
Book:To Protect & Serve(erotica) Published:2025-2-8

Shamira’s mouth hung open temporarily. What DID she want? There were so many things from the carnal to the mundane that it was hard to decide. Then she looked at Clara, and that was all it took. She grinned.
An hour later, she and Clara were sitting on a sofa in one of the trailers watching the enormous HD television that Shane had acquired quickly and at great expense. There was a bowl of popcorn on the floor, a couple of beers, and the two women were watching a pay-per-view romance movie.
“A first date,” Clara chuckled, reiterating what Shamira had asked for.
“Well, it’s a little overdue, don’t you think?” the other woman said, feeling a little dorky. She was laying down on the sofa with her head in Clara’s lap, glad to have a quiet moment with a woman who meant so much to her. The baby dragon was asleep, while Kira and Arthur were having the time of their lives keeping an eye on the massive reptile as well as talking with the Lesser Dragons. Shane was doing business, the Representative was talking with the Tribunal members who were en route, Archimedes was making notes . . . everyone had found something to do that did not involve disturbing the two lovers in any way.
“Far too long,” Clara agreed. She stroked her girlfriend’s hair. “I did want to talk to you about this,” she continued. “I’ve never actually dated someone in the house before. Hell, I haven’t really dated anyone in fifty years.”
“Constant access to good ‘friends with benefits’ might have something to do with that,” Shamira replied happily.
“True, but this is different. It’s . . . well, more. I just want you to know that I’m likely to do some stuff wrong or say the wrong things, because it’s new to me. If things ever start to get uncomfortable for some reason, you can tell me, even if it means breaking character.”
“We do have kind of an unconventional relationship, don’t we? It’s okay,” Shamira replied. “It’s not like I have a great dating resume either. Hell, you’re the first person I’ve ever been with that I believe actually likes me.”
Clara could not imagine the foolishness of the men who had shared this woman’s bed in the past. They had treated her like an oddity, good for a quick fuck but not the sort of woman they introduce to their friends. Most of Clara’s friends wanted to fuck Shamira’s brains out. Hell, most of them already had and undoubtedly would again. Speaking of which . . . “You know, Shane’s putting you back on the market tomorrow.”
Shamira sat up quickly, her eyes wide. “Really?”
“Yep. Figures that you’re healthy, you’re intact, your mind is in a pretty good place right now, and . . . well, now we’ve found some dragon-sitters. He is personally planning on having his way with you as soon as the sun sets.”
Shamira felt a warm tingling in a very special and recently neglected part of her body. “Oh . . . my.”
Clara grinned. She could smell Shamira’s excitement. “Most everyone in the house is lining up for a crack at you.”
“What about –” Shamira started to say, then felt horribly vain. She wanted to know if Clara was going to dominate her again.
“Hmm, I have basically laid a special claim. I get every other turn with you. Since I would be remiss in making the other doms wait, that means that you’ll probably be getting fucked silly twice a day. Hope you’re ready for it.”
Shamira was very, very, very ready for it. Well, mostly. She still had one fear, and it showed on her face.
Clara looked concerned. “What’s the matter? I thought you’d be happy.”
“I am,” Shamira blurted, “but –” She felt a sympathetic twinge in her lower back. “I don’t think I can handle –”
Her companion’s eyes had shot open, and Clara interjected, “I’ll make sure people take it easy on your back. How about chains? Do you want to make sure those don’t get used?”
Shamira thought about it, her libido at odds with her fear. “No hanging me from the ceiling,” she compromised. “Just let me ease back into that sort of stuff. The rest is good.”
“I’ll make sure everyone knows,” Clara replied. “And even though we’ve told you this before, it is especially true now . . . say ‘no’ at any time. No one would blame you for a second if you just thought something was too much.” Clara forced her face to go from worried to wicked. “With a body like yours, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find something else to keep them entertained.”
Shamira really, really did not care about the movie anymore. “This body?” she asked, putting one of Clara’s hands on Shamira’s rock-hard abs.
Clara was feeling very, very hungry for something hard and lean. “You know, it’s not Sunday.”
Shamira nodded. Sunday was her safe day. That meant —
“So you really shouldn’t be speaking to me like an equal.” Clara rolled her lover off the couch and onto the floor. She swung her legs around and planted her feet on the floor. Her skirt rode up to the middle of her thighs, and she could both feel and smell her excitement brewing. When Shamira got back up to her hands and knees, she grabbed the woman by the hair. “You will always satisfy my needs first,” she growled, shoving Shamira’s head between Clara’s legs. “Don’t even pretend that you don’t know what you’re supposed to do.”
Shamira caught herself just before her tongue touched the silk panties that just barely covered Clara’s sex. “I do whatever my mistress tells me to do.”
