
Book:To Protect & Serve(erotica) Published:2025-2-8

Sebastian walked over, looking dynamite in a tuxedo. “We decided the two of you needed to go in separate limos, otherwise neither of you would show up without smearing your lipstick.”
Shamira rolled her eyes. “We CAN control ourselves,” she said.
“Yeah, but you don’t. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s charming. And kind of hot to watch.”
“You got that right,” Renata said. “It’s gonna suck when you two are halfway across the state,” she pouted, giving Shamira a hug. “You guys goin’ with her?” she asked of Kira and Arthur.
“Hell yeah,” Arthur responded. “A friend of mine is going to run the store up here and Shane’s promised to help me set up another one in Savannah. And Kira’s job can be done from anywhere.” He looked at Shamira. “We don’t want to give up the best thing that’s ever happened to us.”
Shamira felt an internal flush of pride. “I would have missed you guys too. By the way, I think I’m going to pick up more donors when I get there. This whole being-a-dragon thing tends to require more energy than just being a vampire.”
“We figured. When we put ourselves on the list to be donors, we always knew that it wasn’t supposed to be an exclusive relationship,” Kira said.
“Yeah, but I want to put you two in charge of finding them. I’ve got a lot on my plate, and I trust your judgment.”
Kira flushed with pride of her own. “You got it. We won’t disappoint you.”
“I doubt you could if you tried.” Shamira turned back to Renata. “I guess we’d better get going. Thanks a lot.”
“Okay. Have a great time at the party.”
The members of the House of Stapleton made their way out to one of the limos. Shamira saw Clara standing up in another vehicle, half of her appearing out of the moon roof. They smiled at each other until Shamira was shooed into the waiting transport. Shane had rented a lodge for a couple of nights, and the only non-House members that would be in attendance were the members of the Tribunal. Even their guards would remain outside.
They pulled up next to a number of other limos and fancy cars. Shane was sparing no expense on the evening’s festivities. Shamira was flanked as she walked inside, where a large well-lit room was waiting for her. It was like she had walked into a medieval hall, complete with heavy wooden tables and benches, and a large free-standing fire-pit in the center of the room. A raised area at the other end of the room sat five chairs. Shane was in one with Banshee at his side. Next to them were the Representative, the Alpha, and the Shepherd. Archimedes had decided to stay and look after the dragons.
“Welcome one and all,” Shane said when the doors closed behind the last entrant. “It seems so rare, after recent events, that we are able to come together and be a family. So since our family will be expanding and rearranging, I thought we might meet here tonight to not only celebrate recent victories but also to enjoy each others’ company as we have not been able to do for some time.”
Shamira’s eyes met Clara’s at that point, and there was a wicked twinkle to be seen there. ‘What’s she thinking now?’ she thought.
Shane indicated that he wanted Banshee to rise. “As you are all aware, Banshee will be taking over control of the Savannah territory with the assistance of some members of this house. This move has been blessed by the Tribunal and while it brings me great pride, it also saddens me. I will miss the constant presence, edge, and wisdom of my eldest child. Note that I intend to keep in regular contact with her, and I would encourage the rest of my house to do the same.” He smiled proudly at the assassin, who looked stern but competent. “Now before I say more, the Representative will speak on Tribunal matters.”
The Representative stood, ever the model of elegance. Of all those in the room, only Shane and Shamira had seen the side of her that was less poised . . . more depraved and common. “Thank you Lord Stapleton. It is the decision of the Tribunal, now that the threat of Lacroix and Jonas has been eliminated, that we shall move ahead with the process of outing ourselves to the world at large.”
“Your own housemate, Pierre, has told us of, and investigated, a small group inside the FBI and is associated with the Behavioral Sciences unit that is composed of agents that might be more willing to believe the fantastical world that they will be exposed to. A plan is already being put together to initiate first contact, and it is all because of the work that you have done and the example that you have set.”
“We thank Lord Stapleton for assembling such a talented group to pull this off, and we thank all of you for all that you have done.” She looked at Shamira. “And we would most like to thank Lady Shamira, for her courage, her wisdom, and her selflessness. She had helped bring peace to the region and wonder back to our lives, even those of us who thought we were beyond being surprised.” She gave a slight smile.
Shamira really wondered what was going on. Was there something on the agenda she did not know about?
