“Now, I want you to eat me like you ate Shamira,” Clara said, her eyes glowing with anticipation.
It took Renata a second to think of what the girl was talking about, then grinned. “Yes, Mistress Clara.” She concentrated, pulling the spirit of the jaguar into her and letting it shape her bones and muscle. Golden-yellow and black fur crept up through her skin and the teeth . . . oh what beautiful teeth. Shortly, there was an enormous jaguar lying in bed. Before she could even get to business, she felt Shamira pressing her face to Renata’s side.
“So beautiful,” Shamira muttered, listening to the heartbeat and feeling the breathing.
“Yes, but kitty has something else she should be doing,” Clara growled impatiently.
Renata lowered her head submissively, then extended that powerful tongue and flicked Clara’s sex, and the recipient had to bite her bottom lip to stop from crying out. The jaguar had to be careful, as when used too roughly her tongue could actually rip skin off. That would be bad, not to mention really gross. She started to rumble a bit as Shamira stroke her coat while she gave Clara a tongue bath. It didn’t take long before a long, slow lick sent her Mistress over the edge into a screaming orgasm, and Renata lapped up every drop of her reward.
“That didn’t suck,” Clara murmured happily. “Human form please,” she said. Her tone indicated that playtime was over, so Renata shifted back. The three women collapsed into a heap on the bed, each enjoying the soft touches and caresses of the others. Then Clara noticed Shamira looking at the clock.
“You want to move the snuggle fest to the lounge so we can watch football, don’t you?”
“If you wouldn’t mind,” Shamira said a bit eagerly.
Renata laughed. “Well, I’m going to go talk to Shane about putting up some new sensors. I’ll join up with you gals in a bit.” She grinned. “Finally I got to play with Shamira! I figured I couldn’t separate you two, so getting between you would work.”
“You make it sound like I’m hogging her,” Clara said.
“Like the covers on a cold night, babe.”
Clara tried to look indignant, but she wound up sighing happily as Shamira threw on a pair of boy-short panties and matching black Underarmour shirt that strained to contain those large breasts while emphasizing her muscular body. “Hmm . . . yummy.” She jumped up, threw on a g-string and a half shirt, then went to catch up on football.
———— ——————-
Two nights later . . .
———— ——————-
Shamira was wondering if she’d ever NOT be nervous again. Okay, maybe having been turned into a creature she hadn’t known existed was grounds to be edgy, and maybe being forced to acknowledge her own hidden desires for lots and lots of deviant, mind-blowing, generally submissive sex when she was used to passionless interactions was a bit much to handle. Yet she had gotten through it. She had accepted that she was quite the slut in training, and she liked the way it made her feel. She also accepted that she had a major thing for her best friend, who just happened to be another female vampire.
And when she and other members of her house had retrieved Tabitha Grunholdt from the grave Shamira had put her in, that had alleviated a lot of stress. Tabitha had actually managed to be buried with a book-light and a copy of Stephen King’s “Salem’s Lot,” and was completely calm when she was brought out of her coffin and met the world as a member of the undead community. Hell, Tabitha had to help assure Shamira that everything was fine. Shamira had been doing the vampiric equivalent of hyperventilating.
Now, she was freaked out because she was just hours away from meeting her first donors. These were people who were giving one of the greatest gifts one could give to a vampire, and Shamira would be honor-bound to protect them and look over them. Arthur and Kira Blanks . . . nice innocuous names for a geeky comic-book store owner and his wife, who in turn did tech support for a major financial firm. They had both been avid vampire enthusiasts before they even got confirmation that the creatures of the night existed. They had been in a Vampire the Masquerade live-action group, and did all the vampire parties. It’d been love at first sight for both of them, and then lust at first bite.
Then, one party had changed everything for them. They’d gone to a party where blood was shared in preparation for a sexual “unleashing.” Problem was that the whole party had been set up by a rouge vamp who was looking for some tidbits for him and his friends. This vamp hadn’t done the proper prep work, including health screenings. Both Arthur and Kira had contracted HIV that night. They weren’t supposed to live through the evening anyway, but Shane’s enforcers had heard about the party and broke it up with tremendous fervor. A few party goers had been drained while others were so stoned out of their minds that they didn’t know what was going on.
Bjorne had been one of the enforcers, and he had sat down with these two survivors. They understood about magical creatures now. They promised not to tell, and Bjorne trusted them. They didn’t complain when they realized they’d been had. They didn’t even complain when the blood tests came back positive. They had discovered true vampires just a little too late.
She finally had to move on to something else. She’d spent the day working on the morning star problem, putting numbers and rough dates of disappearances down in a spreadsheet as well as putting markers on Google Earth. They’d gotten a few responses from out of state, but most of the faerie disappearances were occurring right there in Georgia. There was an entire colony down in Macon that hadn’t reported in, which surprised those in the colony of Nature’s Glory. Relations between the two groups had always been amicable.
“Huh,” she grunted to herself. “Looks like most of the disappearances are from the southeastern part of the state.” She started hiding the more recent ones, and it definitely looked like . . . “Savannah?” It definitely appeared that the first several disappearances over the last year were from that area. “Lacroix’s territory,” she murmured.