Clara grinned. She had almost fooled Shamira into starting without explicit instructions of what to do, which would have meant “punishment.” But since the reward was the same as the punishment, she was a winner either way. “Good girl,” she replied. “Before you eat my cunt, lie across my lap. Shamira did as asked, and Clara quickly pushed those unflattering sweatpants down past her ass. She reached one hand under Shamira’s body and under the sports bra to grab a hard little nipple and gave it a squeeze while her other hand landed solidly on Shamira’s ass.
“You were paying attention,” Clara crooned. “I knew you took to training well. Well your mistress knows what her bitch likes.” Another slap and another nipple twist. She suddenly wished that she’d brought some toys with her, but she was nothing if not resourceful. Clara kept looking around while she spanked her lover, taking a quick inventory of everything she could use.
Shamira wanted this to go on forever. Every sensation was something that she never thought she’d feel again. Those slaps on her ass were amazing, sending bolts of electricity down her fully functioning legs. She was already so wet and her clit was so damn hard that she thought she might cum at any moment. And apparently Clara could sense it too.
“Oh no, little bitch, you don’t get off before I do. Stand up and take your clothes off, and remind me why I should bother with you.”
Shamira stood up and knew to keep eye contact as she stripped off her clothing, which was halfway gone already. Her dead heart had been coaxed to beat again, bringing a warmth and radiance to her skin. She stood as proud as she could, displaying her hard body for someone who actually appreciated it.
Clara wanted to ravish that body for days, but she knew she did not have time. She stood up, yanked Shamira’s head back, and pushed her hand between those muscular thighs. She held her pet fast, fingering her vigorously and making her obscenely wet. She stuck two fingers into that sweet slot, spreading them like a “V” as they stroked back and forth, up and down. “Put your hands behind you,” she barked. “And close your eyes.” She waited until she had been obeyed.
Then she raised her hand to Shamira’s mouth and forced the slick fingers past the woman’s lips. “One might think that you’re a horny little slut,” Clara purred, sucking on her girlfriend’s neck. “You’re already soaked, and I’ve barely even touched you. I was hoping for more of a challenge, but I guess I’ll have to settle for easy.” She slapped Shamira’s rump hard, then left her standing there.
Shamira listed as Clara improvised bondage gear. She heard a lot of clattering, some ripping, and a little bit of mumbled cursing. ‘All in a day’s work in the life of a domme,’ she thought. Her hands were tied behind her back with what felt like an electrical cord. Then she was made to lie on her back with her hands trapped behind her, and then her feet were tied to the legs of the couch, leaving her helpless and spread-eagled.
“Open your eyes,” Clara told her. Clara was standing over her, gloriously naked. “That’s how I remember you,” she cooed. “Only there’s something missing. Oh yes,” she added, the lowered herself to Shamira’s face, crouching over her slave’s face. She helped keep her balance by grabbing Shamira’s nipples and holding on tight. “Lick my cunt,” she said sternly. “Make me wetter than I made you.”
Shamira knew the only way THAT was going to happen was to make her mistress cum, and she was more than happy to oblige. She extended her tongue and tasted the woman, seeking the honey that was pooled in her core. She licked vigorously, whining when Clara moved her pussy out of reach. For her vocalization, she received a slap on the breast, then her nipple was re-gripped.
“You will be allowed to pleasure me when I let you,” Clara told her. What she did not say was that would be soon. Making Shamira wait could be fun, but they did not have much time, and Clara was insanely horny. She lowered herself back down, thanking the Goddess that she had good leg strength. Otherwise, this would really start to burn. For the moment, all she was getting was a tingling sensation, and that had nothing to do with her legs. ‘Damn, I taught her almost too well,’ she thought as Shamira’s tongue lashed at her clit. She rubbed her crotch against her lover’s mouth, trying to throw her off of her game, but Shamira just went with it.
The girl even remembered to tease Clara’s asshole the way that she liked, earning her rewarding nipple squeezes. Then she released the nubs and raked her fingernails over the taught flesh of those magnificent breasts. Tabitha had done a damn good job repairing them. But those abs, which she ran her fingers over next, had been sculpted by Shamira herself. Clara lowered herself all the way down, pinning Shamira’s head in place with her tongue and mouth on Clara’s sex.
Shamira did her best to please her mistress, but those finger and nails caressing every part of her upper body were making it damn hard to concentrate. But Clara had taught Shamira how to please a woman, specifically how to please Clara, and Shamira was bound and determined to do just that.
If she had seen Clara’s face, she would know just how pleased the woman was. Clara was so close to cumming that it was almost painful, and her clit felt like a little barb of iron every time it got teased. She had her favorite slave back . . . her girlfriend . . . right where they both wanted her to be, intact and amazing. Her climax and a sense of profound relief hit her at the same time, sliding through her body and making Shamira’s face wet with suppressed excitement. But Clara did not move until Shamira did it a second time, riding her face like an American-style saddle.