blinked, trying to see better in the poor light. Ryder was a few steps away, his shape only just visible in the dimness. Behind him, I could see the shadowy forms of several of his followers, their eyes glowing in the dark.
“What do you want, Ryder?” I spat, trying to infuse my voice with more strength than I felt.
Ryder chuckled, the sound devoid of any real humor. “Oh, Aurora. I thought I made that clear. I want you. Your power. The perfect balance of light and shadow that you possess.”
I fought against the ropes tying me up, noticing that my hands and feet were tied with something that felt like magic chains. These chains seemed to weaken my skills, stopping me from using any of my powers.
“You won’t succeed with this,” I said angrily, looking around the cave for a way to escape. “My pack will come and rescue me.”
Ryder’s laughter filled the cave, making me feel uneasy. “Oh, I’m hoping they do, my dear. I’m actually excited about it.”
The realization of what Ryder was planning hit me like a physical blow. He had used me as bait, just as he had used the mysterious wolf. And now, my pack was in danger because of me.
“No,” I whispered. “Please, Ryder. This is between you and me. Leave them out of this.”
Ryder moved nearer, his eyes shining with spite in the faint light. “But where would the enjoyment be in that? No, Aurora. I want you to see me ruin everything you care about. And then, when you’re shattered and all by yourself, I’ll grab your power for my own.”
I felt a rush of resistance inside me, fighting against the hopelessness that was trying to take over. “You’re mistaken, Ryder. My pack is tougher than you think. They’ll put a stop to you.”
Ryder’s smile grew bigger, showing a dangerous look in his eyes. “We’ll find out about that, won’t we? For now, why don’t you settle in? You’re going to stay here for quite some time.”
With that, Ryder walked off, leaving me by myself in the dark with my worries and regrets. I shut my eyes, attempting to steady myself, to locate that mix of light and darkness within me that had always been my source of strength.
But as I sat there, tied up and powerless, I couldn’t stop wondering if I had made a mistake. Had my determination to save the mysterious wolf and stop Ryder led me straight into his trap? And worse, had I inadvertently put my entire pack in danger?
The burden of my decisions felt heavy, like it could break my spirit. But as I heard the constant dripping of water in the cave, I made a quiet promise. No matter what Ryder was planning or what scary things were waiting for me, I would find a way to keep my pack safe. Even if it cost me everything.
As exhaustion began to overtake me, my thoughts drifted to Xander, to Jaxon and Selene, to all the members of my pack who had stood by me. I hoped they were safe, that they would be smart enough to stay away. But deep down, I knew they would come for me. It brought both relief and fear.
The cave’s blackness felt like it was closing in on me, matching the darkness that seemed ready to swallow my hope. Yet, as I fell into a restless sleep, I held on to one idea: This wasn’t finished. Not even close.