
Book:To Protect & Serve(erotica) Published:2025-2-8

“Let them play,” Clara told her, letting her breath slip down Shamira’s neck. “Feel it through them. Don’t worry about what-ifs. You can do this.”
“Are we interrupting something?” Kira asked, poking her head around the corner.
Shamira felt like she’d just been caught by her parents, or at least what she felt it would have been like. She’d never brought anyone home to meet them. “No, it’s okay. Why don’t you make yourselves comfortable?” She glanced over and saw love and approval from the woman holding her. “I’ll just watch for a bit.”
“Uhm . . . watch?” Arthur asked, emerging from the bathroom.
Clara pulled Shamira up close so that they were both lounging against the pillows, the injured vampire cradled in her lover’s embrace. “Yeah, watch,” Clara said, wiggling her eyebrows. Then she nibbled on Shamira’s ear, and got another pleasant moan and small whimper. The whimper bothered her, because it was not about pleasure. It was a frustrated noise, because the nibbling did not do everything it used to.
Kira looked at Clara. “Were you –”
“Nope, this is for you guys and Shamira here. I’m just here for the view.” She ran her hands down to Shamira’s brand new, fully repaired breasts, caressing them through the soft blouse she had gotten Shamira to wear. She had to push her lover’s hand away as Shamira instinctively tried to cover herself and the scars and disfigurements that were no longer there. “You’re beautiful,” she said under her breath so that only Shamira’s advanced hearing should hear it. But Kira looked up —
“See, when WE tell her that, she denies it,” Arthur said absently.
“You heard that?” Clara asked admiringly. “Nice hearing. Wonder where they got THAT from?” she murmured, licking Shamira’s neck. Shamira just eased into her friend, enjoying what sensations she could.
Arthur looked to be the more nervous of the two participants, glancing over at the two vampires even as he attempted to suavely undo the buttons of his shirt. But he got his mind back on the game when his attractive wife started kissing his chest. He even let out a little moan when she nipped his nipples with her teeth.
Shamira felt conflicting pangs in her own skin . . . jealousy and fear. Jealousy and the sexual sensations that these two were feeling, and fear . . . fear of the pain she had felt when the whip had bit her, ripping her apart. Then she knew that she needed this, to be reminded what it is like to be touched but not hurt. Or at least not hurt in any way that one did not ask for. She felt Clara’s arms hold tighter.
Arthur got into the game, holding his wife’s head against his bare flesh, letting her kiss his chest while he used his other hand to fumble with the zipper on her dress.
‘He’s looking good,’ Shamira thought. ‘Lost weight?’
Kira was kissing her way down Arthur’s more-toned-than-they-used-to-be abs. She unbuttoned his slacks with her teeth, but needed her fingers to work the slider. His manhood was straining against the soft fabric, popping anxiously into the air and Kira’s hand when his zipper slid down. She stroked him lovingly . . . familiarly. She had been doing this since they first met, and since the world of blood and vampires was just pretend.
She touched the tip of his cock with her tongue, stroking his shaft and teasing him with heated breath. Velvety skin slid between greedy lips, and she hummed a little tune that had Arthur in a pleasant enough mood. Her mouth stretched to accept the intruder, taking it until she gagged.
‘Not a problem I’ve had for a while,’ Shamira thought. She had no gag reflex anymore. Not for . . . three months? Was that all it had been since her life had been turned on its side? She felt Clara’s lips brush against her neck, her tongue making a tiny wet spot right where the neck curved into the shoulder. It helped Shamira to remember that not everything that had happened had been bad. Clara had been good. Hell, so had Sebastian and Henry and the rest and . . . Shane. He had gone through so much for Shamira, and she really had not treated him well. Maybe she could have —
“Eyes on the show,” Clara whispered warmly, her hands lightly running over Shamira’s breasts. The younger vampire’s nipples tingled and tightened. Some of her was still very much capable of enjoying being touched.
Spit was leaking out of the corners of Kira’s mouth as Arthur plunged his cock into her mouth. She was reaching around and grabbing his ass, pushing him further into her. He pulled out, allowing his wife to move his balls closer to her mouth so she could take them inside, rolling each against her tongue. Then she returned to the fleshy head, sucking on it hard until Arthur had to withdraw again before he climaxed in her mouth.
He grinned at his wife for her overzealous attempt, then lay back on the bed. Without even asking what he wanted, Kira slid out of her dress and the lay on top of him, face to groin, taking him into her mouth as his tongue dived into her cleft.