Shane was about to make that perfectly clear. “And that brings us back to Shamira. Less than four months ago, she was a human police officer who had no idea that we creatures of magic and darkness even existed. The first time I met her, she put her life on the line for me, and I knew that the world would miss such a magnificent individual should her first death be her only death.”
“Since then, she has become the most powerful fledgling vampire in our history, saved many number of lives, survived unspeakable cruelty with tremendous courage, turned into a dragon,” he continued, letting a full warm smile break out, “and has been quite possibly the biggest pain in the ass of any employee that I have ever had.”
The crowd snickered and Shamira covered her face. She hadn’t been THAT bad.
“In a world of tradition, she arrived like a hurricane. In a culture of secrecy, she tread loudly.” His words seemed critical, but his voice was still fond. “And in the middle of it all, she taught us all a little something about bravery and honor. She also taught us, a household based on pleasures of the flesh, a few things on satisfying those carnal urges.”
Shamira’s eyes were growing wider. The look on Shane’s face was positively hungry now. She knew what he was going to do, namely mark fantasy number one off the list.
“It is my belief that her recent rise to power may have gone to her head. Tonight, we shall remind her of who she really is and where she belongs. Bring the serving tray.” Some of the other subs wheeled out a rolling platform, complete with a four-foot-by-four-foot hardwood deck and a set of five-foot metal bars sticking up from mid-way along the sides. The two vertical bars were connected at the top by another bar, effecting forming an upside-down “U”.
Shane came down of the dais with Banshee and Renata at his sides. “Tonight, you will do what you should have been doing all along . . . serving.” He nodded to his compatriots, who stepped forward and grabbed Shamira, hauling her “struggling” body to the platform and then shoving her down to her knees. There were holes in the platform at set intervals, and rope was run through these wholes and around Shamira’s legs, tying her securely around the knees and again at the ankles. Her wrists were raised above her head and tied to the metal bars on either side of her, and a chain was run from her caller to the bar over her head.
“You will serve anyone and everyone who wants you,” Shane continued smoothly, “and in whatever way they desire. Tonight, even your fellow submissives are above you.”
Shamira strained against the chains, careful not to break them but enough to show off the muscles in her arms and shoulders. She knew Shane liked watching her like this, the struggling captive. He was giving her to everyone in the household, numbering more than twenty. What about guests? Would the Alpha, the Shepherd, and the Representative be allowed to have a turn at her? That deep, dark, decadent part of her hoped so.
“Place her at the foot of the dais,” Shane instructed, “facing away from us.” The platform was moved, and Shamira found herself looking out upon the room, filled with hungry gazes and dishonorable intentions. This was not punishment for her, nor true humiliation. It was her fantasy, to be taken in a restaurant in such finery by anyone with an interest to do so, and Shane was making it a reality for her. This was not A reward, but rather THE reward.
“I have not seen a table-setting quite so fetching before,” the Shepherd said, his voice betraying a bit of his interest.
“She smells like she is in heat,” the Alpha added.
“She always does,” Shane agreed.
The feast began, and Shamira was left waiting. She saw people looking at her, all of them awaiting some sign from the lord for the games to begin. Then, Shane himself finished his meal.
“I find myself now in need of relief,” he said, striding down the stairs and approaching Shamira from the front. He unzipped himself. He was semi-rigid, having been in anticipation of this all evening. “Now let this little slut earn her keep.” He grabbed Shamira’s head and shoved it towards his cock, enjoying the sensation of her warm mouth as it entrapped his member. She went after it hungrily, almost desperately. She had him at full staff already, so he pulled out and slapped her in the face with his cock. “Don’t get greedy, slut.”
He stepped back and slapped her breasts through the thin fabric of her dress several times, then shoved his dick back into her mouth. In the brief moment of his absence, Shamira could see that her friends and housemates were staring at her, some with glee while others looked on with jealousy. The other submissives were wishing it was them in Shamira’s place, and she hoped they took it out on her.
She was glad that she and Shane had arrived at a truce, because he really was a spectacular male specimen, and he had a knack for just taking charge of her mouth and using it like a sex toy. He had glimpsed into her mind and saw her desires, and he had spared no expense in making them come true. His heat filled her throat and his balls were slapping against her chin as he shoved his way past what had once been a gag reflex, hammering her throat with abandon.