“What about Lacroix?” came a voice behind her. It made her jump a little, and she turned her head to look at Sebastian who had . . . “I did NOT sneak up on you!” he chuckled. “You’re just kind of absorbed. May I sit?”
Shamira nodded. She was being foolish for being afraid of him. He wasn’t a spider right now; in fact, he was very much a handsome man. And her spider-therapy with Banshee had gone well the last couple of days. She had even gotten within a foot of the glass holding most of her specimens.
“So you were saying something about Lacroix? I’ve been trying to catch up on him and I must say, he’s a royal ass.”
“He’s an arrogant ass at that,” Shamira said, her skin tingling just a little bit. There was a time that a guy who looked as good as Sebastian never would’ve notice her, much less asked her advice on anything except exercises on developing hamstrings. “It’s just that some of these faerie disappearances happened in his territory. Some of the early ones anyway. It’s going to be hard to go down there and investigate seeing as he probably won’t cooperate.”
“Think he could be involved?”
“I don’t know. I can’t imagine a vampire participating this, not after that one guy that Henry told me about. The one that created his own vamps and then drained them? It’d be suicide for him, not a way to get more territory.”
“True. He’s on thin ice with the Tribunal as it is. Still, it’s something to put in the ‘consider’ column.”
“How’d you know I had a ‘consider’ column?” she asked. She didn’t think she’d put the spreadsheet on the server yet.
Sebastian just grinned. “I was guessing. You actually even named it ‘consider’?”
Shamira couldn’t think of anything to say, so she stuck her tongue out at him.
He laughed, and it was a good, sexy, warm-the-cockles-of-your-heart laugh. “You’re an analyzer, that’s for sure.” He looked her over. “Going out this evening?” he said appreciatively. Shamira was dressed in her tight black-leather pants, a leather vest that laced up the front with a gap to expose cleavage, a bare midriff, and of course her hat. “What does the hat read?” he asked, staring at the main concho. He read when she handed it to him. “Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical.” He smiled. “Sounds like a cop thing.”
“Clara gave it to me. It fits nicely,” she added, pulling it over her head.
“It certainly does,” he murmured, leaning back and giving her a very meaningful look. “You know, you seem to be more comfortable with me, and since your day off was two days ago –”
“She has today off too,” Clara said smugly from the doorway She saw that Shamira was beginning to have a panicked look, so she figured she’d shown up just in time. “She’s meeting her first donors tonight.”
“And I thought she’d gotten dressed up for me,” Sebastian replied, feigning indignation and disappointment. Well, maybe the disappointment wasn’t feigned.
“Darling,” Clara said with an outrageously bad My Fair Lady accent, “if I were you, I’d be more interested in her dressing down for me than up.” She offered her hand to Shamira.
‘Besides,’ Shamira thought, ‘she’s the only one I want to dress up for. Thank goodness she can’t read minds.’
At that moment, Clara kissed her on the lips. “Ready to go?” She waited for her lover to nod, then smiled sweetly at Sebastian. “She’ll be ready for you soon,” she promised.
“I will?” Shamira asked.
“Got to give the man some hope,” Clara said, leading her out to the garage. “By the way, when did I become your secretary? I’m setting up your appointments, fending off the boys –”
“Oh what-EVER would I do without you?” Shamira replied.
“Have you thought about how you’re going to do this?”
“Just get to know them and then . . . well, we’ll see what happens. Not much of a plan yet.” Shamira grinned. “Sebastian is playing easy to get isn’t he?”
“I think the two of you are just a little therapy away from good sex. Hell, I’d pay to see it.”
“We could make another video.” Shamira covered her face. “Tell me I didn’t just say that.”
Clara grinned. “Please! Henry told me that you got off on being watched when you got gangbanged, and I’m willing to bet you’re glad I recorded our first session. You’re a harlot, an exhibitionist, a submissive –” Clara paused, letting the affection show in her voice. “And you’re still a proud, honorable, sweet woman. Well, sweet vampire.”
“I . . . I like you too,” Shamira replied. Clara’s synopsis had been flattering and, to her, touching. She got in the driver’s seat of a Corvette Stingray and settled in. She was still trying to find a favorite car. “Hey, did you want to go to a movie or something . . . later . . . this week?”
Clara looked perplexed. “Sure. I’m not sure . . . wait, are you actually asking me out? Like an actual date?”
Shamira revved the engine. “Yeah. I just thought . . . based on the conversation on Sunday that . . . never mind. I guess it’s kind of dorky –”
“Not at all,” Clara whispered, leaning over and kissing Shamira on the cheek. “I said you were special and I meant it. I just wasn’t sure you’d actually ask. Considering I’ve already fisted you, a ‘first date’ seems kind of sweet by comparison.”
Shamira laughed. “Well, if you put it that way –”
“No, you asked. You’ve got until Friday night to think of what you want to watch. And I expect you to go Dutch.”
“Cheap bitch.”
“I may be cheap, but you’re easy,” Clara said, sliding her hand in between Shamira’s thighs and rubbing her mound through the leather.
“Stop that or we’re going to be late.”
Clara smiled. “Can’t have that now can we.”