Clara felt her lover swallow out of reflex. She knew what Shamira was thinking . . . she could not feel what this couple was feeling. ‘You will,’ Clara promised, more to herself than to anyone else. ‘You’ll get better and this . . . this will be us again.’ She squeezed Shamira’s nipples through the top and was pleased to hear a soft groan.
Kira and Arthur was blissfully ignorant of their surroundings, consumed with lustful thoughts and sensations as they continued their sixty-nine. Shamira wondered if this was their normal modus operandi or if they were performing. Either way, they looked good together. Kira matched every flick of Arthur’s tongue against her pussy with a soft hum into the flesh of his cock. Their hands roamed over each others’ bodies, digging fingers and nails into flesh and leaving little traces of their tactile explorations. They knew which spots to touch that turned their partners on.
‘Like that spot on Clara just below the ear,’ she thought. She turned her head and placed a soft kiss on that spot, making her friend get a goofy grin. ‘Maybe someday I’ll be able to find the rest of those special places.’
Arthur was the first to break from the oral trade going on, though with some obvious reluctance. But when he spun his wife over onto her stomach and then pulled up on her hips. She smiled and put her elbows underneath her, letting her husband reach around and grab her small breasts as pushed into her from behind. They both started to grunt and groan almost instantly, giving their spectators the distinct notion that this was one of their preferred activities. He grabbed her hips harder and started to slam his way in; flesh resounding against flesh and titillating the vampires’ sense of hearing.
“Take me harder!” Kira hissed. Arthur slapped her playfully on the ass in response and plunged all the way in, driving a gasp from her lips. He upped his pace, and Kira pressed hard back against him, letting out pleasurable little grunts each time.
Clara’s hands found their way under Shamira’s blouse, massaging those full breasts and tracing the nipples. “Is this okay?” she asked softly. The last thing she wanted was to make her lover uncomfortable. Could she handle the foreplay without freaking out that the main event was (temporarily) unavailable to her?
Shamira was thinking the same thing, but her mind could not deny that her body was enjoying the attention. She just lay her head against Clara’s neck and nodded, her eyes glued to Arthur pounding his wife. “I’m okay,” she replied. ‘Maybe I should go down on her later,’ she pondered.
She knew that Clara had not been with anyone since before Shamira was hurt, and the Native American was certainly not used to going without. Whatever their relationship was, monogamy was not a real option regardless, but Clara would probably abstain out of guilt. Shamira could not allow that, so showing the veteran vampire that Shamira would play as much as she could . . . well, it might help move other things along.
“Clara, did you want me to –” she began.
“Shh,” Clara interrupted. “Didn’t your mama tell you not to talk during the movie?” She grinned. “We’ll have time for us later.” With that, she tweaked Shamira’s nipples hard, demonstrating for both of them that at least some of the pleasure receptors in Shamira’s brain were working just fine.
Shamira’s mind was back in the game. “Kira . . . come here. Please?”
Kira looked confused, but crawled away from Arthur towards her vampire mistress. Shamira pulled her close and cradled her like she was being cradled by Clara. Kira was held from behind with Shamira looking over her shoulder. “Arthur, why don’t you join us?” she asked.
Clara was so proud of her friend. She was showing signs of life again. They both watched as Arthur crawled forward, easing his member back into his wife’s sex after sharing a loving kiss. He could basically make contact with any of three attractive women, but his eyes always were drawn back to Kira.
It was Kira who realized just how close her neck was to Shamira’s mouth, and she understood what the vampire had in mind. She wrapped her legs around him while simultaneously flipping her head to one side and exposing the length of her neck. Arthur pressed his body against Kira and thrust with his hips. When he had penetrated as far as he could, Shamira sank her fangs into the woman’s neck.
Every thrust by Arthur sent a pulse through Kira’s body, and it made her blood sing in her veins. This was what Shamira experienced she drank the human woman’s life essence. She was fucking this woman’s neck with her fangs, taking her juices, and they were both enjoying it. The pulsing of liquid life through her fangs had a rhythm that nothing else in the world could match and only vampires could hear.
Kira climaxed quickly, loudly, and repeatedly, and the reverberations could be felt in Shamira’s psyche. The human woman was breathing heavily and some breaths escaped as whining gasps. Watching her skin pimple up was an added treat.
Shamira felt the echo of the orgasms. It was not the same as feeling it truly rushing through her own body, but it was something. For a broken vampire, “something” was a hell of a lot more than “nothing.”
Out of habit, Kira shifted her body so that, with some effort, Shamira could shift in the other direction and reach Arthur’s neck. The second her fangs penetrated him, he erupted inside his wife’s sex with so much force it almost hurt. He was leaving deposits of his life essence inside two beautiful women . . . and to think his high school guidance counselor said he would never amount to anything.