Chapter 16

Book:Luna's Awakening Published:2025-2-8

The early morning light had just started to brighten the sky when I quietly got out of bed, making sure not to disturb Xander. My body was sore from the activities of the previous day, but I ignored the pain. There was no room for being weak, especially with the dangers we were dealing with.
I headed to the practice area, where the chilly morning air felt cool on my skin. As I started my stretching exercises, my thoughts turned to Lyra’s deception and Her unclear motives bothered me, which only made me more determined to get stronger.
I was so focused on my workout that I didn’t see Xander coming until he spoke. “You’re up early.”
I faced him, wiping sweat from my forehead. “Couldn’t sleep.” Thought I’d get a head start on training.”
Xander’s eyes softened with concern. “Aurora, you need to rest too. Pushing yourself too hard won’t help anyone.”
“I can’t afford to rest, Xander,” I replied, my voice tight with frustration. “Not while Lyra’s out there, not while those twisted wolves are attacking packs. I need to be stronger.”
Xander studied me for a moment, then nodded. “Alright. If you’re going to train, at least let me help. Spar with me.”
I agreed eagerly, falling into a fighting stance. We moved around each other, searching for chances to strike. Xander was a strong competitor, and his long practice showed in every action he took.. But as we fought, I felt something shift within me.
My reactions felt quicker, and my power seemed stronger than it had been. When I avoided one of Xander’s hits, I saw a quick look of myself in a nearby water container. My eyes were glowing silver.
The momentary distraction cost me as Xander’s fist connected with my side. I stumbled but quickly regained my footing. Channeling the strange energy I felt coursing through me, I launched a counterattack.
To both our surprises, I managed to sweep Xander’s legs out from under him and pin him to the ground. We stared at each other, both panting heavily.
“Aurora,” Xander breathed, his eyes wide with amazement. “Your eyes… How did you…?”
Before I could respond, Jaxon’s voice cut through the morning air. “Alpha! Luna! We’ve got a lead on Lyra!”
We quickly stood up when Jaxon came closer, showing a face that had both excitement and worry. “One of our patrols picked up her scent near the eastern border. It’s faint, but it’s there.”
“Gather a search party,” Xander ordered. “We leave in ten minutes.”
“I’m coming too,” I said firmly, cutting off Xander’s protest before it could begin. “This is my fight as much as anyone’s.”
Reluctantly, Xander agreed. Soon, we were sprinting through the woods, chasing after the faint trail that Lyra had left for us. It brought us to this old, beat-up cabin deep in the forest. The place was falling apart, like it was gonna collapse any second.
As we approached, I felt a shiver go down my back. This place seemed strange, with an unpleasant vibe that made me feel uneasy..
“Stay alert,” Xander cautioned as we stepped inside the cabin.
Inside, everything was in disarray. Chairs and tables were knocked over, and odd markings were cut into the walls. The strong odor of charred plants filled the room, making me feel sick.
“This is dark magic,” one of our group, an older person knowledgeable in old stories, whispered.. “Powerful stuff.”
As the others explored the cabin, I spotted a tiny scrap of paper on the floor. When I picked it up, I was really surprised. It was a ripped page from an old book, and it had symbols on it that looked just like the ones on my hands.
Before I could examine it further, a howl of warning came from outside. We hurried outside and found ourselves surrounded by a group of deformed wolves, their eyes glowing red with spite.
Instinctively, I extended my arms, summoning the strength inside me. to my amazement, a shimmering barrier sprang up around our pack members, deflecting the initial attack of the twisted wolves.
“Aurora, behind you!” Xander’s shout snapped me back to reality.
I spun around, narrowly avoiding the snapping jaws of a twisted wolf. Xander was at my side in an instant, and We moved in sync, defending side by side against the fierce attack.
While we battled, I sensed my strength increasing. Every strike and every move sent a shimmering light from my hands. Then, the energy peaked, and a dazzling burst came from my body.
After the light dimmed, I noticed some of the deformed wolves had been knocked away, lying still on the ground. The other attackers, shocked by this show of strength, ran back into the woods.
As the excitement of the fight subsided, I felt completely drained. The final image I had before losing consciousness was Xander’s concerned face as he caught me in his arms.
While I was unconscious, I was tormented by intense dreams. saw flashes of an ancient battle, wolves with glowing eyes fighting against a darkness that threatened to consume everything. In the middle of everything stood a bright white wolf, its strength keeping the darkness away.
When I woke up, I was back in our room at the pack’s home. Xander was right there next to me, looking very relieved.
“How long was I out?” I asked, my voice hoarse.
“Almost a full day,” Xander replied, helping me sit up. “Aurora, what happened out there? The power you displayed… It was incredible.”
I shook my head, trying to understand everything. “I’m not sure. It’s like… like the power is growing, evolving. And those dreams I had… Xander, I think they’re memories. Ancient memories of the White Wolf.”
Xander listened while I shared my dreams and the fresh understanding I believed I had acquired about my abilities. After I was done speaking, he remained silent for a little while.
“Your progress is remarkable, Aurora,” he finally said. “But it’s also a little frightening. We aren’t sure how strong these abilities are or what might happen to you if you use them.
Just as I was about to speak, a noise outside grabbed our focus. We hurried to the window and saw a rider coming in, his horse very tired and covered in sweat.
Xander went out to talk to him, and I went too, feeling worried. When the rider shared his message, I felt really scared and my face turned pale.
“Multiple pack territories are under attack,” Xander relayed, his voice grim. “”This is a planned attack, something we’ve never encountered before.”
As I realized how serious the situation was, I felt a sharp, intense pain in my hands. I glanced down and noticed the marks on my palms were shining, changing, and getting more complex.
“Xander,” I gasped, holding out my hands. “Look.”
He stared at the new marks, his expression a mix of awe and concern. “What do you think it means?”
I met his gaze, a strange calm settling over me despite the chaos erupting around us. “It means the real battle is about to begin. And we need to be ready.”
As the pack burst into frenzied preparation for war, I stood there, staring at my palms. The mark glowed with strength, reminding me of the future I was just starting to grasp.
When I tightened my hands, sensing the energy flowing within me, I silently promised myself. I would master this power, whatever the cost. For my pack, for Xander, for all the wolves fighting against the encroaching darkness.
The war was upon us, and I intended to be ready.